River Spoiler Page

The first book of A Starless Clan (Arc 8) will be called River! Chat away with your theories and predictions!

Blurb of River:
A dark age has given way to an era of peace in the five warrior Clans, and with it comes a promise of hope. As their leaders deliberate on unprecedented changes to the warrior code, three young warriors set their paws on the paths that will decide their futures.
In ThunderClan, warrior apprentice Flamepaw, a descendant of the legendary leader Firestar, struggles under the weight of his famous kin’s legacy, while young ShadowClan warrior Sunbeam has doubts of her own. But in RiverClan, medicine cat apprentice Frostpaw looks eagerly toward the horizon, awaiting the day she will be called upon to help her Clan—a day that may dawn sooner than she ever dreamed.

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  • Hey, Kate, has there ever been some plans that have been scrapped away for different plans for the books? If so, what was your favorite one?

  • Not really about River, but I hope there’ll be a mass death-thing soon, there are way too many cats, if I remember correctly Thunderclan alone has around 50 cats. I just think there’s time for some death, and Squirrelflight, Whitewing, Thornclaw and Birchfall should probably retire :O

  • There is a poll on the official website to vote for the next Super edition, check it out!
    I must say, I am a bit disappointed by the choices: Riverclan seems to be the new favorite…. they recently had a novel, a graphic novel, the most recent super edition and will have a POV in the new arc.
    I was actually hoping for a Windclan super edition! They are as neglected as Riverclan was, if not more. I really would like to know about Onestar – why did he turn out to be such a terrible leader; or learn more about Harestar – he is leader and we do know nothing about him (unless he dies soon, which would be great to make space for Crowstar 😉 ); or I would be really keen on a story about Heathertail.
    If not Windclan, I would love a super edition from Brook’s perspective – it would be brilliant to learn more about the tribe from her point of view and how they see the clans. Maybe even a combined Stormfur/Brook perspective.
    But ho hum, will have to wait some more for this I guess.

    • Riverclan is still the most neglected. The last POV (mistystars omen) takes place early omen of the stars and that is it. LO, CP, and ASIR all take place before the SECOND arc. We need MODERN development, not flashbacks.

  • Hey Kate, so I’ve noticed how much the fandom love the idea of an Ivypool or Riverstar super edition, if one of them wins, would you guys still write a super edition for whoever loses in the future eventually?

    • Good question. We may keep offering the losers in polls until they win but, without reader support, they’re unlikely to get their own SE

    Frostpaw or Sunbeam will be fan favorites
    Frostpaw will fall in love
    Bristleroot will have kits and cause drama
    A leader will die. Definitely Mistystar in the first or second book, Leafstar is old, Bramblestar is old, and maybe harestar.
    The books will be titled River, Wind, Shadow, Sky, Thunder, and Star. Not in that order, but ending in star(theory from moonkitti) Also, the leaders will die in books named after their clans
    Background characters die. https://youtu.be/a1rZ9kV13wM
    There will be a villain(I don’t want this arc to have a villain but if it does I want them to be female)
    Tell me your theories and thoughts below!

    • Those are some cool theories, honestly I’ve gotten some random hype for the arc. Here are some of my own theories:

      -The villain will be Frostpaw’s best friend Whistlepaw who became apprenticed to Kestrelflight around the time Frostpaw was apprenticed to Mothwing.
      -Flamepaw will have a crush on Whistlepaw
      -Bramblestar will have died at the end of ALItM saving Flamepaw, Ivypool will be made leader.
      – Bristlefrost, Rootspring, and Shadowsight have died after killing the impostor
      – Ivypool and Dovewing’s relationship will be better after they both mourn the loss of their kits
      – Flamepaw is burdened by guilt because of Bramblestars sacrifice, he learns to move on eventually with the help of his best buds Frostpaw and Sunbeam.
      – Flamepaw is a bit of a pushover and perfectionist, yet he always seems to get into trouble when Frostpaw and Sunbeam are around
      – Frostpaw likes to tease Flamepaw and is generally a little childish, yet when she is training with mothwing she tries to be a bit more mature
      – Sunbeam tries to take after his sister needletail, yet she’s less reckless and a little more kind. She’s more mature than the other POV’s and keeps the team together
      – Harestar or Mistystar will be mysteriously killed, causing concern

      • I don’t think that the POVs for river will have anything to do with A light in the mist, but good theories!

        • Thxs! And yeah, I do have some hopes for the arc though. It be cool if we got some characterization of the cats before River

  • Hi Kate! While writing your book this arc, do you feel as if you’re really expanding RiverClan and their relationship with different Clanmates, their culture, their routines, their techniques, etc?

  • Kate, I’ve been thinking about a few cats whose mentors we don’t know and I have some ideas!
    For Molepaw (Sorreltail’s kit) we never know who his mentor is. Through process of elimination, the only cats without apprentices would be his parents, Brackenfur and Sorreltail, Ashfur (after Birchfall became a warrior), and Rainwhisker. I love to think it was Rainwhisker. We know they both died between series, but I think it would have been nice for Sorreltail’s brother to mentor her son. He makes the most sense over Ashfur since he had just finished mentoring Birchfall, and Rainwhisker hadn’t had one yet.
    The other one is Mistystar. We know from Secrets of the Clans that Crookedstar mentored Stonefur. I think it would make sense for Willowbreeze to be Mistystar’s mentor. Crookedstar mentored his brother’s kit, and Willowbreeze could have mentored her sister’s “kit.” Plus Crookedstar probably would’ve liked being a mentor with his mate.