The first book of A Starless Clan (Arc 8) will be called River! Chat away with your theories and predictions!

Blurb of River:
A dark age has given way to an era of peace in the five warrior Clans, and with it comes a promise of hope. As their leaders deliberate on unprecedented changes to the warrior code, three young warriors set their paws on the paths that will decide their futures.
In ThunderClan, warrior apprentice Flamepaw, a descendant of the legendary leader Firestar, struggles under the weight of his famous kin’s legacy, while young ShadowClan warrior Sunbeam has doubts of her own. But in RiverClan, medicine cat apprentice Frostpaw looks eagerly toward the horizon, awaiting the day she will be called upon to help her Clan—a day that may dawn sooner than she ever dreamed.
Mistpaw’s description is so pretty!! 😀 I love torbies! <3
This is how I imagine my beautiful child looking: (yes, Mistpaw is my precious child now 😉 I love her)
I think with her tortoiseshell fur a good warrior name for her would be Mistmorning! 😀 Since she most likely has ginger patches that could look like the light of sunrise shining through the mist.
Ooh,Mistmorning would be a cool name
Also I see that Thornclaw is finally in the elder’s den, I wonder what convinced him to finally join? Apparently Snowbird still hasn’t retired despite being a warrior far longer than Thornclaw (she’s Ratscar’s littermate, and he was a warrior by the time of Tigerclaw’s Fury AND he already retired and died)
Poor Thornclaw has to give up patrols 🙁
Frostpaw’s littermates are so sweet and supportive! 😍
I’m super thrilled that she seems to have a close relationship with them! 😀 Hopefully they’ll have more cute interactions!
You know how the arc is titled, “A Starless Clan”? Maybe that’s because…. It’s referring to the good cats in the Void like Bristlefrost and Spottedleaf!!
It could technically be a potential other Clan that the living Clans and StarClan are only just now beginning to come in contact with. Remember how Darktail and his rogues came into the Dark Forest to help Ashfur? They weren’t Clan cats, and maybe their ghosts died… and went to the void and Ashfur figured out how to get them out of there!
I could be wrong, but think: Bristlefrost and all those other cats that were killed could still be reachable.
Like Rootspring said at the end of ALitM, as long as they’re remembered, they’ll be in your heart. Maybe the Void is like a mash-up of evil and good cats, just hanging around. Maybe it’s like a third place to go when you’re dead and your ghost dies, hypothetically. Maybe they’re only just figuring it out, or something.
So maybe the cats in the Void is what “A Starless Clan” means! I’m probably wrong, but I just needed to share my theories with someone other than my mom who doesn’t understand a word I’m saying lol!
Sorry, I don’t agree with you at all. They are definitely not bring ashfur back. A starless clan probably means that leaders (stars) will die.
If they brought Tigerstar 1 back too… *flushed emoji*
Oh I wish I want bristlefrost and snowtuft back! Also awile back I was reading a fan fiction called the dark realm it’s kinda like you theory even having frostpaw the only cat they can somun to get the heck out of there!
BUT DONT FORGET if Bristlefrost can come back, then the rest can too…
they’d have to undo all the hard work of Omen of the Stars…
I think Sunbeam’s my favorite PoV character so far <3 Flamepaw's very close behind, though.
And OH MY STARCLAN I almost cried when I saw Spotfur's kits' names 😭 R.I.P Stemleaf, Graystripe, and Bristlefrost
When you realize that Lilyheart is Flamepaws grandma, first cousin twice removed, second cousin once removed, second cousin twice removed, and fifth cousin once removed.
I think that’s the real reason they’re allowing Clan-switching—there are no more mates for anyone anywhere
It feels a bit odd knowing barely anything about my new favorite character’s personality 😛 but here are some things I already love about Mistpaw! 😀
-I’ve.. definitely always loved the ‘Mist’ prefix- that’s how I first chose her.
-I’ve written an article about her way before the book was even written- that’ll be super special one day.
-She’s the protagonist’s sister, which is a great story role because it often means the role of being a playmate and emotional support, and those always make for a likable character.
-From her tiny appearance in the excerpt she seems encouraging and supportive.
-Torbies are so pretty, and as far as I know she’s one of the only canon characters with that pattern.
-My design for her is soo relaxing to color in.
-Considering that I’ve liked her since before any of us knew her I’m likely her first fan, which is really cool.
-Really just the time I’ve spent wondering and theorizing about this cat will be so special to look back on one day after I’ve read about her.
I can’t wait to read River so I can discover some actual personality-based reasons to like this kitty! 😀
Hey, Emberdawn – do you think we’ll learn anything more about your character and her mate, Silverhawk? I also would like to know who this mysterious son is
I don’t know! I sure hope so 😀 I would love to make more cameos in the series! A shame that I don’t have any power within the Erins, because I would love to see a Silverhawk novella solely to get more info on one of my incarnations 😛
A Silverhawk novella would be cool though
I finished River last night. Wow, what a wild book! I think my favorite character has to be Flamepaw, or well, Nightheart. His story arc was so interesting, what with him not wanting to be a part of the legendary Firestar’s legacy. My favorite scene in the book was his warrior ceremony. Before he even objects, you can just tell he’s ticked off. I love that he objects to being called “Flamheart” and Bramblestar compromises by calling him “Nightheart”. It’s a good name, and suits him more than “Flame” ever did. Bramblestar having PTSD is interesting, and I think he will step down in this arc. Frostpaw is in second place, although I didn’t care for her character as much as the plot going on in RiverClan. I hope she gets more interesting. Sunbeam is dead last, I don’t find her very interesting at all. I would have preferred a SkyClan POV over a ShadowClan one. The plot is more interesting than the characters to me. RiverClan’s tragedies sure were something. I have two theories: Frostpaw can only predict death (Jayclaw and Curlfeather) and it’s called “A Starless Clan” because RiverClan is without a leader for a bit as well as they end up shunning StarClan because of the disastrous events that keep befalling them. One of my crack theories is that Frostpaw ends up as RiverClan’s leader by the end haha. This book was rather short but the plot was super exciting. Sky should be good, can’t wait. I can’t wait to see how the rest of the arc unfolds!
My Mistpaw design:
She’s so fun to draw!! 😀 All the stripes and markings take a looong time, but working on them is super satisfying.
From the only scene she’s had so far in the excerpt she seems enthusiastic and cheerful, so her pose and expression is one of excitement.
I gave her a flower behind her ear with dewdrops in its petals to represent “mist.” 💙
i got river early so ask me stuff if yall want to i guess
Is Finchpaw the villain? (Don’t go into detail, just yes or no)
Does Flamepaw leave ThunderClan?
Oh well, maybe next book he will leave ThunderClan behind
Since I’ve been dying of curiosity about her, how would you describe Mistpaw in one word?
idk how to describe her in one word, but she isnt a major character and acts like a ‘normal’ littermate to frostpaw
Are the new kits cute?
I don’t want spoilers but I just have to know thissure
Ok asking this-why is Pouncestep/Lightleap (i forget which one lol) getting reckless?
Lightleap feels like she has something to prove to herself/others because she’s upset she wasn’t able to travel into the Dark Forest
it’s lightleap being reckless and it’s because she chickened out instead of entering the dark forest and she wants to prove her bravery
My bookstore released it early. (Not spoilers?)
I think Viperfrost will be the villain of this arc
I agree
Me 3!