The first book of A Starless Clan (Arc 8) will be called River! Chat away with your theories and predictions!

Blurb of River:
A dark age has given way to an era of peace in the five warrior Clans, and with it comes a promise of hope. As their leaders deliberate on unprecedented changes to the warrior code, three young warriors set their paws on the paths that will decide their futures.
In ThunderClan, warrior apprentice Flamepaw, a descendant of the legendary leader Firestar, struggles under the weight of his famous kin’s legacy, while young ShadowClan warrior Sunbeam has doubts of her own. But in RiverClan, medicine cat apprentice Frostpaw looks eagerly toward the horizon, awaiting the day she will be called upon to help her Clan—a day that may dawn sooner than she ever dreamed.
I’ve gotta say I’m a bit surprised about Sunbeam being a main character. She hasn’t even said anything yet. But it’s going to be interesting, I’m sure, because she’s Needletail’s little sister and both of her parents ran away during Darktail’s reign, which probably doesn’t make her very popular among her Clanmates. Same with Flamepaw. He’s a very minor background character, and now he has a pov. But I am VERY VERY VERY excited about Frostpaw’s pov, as you can clearly see😉
EDIT: forgot to add I’m very surprised that Spotfur’s kits aren’t going to be protagonists
im also surprised!
and YES i definitely thought a spotstem kit would be a protag??
HOWEVER this makes me think that since there’s no bristleroot protag, maybe they’ll actually STAY APART
I have doubts about this (The no BristlexRoot) for a few reasons. Though most protagonists do follow in the footsteps of their parents, Lionblaze? There are a few who don’t live on in their kits. Also, a LOT, and I mean a LOT of people love BristlexRoot, and a lot of books means a lot of money is needed, and that comes from the people who love BristlexRoot reading the books. Oof. Character Max.
The THIRD reason is Bristlefrost’s emotions as they are described in the place of no stars, hun, your not really going to give up so easily? Are you? FOURTH AND FINAL REASON: What one of The Sisters told Rootspring, something was mentioned, Sunrise or somecat I believe told Rootspring: Quote “Don’t let her go-” These are just opinions, wonder what it will be!
I’m honestly thinking maybe Spotfur will produce our next villain? Unlikely, BUT the Sisters said that her kits would be “special.” Well was that special in a good or a bad way? Hmm something to think about. I just don’t see the point of her having kits if the kits just become background characters. (See this is what happens when I start theorizing when I’m tired.)
man! i need to catch up! im only on long shadows!!!!!
what do ya’ll think will happen?!
what is this.
oh yay
oh yay
oh yay in deeeed
Guesss for Flamepaw and Frostpaw’s warriors name?
I was thinking Flameriver and Frostwillow (Named after willowshine)
those are SO pretty i love them
Thank you!
YES, I got a feeling that frostpaw will be my favourite protag
I know, right! but why is there like always a medicine cat protag in every arc
Uh-oh, I see Mistystar (I think)
ya thats her in front!
I guess that means she survives
I wonder if each book will be a clan:
Book 1: River
Book 2: Wind
Book 3: Sky
Book 4: Thunder
Book 5: Shadow
Book 6: Star
That be really cool!
I can’t wait to see all the covers aswell
I agree
Why they named it “River” I have no idea
if its not riverclan-centric im going to flip a table
my best guess is that since its focused on the clans without starclan or something, each book is named after a clan? so like river, thunder, sky, wind, shadow, and ig the sixth would be star
So Flamepaw, Sparkpelt’s kit is the ThC PoV?
River? 😛
This is when you can tell, they’ve run out of names for books…
on the contrary, i am glad they’re finally shortening some titles instead of typing out “The Broken Code: The Place of No Stars” and other similar things XD
Still, seems kind of bland compared to stuff like Omen Of The Stars: The Fourth Apprentice, or A Vision of Shadows: Shattered Sky.
I hafta read TbC over the summer just to be caught up 😛 but we get RiverClan pov, that’s an exciting change!! <3
You think that with the code being all messed up now, cats will freely travel into other clan territories?