The first book of A Starless Clan (Arc 8) will be called River! Chat away with your theories and predictions!

Blurb of River:
A dark age has given way to an era of peace in the five warrior Clans, and with it comes a promise of hope. As their leaders deliberate on unprecedented changes to the warrior code, three young warriors set their paws on the paths that will decide their futures.
In ThunderClan, warrior apprentice Flamepaw, a descendant of the legendary leader Firestar, struggles under the weight of his famous kin’s legacy, while young ShadowClan warrior Sunbeam has doubts of her own. But in RiverClan, medicine cat apprentice Frostpaw looks eagerly toward the horizon, awaiting the day she will be called upon to help her Clan—a day that may dawn sooner than she ever dreamed.
What are some theories as to why mistystar is at the front of the book?
Do you think they’ll do another leader for each book?
well its called river
who’s on the cover?it kinda looks like mistystar, or maybe one of the POV characters?
The cat on the front is Mistystar. The cat on the right is Sunbeam. The cat on the left is Flamepaw. The cat on the far left is Frostpaw.
ah ok! thanks!
there was something on reddit that its gonna focus on gettin starclan back but idk bc im still only on the 3rd book of TBC
I hope it has something to do with cats fading, like maybe we’ll get introduced to a higher powerr than starclan.
dont worry you’re super early, i just changed it today! 😉
I’m really happy that there’s going to be a RiverClan protagonist! And I don’t know if this was intentional by the authors or not, but I noticed that each of the new (hopefully) main characters have a prefix same as a passed cat from a different Clan- Frostpaw and Frostfur, Flamepaw and Flametail, and Sunbeam and Sunstar
Ok ok theory time people!
Mistystar will die in River and something happens where Reedwhisker is out of the picture either in ALitM or off screen, leaving RiverClan without a leader. Since Mothwing doesn’t believe in StarClan, Frostpaw must find RiverClan’s next leader.
Oh and because it’s Warriors, Frost X Flame will be a thing and will be a carbon copy of Bristle X Root.
tbh i might like frost x flame if it happens since i like forbidden romances
I’m not all caught up yet, but I really love the cover art so far! Having a new series also feels kind of satisfying, if you know what I mean. This reminds me more of the older books, actually, though I can’t place it.
Honestly, it kind of sounds like there might be another forbidden romance.
Wow… we’ll finally get a RiverClan POV!
Does the arc title mean that StarClan won’t come back? OOOOH
Also, the book’s title is interestingly short compared to some of the others, which are usually two or more words long?
I wonder why the series is called “A Starless Clan”
only one clan is starless, the stars just decided to wander away from that particular territory for a bit
Yay, I can’t wait. I wanted Frostkit to be a more major character (don’t ask me why because I’m not sure), so I’m glad to see that she has become one of the POVs for next series. I hope that means we also get a father for her and her littermates.
I’m still surprised about Sunbeam because of how unexpected it was. It will be nice to see more of her.