The first book of A Starless Clan (Arc 8) will be called River! Chat away with your theories and predictions!

Blurb of River:
A dark age has given way to an era of peace in the five warrior Clans, and with it comes a promise of hope. As their leaders deliberate on unprecedented changes to the warrior code, three young warriors set their paws on the paths that will decide their futures.
In ThunderClan, warrior apprentice Flamepaw, a descendant of the legendary leader Firestar, struggles under the weight of his famous kin’s legacy, while young ShadowClan warrior Sunbeam has doubts of her own. But in RiverClan, medicine cat apprentice Frostpaw looks eagerly toward the horizon, awaiting the day she will be called upon to help her Clan—a day that may dawn sooner than she ever dreamed.
Sooooo… the protagonists are gonna be:
Flamepaw from ThunderClan
Sunbeam from ShadowClan
Frostpaw from RIVERCLAN
YESSS! WE ARE GETTING A RIVERCLAN PERSPECTIVE. But I’m also kinda worried. I don’t understand why Mistystar is on the cover. She is almost 17 years, and honestly, I hope she won’t die, because I love having an ancient cat in the books. Does she have any big role to play in this book? Also… THE TITLE. It’s literally says “River”. I feel like something is gonna happen to RiverClan or something. And who is gonna be the antagonist? Is Sol coming back? Or Sleekwhisker? Or we get an evil Breezepelt? Or we’re getting a whole new antagonist. Or a random one.
I feel like the “starless clan” will be Riverclan, with Mistystar maybe having turned away from Starclan? In which case it would be SUPER awkward for our new riverclan medicine cat apprentice XD
Yes, that could be entirely possible! What do you think Flamepaw and Sunbeam will contribute to the story? I mean, we kinda now what is going on with
Flamepaw, but Sunbeam? It’s just a mystery. Also, she’s Needletail’s sister and that’s just interesting in my opinion. I don’t know anything about Sunbeam yet, but Frostpaw is probably gonna be very interesting, and I feel like Flamepaw’s story is just a little bit Bramblestar, but Flamepaw’s kin has a great legacy and Bramblestar’s kin a bad one. We just need to see.
Mistystar and Bluestar are more similar than we thought xD
Mistystar is LITERALLY Bluestar’s daughter. How could they NOT be more similar?
Who do you guys think will be the leaders for ASC? I hope the ThunderClan leader will be Squirrel(flight)star, Bramblestar just needs to die. ShadowClan will probably still be Tigerstar. I don’t know about SkyClan. It could be Leafstar, but maybe Hawk(wing)star will be leader. WindClan could still be Harestar, but Crow(feather)star is also possible. And we already know about RiverClan. I mean, why would Mistystar be on the cover if she wouldn’t be alive in ASC? This is what I think.
unrelated but your pfp looks like a kittified (is that even a word?) version of Dream.
I think Harestar and Leafstar will stay alive, since Harestar is still pretty young and Leafstar only appeared in like, 2 series, and she’s got a super edition all to herself, which means she should be staying in main for a long time 😛 As for Bramblestar, I’m not sure, but I don’t think he would die in the middle of two books. He deserves a big death like Firestar’s.
sdfghjkkiuytrefvbnjuytrfgbnjuytrfvbhjuytrefvhuytrewedc vhytredcfg ACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK HOW DID I NOT REALIZZE THIS PAGE EXISTEDDDDDDDDDDDDDD but yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy RIVERCLAN POV
I sometimes wonder if Brambleberry, the Riverclan Medicine Cat from Crookedstar’s Curse is named after a Blogclanner of the same name who used to be on the old blog/site when I first commented in 2013.
Same thing with Cinnamontail (also shares name with an older Blogclanner), Brightsky (shares a name with a Blogclanner who was around at the same time, and also my very first BC name coincidentally) and Eaglewing (who was possibly named after Eagleclaw but probably had her appearance and gender changed by the editors, along with her littermates who might have also been named after Blogclanners by Kate but had their names changed).
There have been canon background characters in the books named after Blogclanners by Kate before such as Jay Frost (Jayfrost), Whorlpelt (same name), Flowerstem (Flowerstream) & Snaketooth (Snakefang), so I wonder if there are other cats named after Blogclanners but are not known about.
I’m not asking if Brambleberry and Eaglewing are named after Blogclanners, just thinking about if there are any other Blogclan-namesakes for canon Warriors characters that aren’t known or haven’t been noticed because I needed a place to write about this. 🙂
oooo i think wavey also has a character? i think that’s what brought me to the blog in the first place,,, a link in Wavepaw’s warriors wiki article
also shivering rose from dotc i think!
dawnmist, copperpaw (ithink) wavepaw, shivering rose and a few more i think!
It’s “Crookedstar’s PROMISE”, not Curse.
Now I’m wondering if Flamepaw is one of Spotfur’s kits. 😛
(I haven’t read The Place of No Stars yet because it won’t get released in my country until the end of this month, so please don’t spoil me if Spotfur has had her kits yet. 🙂 )
Also, YES A RIVERCLAN PROTAGONIST because we haven’t seen much of them for a long time. 😛
I think they’re referring to Flamepaw, Sparkpelt’s son
I just checked the wiki, and on the left of Mistystar is Flamepaw, Sparkpelt’s son.
Flamepaw is Sparkpelt’s son (Sparkpelt is Squilf’s daughter, who is Firestar’s daughter). Spotfur’s kits haven’t been named by the books, only momentarily seen in Daisy’s Kin.
Sparkpelt didn’t have her kits in The Place of No Stars, she has had them this whole series!
I have a horrible memory. 😛
That, and there are so many Thunderclan cats.
ThEoRy TiMe!
Frostpaw is Rootspring and Bristlefrost (BristleFROST)’s kit, who they had in secret! They gave their kits to RiverClan so no one would be suspicious. Probably not true, but ya never know……
The allegiances in RiverClan say that Frostkit is Curlfeather’s. It says this even before Rootspring and Bristlefrost knew eachother.
Frostpaw already exists 😉
RiverClan POV!!! Changes to the warrior code!!! Great StarClan, I am hyped!
Honestly it’s pretty funny that the blurb for the next arc first book is less vague than the one for AlitM
*Amber explodes*
So, Flamepaw was actually made an apprentice around the same time as Rootspring . . . I hope he’ll be getting his warrior name at the beginning of River. What do you think it will be? I like Flamefire (because the blurb involves living up to FIREstar, and all that), but it seems kinda like Twigbranch (with the repetitive name thing).
Perhaps Flamesong, after his father? C:
Aww, that would be so cute!! 🙂
I am in love with Mistystar’s tail and eyes.
First, her eyes are GORGEOUS, and that tail is pure floof, I just wanna cuddle her.
Anyways, I haven’t finished Broken Code, but mistystar’s faith in starclan has a 98% chance being because of starclan being trapped.
But also, starclan kind of brought them onto themselves when they let ashfur out. Who though it was a good idea to let a cat out so they could be obsessed with a cat who clearly doesn’t want him?
didnt know this existed but cool
-Cross-clan relationships will be normal
-The leaders will stay the same except maybe we could get Squirrelflight as the Thuderclan leader
-Shadowsight might turn evil and become the main villain of this arc
Great Starclan,give Shadowsight a break.Hes not even two years old and he’s already nearly died three times,got all the clans turned against him,and a deputy wants to kill him.If he’s a villain this time I’ll draw an angry animation of Scourge killing Tigerstar.Yeah I’m somewhat dark when I’m angry.Sorry,I just hate that they’re torturing poor Shadowsight so much.