[Mapleshade lying down as she bleeds from a wound, saying "Leave me alone. I don't need anyone."]

Why Mapleshade Isn’t Evil! by Lilykit

Lilykit shares why they think Mapleshade isn’t evil.

Art by Mizu-no-Akira

Mapleshade doesn’t belong in The Place Of No Stars! Sure she killed a lot of cats but it isn’t really her fault.

She loved Appledusk, who left her for Reedshine when others found out about their relationship. Her kits died in the river and was exiled from ThunderClan. Graystripe was never exiled. Leafpool was never exiled. Yellowfang wasn’t exiled. Well, not for having kits.

She killed Ravenwing, Frecklewish and Appledusk because she had a reason to.

Ravenwing: He told the clan that Mapleshade’s kits are half-clan and that helps her get exiled. I agree that he’s the cause of her having to try to go to RiverClan.

Appledusk: She has his kits and then he blames her for their death! THEN he denies Mapleshade’s love and then he has kits with Reedshine!

“You told me you loved me! I went through the agony of bearing your kits! And then you treat me worse than prey. You will regret this, Appledusk. That is my last promise to you.” – Mapleshade to Appledusk Mapleshade’s Vengeance , page 53

Frecklewish: There wasn’t much of a reason she had to kill her but Frecklewish did refuse to help her when she was exiled from ThunderClan.

When Mapleshade died and her spirit was in the Dark Forest, she started to think that’s how she could take revenge on the clans which made her evil.

“Mapleshade– she’s a really old Dark Forest cat, and all of the others seemed afraid of her, even Tigerstar.” Ivypool to Dovewing about Mapleshade Sign of the Moon , Page 84

EVEN TIGERSTAR?! That’s when you know a cat is just pure evil! BUT ThunderClan back then threw her as a “code-breaker” out of the clan, then she was heading to RiverClan but her kits died and Appledusk rejected her and blamed Petalkit, Perchkit and Patchkit’s death on her! Poor Mapleshade! And sure, she was killed by an apprentice but she was trying to kill a very evil Appledusk WHICH SHE DID!

“Can you imagine what it feels like? To be rejected twice? To be a loner, when all you tried to do. . . was love?” – Mapleshade in Crookedstar’s Promise

Ashfur! He (what i know of) he’s in StarClan! He planned to kill three of his Clanmates to make the other suffer but it ended up both Squirrelflight and Leafpool suffering the truth and Lionblaze, Hollyleaf and Jayfeather trying to figure out what to do with their lives know that they know they’re half-clan and kits of a medicine cat. Bramblestar also hated Squirrelflight which is part of her misery and Crowfeeather upset his clan. Ashfur in StarClan. (I’m only on A Vision Of Shadows so please don’t correct me on Ashfur being in StarClan If he’s not.) Mapleshade did about the same and she is in the Dark Forest.

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    • To be fair, Lilykit said he PLANNED to kill three cats, he never initiated his plan (I’m not defending Ashfur btw, i’m just stating why SC let him in.)

    • It is said that Ashfur only went to Starclan because Starclan didn’t want even more cats hating Starclan.


  • 🏳️‍🌈 Freepaw/flame; He/Him 🏳️‍🌈 IT’S PRIDE MONTH! HOORAY! 🏳️‍🌈 says:

    Hmmm I feel bad for Mapleshade but I think she over reacted a lot. Great article! 😀

    • Thanks! And ig she did — sort of — overreact

  • Just because Ashfur is in StarClan doesn’t mean she should be. She’s definitely evil. She used Birchface’s death to her advantage, and she tried to kill two cats, Ravenwing and Frecklewish, who didn’t deserve it. One was a young medicine cat with no mentor who had a sign from StarClan, and Frecklewish a she-cat suffering from depression after her brother died, whom Mapleshade used. Mapleshade killed ThunderClan’s only medicine cat, leaving them vulnerable and needing Cloudberry of RiverClan to come over.

    She grows insane, and she goes to say Appledusk is hers. She’s dumb when she says she’s going to cross the river. There are two perfectly stable stone or wooden bridges, one leading to the Fourtrees and one to RiverClan. She’s obviously dumb if she wants three-moon-olds to swim across a flooding river (which even kits could recognize).

    Then Mapleshade tries to kill an innocent bystander who happens to be a pregnant woman. She’s later happy she can get revenge in the Dark Forest, and she manipulates Crookedstar in a horrible manner.

  • Nice article! But I disagree.
    Ravenwing was innocent. Seriously, should he value Mapleshade over his Clan? If he got an omen from StarClan, shouldn’t it be important? Maybe the kits would grow up to harm his Clan one day.
    Frecklewish thought the kits were being saved, why would she risk her life when she couldn’t swim to save kits that she thought were being saved?
    Appledusk was a cheater, true. Murder is worse than cheating, though, even though cheating is bad. Also, Appledusk thought Mapleshade killed their kits because she led their kits through a flooded river. Even Petalkit, a kit, realized that, so Mapleshade has no excuse.
    And yeah, I think Ashfur should be in the Dark Forest, not StarClan.

  • “She killed Ravenwing, Frecklewish and Appledusk because she had a reason to.” Uh, no! Ravenwing and Frecklewish both had next to nothing to do with her kit’s death, and she didn’t have to kill Appledusk! (Technically this murder was an accident and she was going for Reedshine but no one mentions that). Anyway, it was her decision to kill those cats. Now, you can argue that many other GOOD cats have murdered other cats, but they had good reasons and felt remorse. Mapleshade did not feel remorse. At all. And she even wanted to go to the Dark Forest! If she was truly good, do you think she would have wanted to be in the DF?! Plus, it’s not exactly uncommon to be rejected. What about Leafpool? She was also rejected twice, by her kits, and by her clan! And then after her death, she continued to do bad. She misled Goosefeather, tortured poor Crookedjaw and killed off his loved ones one by one and manipulated him into thinking that she was good, and she also encouraged Tigerstar, who you said yourself was “pure evil”. Then, she also fought for the DF during the Great Battle, killing Spottedleaf and breaking Firestar’s heart. Now, we all know that Spottedleaf isn’t the best cat in the clans, but it was still extremely wrong to murder her.

  • While I feel bad that Mapleshade’s kits drowned, I do not think she was justified in her actions. Murder is still murder, no matter what her reasoning was. If a person killed three people, and as their defense they said that they were grieving over a family member, it would not make that person innocent. Mapleshade knew that the river was swollen when she tried to cross it. Yes, Ravenwing, Frecklewish, and Appledusk played a part in the events leading up to the kits’ deaths, but they did not deserve to be killed over it. Was her story sad? It was. But did she murder three cats who were—for the most part—innocent? Also yes. Mapleshade was guilty, and she got what she deserved.

  • I entirely disagree 😛 her victims, while arguably not the nicest cats, did not do anything remotely worthy of being murdered. She felt no guilt or remorse, and never tried to redeem herself. Plus, Ashfur’s not a good argument for her innocence, because I think belongs in the Dark Forest as well 😛

  • great article! i agree with most of them. yes i do feel bad for her, but she kinda deserved the dark forest. murder is murder

    • My question is why Mapleshade likers keep pinning the blame on Appledusk,

      • I don’t, I never did, though I still don’t think Appledusk is the best cat in the world he’s not to blame for Mapleshade going crazy. My question is why most Mapleshade haters only say what Moonkitti’s said before, hm

  • Frecklewish didn’t help Mapleshade because she lied about her dead brother being the kit’s fathers.
    Ravenwing was only doing his job as medicine cat for telling his leader Mapleshade’s kits were half-Clan.
    Appledusk could have easily had kits with Reedshine to make himself look loyal to his clan, like Crowfeather did.
    Also her kit’s deaths are literally her fault, she chose to go across a river while it was flooded even though there’s literally a bridge.. she could’ve also went to ShadowClan or something or just stayed a rogue/loner or something

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