The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
“I hath finished all the Muddy Buddies,”Raven randomly states, cleaning the powdered sugar off her paws.
Willowkit looks up from sorting her markers and says, “I’ll go make some more then. And I’m NOT sharing!” She walks into the kitchen backwards to make sure no one follows her and trips over a gumball machine
Redblaze pricks her ears. “What’s a muddy buddy?”
“Arrrrrr,” states Echomist’s randomly. “Arrrr.”
Flower walks in casually, she is so calm everyone is worried.
Flower looks around and realizes their concern.
“oh don’t worry, I killed a bird on the way in.”
everyone sighed in relief.
Flower sits down at her usual table and starts talking “once my sister and I were cleaning the table after dinner, sister picks up a cloth and there is a knife under it, conveniently I was standing right there, I grabbed the knife and laid it flat on my palms, I followed my sister. I looked straight ahead with the creepiest smile ever, whenever she turned around I stopped walking. my sister tried to test me, went around a corner, walking backward then turning around and then around again, somehow I was there. then my sister screamed “SHE’S ACTING WEIRD” my brother take one look at my evil face and say “nope, she’s fine” and “she always acts like that” I love them so much, they know so well.”
(true story)
“I genuinely worry about you sometimes, Flower,” Raven sighs.
“fun. apperently one of my friends tried to scare another friend by sitting on some stairs with a knife” crow replies
shadoof looks at flower. “my dude. just. same.” she says, with a maniacal grin on her face identical to flower’s.
*accept me*
by the way, you’re creepy.
“I’ve taken over RecentPurrsLand me mateys ARRRRR!”
“RRRRRAAARRRRR” roars Aquila, sounding like a lion (specifically like one from the lion king)
coughs“hakUna mAtAtaAaaa what a woNDErfuL pHrAse”
“HAKUNA MATATA, AIN’T NO PASSING CRAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZEEE!!!!” Red yells for The Lion King is her favorite Disney Movie and she literally has all the lyrics from both movies, Lion King 1 1/2, Lion King 2, and the Broadway musical memorized, and she can play the music on her violin by ear.
“It means no worries, for the rest of your days!” Falconpaw bursts in, sounding exactly like Donald Glover’s Simba even though she’s a she-cat. Go figure.
“It’s our problem free philosophy!” Redblaze joins in, puffing up her neck fur to make a (sort of) mane
“Hakuna Matata…” Falconpaw meows, still sounding like Simba.
“Do do do doo banana boat, do do do doo banana boat!” Red yells whilst doing a single time step on top of a table. (Don’t mind me 😛 )
That scene of your avatar… They should be in a banananana boat
“Heh, now I’m going to go photoshop that.” Red says with a laugh.
“yall move pages so fast im too old for this im 13 1/2 thats like ancient”
“I’m like 13 and umm 8 months so I’m ancienter than you!😛” laughs Aquila
“im exactly 13 years, 7 months, and 15 days”
“still ancient”
“I’m just ancient,” Riv complains.
“Elders have wisdom and knowledge, though.” Aquila grins
“I am very wise,” Riv says. “So wise that even yoda wants to be me.”
“Yoda?” asks Aquila, “I’ve never watched Star Wars properly. Is Yoda the little green alien that speaks words in a funny order?”
“Yes.” Riv says. “You should watch Star wars!”
“Maybe”, Aquila smiles, “When the library service in the UK reopens, I’ll go look and see if they have any Star Wars movies.”
“Yes!” Redblaze bounces forward. “You should totally watch Star Wars Eagleflight! They’re great!” She bounces excitedly.
“Don’t get put off by the first few though they’re not as good”
“Guess what everyone!” Echo bursts in through the door, throwing off her pirate gear. “I’m no longer a pirate! I passed my exam to be a Royal Mjuzi so now I’m taking over from Rafiki!” She pulled out her stick. “Which means I’m qualified to do this!” She started hitting people on the head with it.
(am i the only one who started laughing like crazy when i read this??? 😛 )
(What is this?)
Red runs around trying not to get hit by Echoes stick. He starts throwing doughnuts at Echo as if they where ninja stars.
(Oww! Geez, what was that for?)
“Hey!” Yowls Willowkit as the stick begins to come down on her head and she dodges it at the last second. She magically makes a bucket of water balloons appear, hands some to Echomist and says, “Wanna have a water balloon fight?”
Shatteredmask stopped waving her stick around. Suddenly she was in knight armour.
“I’m going to complete my quest!” she yelled, holding her stick that was now a sword in the air. “The quest to slay the covid-19 dragon!” She sat back down. “Or I would, if I wasn’t stuck in quarantine.”
“I shall join you Shatteredmask, knight of the round table.” Aquila declares solemnly, her own knight armour appearing on her, “Can I be like the great sorcerer Emrys, aiding King Arthur?” she asks, a Merlin costume suddenly on top of her fur.
(Sorry I felt like turning that into a Merlin quest 😛)
“Okay this is really important” Redblaze yelps. “Has anyone heard the knights of the round table song from Monty Python and the holy grail?” she sits down and looks at the others.
“Uhhh no!” Aquila grins, “but I was just watching Merlin a few minutes ago and he named a dragon Aithusa which was quite cool!”
Redblaze stares at her intently “Watch Monty Python! It’s much better than Merlin!” she yelps.
“You think?” asks Aquila coolly. Her eyes flash gold like the Merlin characters who have magic’s do and she smiles. “I have the power of the high priestess and I don’t think you want to find out the extent of that.” she warns.
(Basically Morgana’s level of power because she was a high priestess 😛)
Redblaze blinks, confused. “Well I have the power of…………me!” she puffs up her fur and growls. “Tremble before me mortals!” she yowls
Aquila sighs, calmly leans against a table and murmurs an enchantment. Her eyes flash gold and Redblaze is thrown high into the air and lands of a pile of pillows that Aquila moved with her mind. “I may be mortal but I am powerful and I shall avenge the death of every fictional villain that I loved and who died an unfair death.” she meows serenely.
Redblaze yelps. Her eyes flash gold too but she turns into a wolf instead and growls at Aquila.
(Please tell me someone has watched that TV series)
(Which TV series? Merlin? 😛)
Aquila glares and her eyes flash gold and she turns into a majestic eagle. She swoops around the top of the HazelPage.
“May I also join? I have always wanted to be a warrior of some kind,” Raven says in her noblest voice.
Sir cumfrence made the round table
He is a knight of the round table
The round table he made
I point out
“Can we be the knights of round table pizza?” Redpaw wonders. (Is that a thing in the U.K. ?)
“I will draw the maps of the land and promise not to forget to add the Ancient Dragon Locations where the dragons roam,” Says Riverpond, drawing a map and forgetting the Locations,
“screw quarantine sir shatteredmask, we’ll endeth corona timeth and setheth ourselves free-eth” shadoof draws her 128376453627819 something swords
“Yes!” Katt yells, drawing her own sword and tucking a shield into her pocket.
I NEED to make phantom of the opera a warrior cats thing. HELP ME!
(Shatteredmask (nice name(can i do this?)), writing contest)
Phantom of the opera but as warrior cats below
“Ahh I made POTO characters warrior names a few moths ago, let’s see if I can remember them 😛
Erik: Nightsong (for music of the night)
Raoul: Brave something (I don’t remember the name)
Christine: song something (i think…)
Anddd I don’t remember any others 😛 I really should have written them down 😛”
I found Phantom of the opera dvd at my library and i am almost crying with tears of joy
This is a big deal for me
I have seen the movie once, we don’t own it, no friends have it, it’s not on Netflix
The music is amazing
I am learning the pieces
The movie, music, and characters cheers me up even though it’s real dark
The only bad thing about it is Raoul’s hair
And here it is
In the
Now to convince my mom…
“The 2004 movie or the recording of the 2011 25th anniversary performance?” asks Aquila, “I have the 25th anniversary recording on DVD and it’s my pride and joy and no one in my family is allowed to touch it and I keep it with my POTO programme safely in my room 😛”
“Oooooo, PotO”
Aquila’s eyes widen, “Ahhh who’s your favourite character, and Erik or Christine????”
(I may or may not judge you immensely on the answer to the second question 😛)
“Hmm,” she says, “well, I think Christine is probably better and that’s who I’ll choose, except that Erik is literally the one who makes almost the entire PotO what it is.” 😛
Aquila smiles, “Each has their own opinions!”
(I really can’t stand Christine 😛 and I’m a massive fan of Erik and Raoul 😛)
Raoul’s hair drives me crazy
“I’ve seen that it looks quite bad in the 2004 movie but in all the other versions it looks fine! 😛” mews Aquila
“I like Raoul; he’s prob the best of the three. I somehow missed that you said “and”, meaning you asked who my favorite character was of ALL of them, so… probably Christine’s blonde friend due to the ending, mostly (it’s been a while, okay? …I don’t remember her name) { 😛 }. I don’t really have a favorite character; again, Erik makes PotO what it is, sooo… It all depends.”
meg giry?
“Yeah Raoul’s great!! He’s my second favourite character after Erik!” yowls Aquila, “Yeah Meg’s great!!! I really hate how she changes in Love Never Dies, it seems like she’s a different person…”
Falconpaw walked into the tavern. “Hello,” she meowed as she dipped her head.
“Hello there!” Raven says with her best Ewan McGregor impression.
Storm gasps. “Ewan McGregor, yaas ( 😛 )”
Turtle runs over. “Best. Obi-Wan. Quote. Ever!” they cheer.
“It’s also my siggie,” they add.
Hello there!
“I love Star Wars!” Falconpaw exclaimed. Her spruce bark-colored tail twitched, and her amber eyes sparkled in delight. Her voice was unusually low for a she-cat, and her meow sounded more like a teenage tomcat.
“Star Wars is this best,” Turtlepaw agrees, their green eyes shining.
“My favorite character is R2-D2.”
Hello there!
“I’ve always had a soft spot for Skywalker,” Falconpaw admitted. “Luke is relatable, at least to me. His death was actually pretty sad, but that part in The Rise of Skywalker made me happy, as it caught me by surprise.” She mewed, her heart beating with excitement as the memories of the return flooded her mind.
“I like Luke as well, but I found him a little annoying at the beginning of A New Hope,” mewed Turtle.
Hello there!
“He was, but at least that made him even more relatable! My brother, Toadpaw, thinks I’m very, very annoying with my dreams for the future.” Falconpaw mewed in amusement.
“hi!” peo greets.
“So how are you?” Falconpaw meows cheerfully.
“Hello!” Willowkit mews. “Do you want to have a water balloon fight?”
“Oh, do I?” Falconpaw meows mischievously. “I’d love to! But be careful, I’m good at aiming.” Her low-pitch mew rang with determination.
“I’ll join!” Brightspark meowed.
Willowkit hand over some water balloons to brightspark
“Alright! Wait… we need more players. And maybe some teams…” Falconpaw planned the game in her head like a coach planning a team’s next move, or a general planning his army’s attack. Her low voice hardly helped matters.
Willowkit responds, “Good. I’m good at dodging.”
“Howdy Earthlings!” Flame calls, walking in with a bag of goldfish crackers.
“Helloooo non-earthling!” screeches Aquila, “I’m reading city of bones and Simon just got turned into a rat and I started laughing!”
“I wish it had been clary who got turned into a rat, or jace, that would have been funny.” she added as an afterthought.
Redblaze glances at Aquila.
“I remember I started reading City of Bones after my sister got obsessed with the tv series but I got bored within the first few chapters and started reading Warriors instead”
“You should read more of it!!!!!!!!!” yells Aquila, “Izzy reminds me of Morgana!!! And Clary is VERY annoying but whatever! Simon gets turned into a rat and it’s very funny!”
“Agreeeeeeeed,” Flame says, nodding. “Clary is…….so…..annoying, I almost didn’t make it past the first book because of her. I also don’t like Jace, so sometimes the first series is a struggle. But, I still love or at least like most of the other characters, plus the plot, so I just tune out most of the clace moments. “
“Yes!!! I keep reading in the hope that she will get better because I don’t remember disliking her in Lady Midnight or Lord Of Shadows. I like Jace!! I think I like him because I feel sorry for him and often my favourite characters are the ones who don’t get what they want or have bad things happen to them. Jace deserved better than Clary in my opinion 😛” Aquila yowls
“I don’t hate Jace nearly as much as Clary, and I’m with you that she’s more likable when she’s not the main character. I think I would like Jace better if he weren’t Clary’s love interest. I usually find the main character and love interest annoying, but Clary is especially annoying and winy.” Flame paused, then added, “What’re your thoughts on Magnus Bane? He’s my favorite character, but I like Simon and Alec as well, and Izzy is pretty cool as well. Also, Luke reminds me a lot of Lupin from Harry Potter.”
“I agree! I usually like the antagonists of books or the strong characters. I think I dislike Clary mainly because of the way she’s so blind to see how much she hurts people (both mentally and physically 😛) Magnus seemed quite funny but I haven’t seen much of him yet (I’m at the start of city of ashes). Oh my gosh yesss!!!! Luke is so lupin ahhhh!!!!!! Oh and at the end of City of Bones Alec and Izzy were just so randomly nice to Clary and I didn’t get why, it was like they were completely different people 😛”
Redblaze blinks slowly. “My sister subjected me to the TV series on Netflix. She binges stuff”
“And she has good taste.” Aquila points out, “Shadowhunters, Merlin, Divergent, the hunger games – all amazing!”
“Okay, okay Hunger games is good”
“Yes, I agree that Hunger Games is good”
Raven looks up, nods at Flame and then goes back to scribbling down her story.
“Meowdy,” Peo greets.
Ttera looked sadly at her Rafiki staff, then hit the table with it.