The Rotation

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Playtime 101 — How To Play With Your Cat! | by Relax My Cat | Medium

[image description: a light brown tabby kitten with blue eyes lays on its side on panelled floor while reaching for a feather toy]

Hello! I’m Ospreysplash, and welcome to the Rotation!

The Rotation is a rotation of different game types to participate in, tournament-style! Every Saturday/Sunday, a game will be posted for you to play. At the end of the week, I will judge the results and choose the winners. After twenty rounds, that rotation will be concluded, a winner announced, and a new one begun!

Our current Rotation Helper is Rowanwing


  • Please reply to the original Rotation comment when submitting your responses!
  • You can only enter once a round
  • If you want to host your own Rotation, here’s not the place unfortunately, but the Warriors Games page is the place!
  • Try not to double up on answers, and in rounds that involve giving something a name (eg. Name that Emoji) avoid giving canon names
  • Have fun! (Yes, this is a rule)

Current Games in Rotation:

  1. Name that emoji
  2. Purrsona that name
  3. Name that initial
  4. Name that purrsona (pictures edition)
  5. Kittypet that warrior
  6. Google translated warriors
  7. Who’s that cat?
  8. Tribe That Warrior
  9. Name that purrsona
  10. Purrsona that animal

Hall of Fame:

Game 1: Flowermistle

Game 2: Sunpaw/shadow

Game 3: Shadeleap

Game 4: Amberpaw/wing

Game 5: TBC

Helper Form

Before applying, read this post!

I (Ospreysplash) am no longer the sole runner of the Rotation. Instead, it will be run be helpers! Apply below to become a helper

(Helper applications will open here just before each new game, so you can apply in the future)

Applications close on the 16th of February

Cat spinning on Roomba


    I couldn’t pick just one winner for this round! There were so many outstanding entries and honestly y’all should be proud of all that creativity. C: I’ve chosen three, in no particular order!

    “When the trees block the sun from your fur, you will cut the forest to its roots, one branch at a time. The more you hide, the more your paws will turn redder than a fox’s pelt. The faster you run, the faster the blood will flow. It will drown you, and the sun will fade, because the strongest boughs are grown with hatred.” – Flamecloud

    “Thin as the sharpest claw, the blood moon shall rise over the Clans. The rivers will run red with the blood of the past, and only one can raise the sun again.” – Minktail

    “Claws of crimson, claws of red/A kindred spirit will see the end/A thousand years, an thousand and three/Will come before the red dawn sets us free.” – Turtlepaw/dapple

    Backstory – A kit’s name is given; give them a warrior name, a description, and how they got their suffix! Your cat today is:

    2 pt.Willowcloud, Turtlepaw/dapple, Minktail
    1 pt. – Maplekit/apple, Shimmerpaw/mist, Rainy/Rainsong, Redblaze, Duskblaze, Starpaw/Wintery Mist, Brightspark, Briarpaw/rose, Mapledrift, Moonpaw/pelt, Eaglepaw/flight, Waffleheart, Falconstorm, Rabbitflame, Riverfrost, Spot, Dovepaw/stream, Flamepaw/flower, Flamecloud

    • Panthershadow- black she-cat with thick, sleek fur and dark eyes. Her coat has vague tabby stripes visible when the sun hits her just right.
      Panthershadow is calm, thoughtful, and cautious. She likes to think things through before doing anything- a trait that is sometimes a challenge when she needs to make tough decisions, but also makes her a wise cat.

      “Shadow” is a pretty fitting suffix for any black cat, of course, but the real reason her clan leader, Oakstar, named her that was because of the unique hunting technique she came up with- hiding in the shadows, using her dark coat to blend in. It has helped her become a great hunter. In fact, this was the move she used when she passed her assessment.

      Another reason she got her suffix was after my own little panther kitty whose name is Shadow <3

    • Pantherstream- A slick, bulky and well muscled jet black tom with round yellowish leaf green eyes and a long tail
      How he got his name: He got his prefix, Panther after the Clans were evacuating after a flood and his mother kitted along the way. After he was born, he stayed strong and never cried once, even in the night which is how he was given his prefix. Also because of his pelt colour and build.
      For his suffix, a while after he became an apprentice, hewent out for a walk with his mother and got swept into the flood. He survived, but his mother didn’t and the Clan found her dead in a small stream near the place he nearly drowned. Along the way, he also rescued a newborn kit drowning near the shore and was named a hero, especially since the kit he saved would save the Clans in the future. His mother’s name was also Pebblestream.

    • pantherclaw- spotted black tabby tom with very long claws and amber eyes

      pantherclaw got his suffix -claw because when his clan (leafclan) was travelling in a jungle, an actual panther attacked the clan, and pantherpaw(claw) fought the hardest to fight it off. yarrowstar named him pantherclaw for how he fought the panther.

    • Pantherkit:
      Warrior name: Panthermoon
      Description: A black tom with a silver underbelly and dark grey eyes. Ae are sleek and lithe.
      Backstory: As a kit Pantherkit was always afraid of the dark, utterly terrified which was ironic to the other cats because of aer name. Other than aer crippling fear of the dark, ae was a fierce warrior and feared in battle. When it was time for aem to become a warrior, ae was given the suffix ‘moon’ so ae would know that in the dark, there would always be some light. After ae was given the suffix, he was never scared of the dark again and ae was on track to become leader soon.

    • Pantherkit’s warrior name is Pantherheart. They are a white cat with yellow eyes and a black mark on their chest shaped like a heart. They got the name Pantherheart because of their kindness, and because of that special marking on their chest.
      Lupin is awesome!

    • Pantherfrost- A white she-cat with gray rosettes and ice blue eyes.

      Pantherfrost is a proud warrior of RiverClan. She got her suffix from her mentor, Flowerfrost, who died protecting Pantherfrost from a pack of dogs. At her warrior ceremony, Pantherfrost requested that she get the suffix “frost” in honor of Flowerfrost.

    • Panthershade, and if thats taken Panthertail
      Description: Black she-cat with dark and light gray patches on her face and dark and light speckles on her back
      She got her suffix because she got her part of her tail bitten of (for panthertail)
      (for panthershade) she is very sneaky and can hunt and fight in the dark extremely well

    • Pantherkit was rejected ever since they were born. They have sleek black fur and they have glaring blue eyes. Pantherkit soon got colder, they were more quiet. They were a kittypet until they walked into the forest and someone asked them if they wanted to join Windclan. So Pantherkit.. um became a clan kit


    • Panthersnap-a silver she cat with 1/2 of her tail missing. She is sassy and snappish and as an apprentice she was showing off for her friends and got her tail stuck in a fox trap. It snapped clean in half, giving her the warrior name Panthersnap.

    • Pantherfoot
      Cream tabby tom with green eyes and white toes. He has unusually large paws, partially because of his extra toes on each foot.
      Pantherfoot was named after his large paws! It surprised both of his parents that he had more toes than that of a normal cat, and the other queens joked that he looked like a fierce panther due to his paws and coloring. When it came time to name him, Pantherfoot’s parents decided on Pantherkit!

    • PANTHERFROST – sleek black tom whith white patches and amber eyes
      Named after his sister Frostpaw, who could hunt excellently even in the snow. When rogues attacked the camp, Frostpaw gave her life saving her clan leader, Petalstar. The clan will honor Frostpaw, but Pantherfrost wonders every day what would have happened if Frostpaw lived. Moons later, Pantherfrost died against a badger as deputy of his clan. Having served his clan well, he was guided to StarClan with Frostpaw by his side.

    • Pantherbreeze
      Muscular dark grey she-cat with darker rosettes, tufted ears, and pale hazel eyes
      Pantherbreeze is valiant in battle, but she’s also fair and kind. All the apprentices and kits love her, and with a good reason. She has shown mercy to cats of other clans, which was frowned upon by some of her Clanmates, but Snowstar respected that. She is held in high regard in all of the Clans. Snowstar gave Pantherbreeze her warrior name with that in mind.

    • Pantherstorm

      Dusky brown she-cat with black ear tips and white muzzle.

      She got her suffix because of her aggressive and ambitious nature, as she was ready to take the clans by storm.

    • Pantherflash – A sleek black she-cat with white freckles under her eyes
      As a kit, Pantherflash was fast on her paws. Her free-time was spent running around, exercising her paws, and jumping around with her littermates. Her speed is what earned her her warrior name, Pantherflash

    • Pantherroar-A dark cat with short spotty fur spotted similarly to a cheetah’s spots with a lean, muscular build and green-yellow eyes.
      Chi got bees warrior name from their speed and skill. When bees clan borders was being attacked, chi ran back to camp before their clanmates even fought the intruders. Their pronouns are Chi, bee, and they pronouns. Their pattern looks like this×683.jpg

    • Pantherflight- large, sleek furred dark charcoal grey pelted cat, with pale, piercing green eyes. Xyr pelt is spotted with darker spots, but those are only visible in direct sunlight. Xe has a collection of silvery dapples running along xyr spine, and a long scar running across xyr muzzle.

      Pantherpaw got xyr name rather early, because xyr bravery and dedication presented themselves in a way that could not go without reward. A hawk swooped into Skyclan camp, and, before anyone had a chance to intervene, grabbed up a kit and took off again. Pantherflight sprung up into the nearest tree, and leaped from its boughs, snagging the hawk’s wing. The hawk dropped the kit and shook Pantherpaw off, but not before leaving a long scratch across xyr face.
      Pantherpaw was renamed Pantherflight in honor of how xe flew through the air to catch the hawk.

    • Pantherleap-a average sized,thick-furred black she-cat with muscular back legs,large ears,a long tail,and piercing gold eyes. Pantherleap is the brave,organized,loyal,and caring deputy of MountainClan. She is very close to her parents and siblings,and prefers hunting over fighting. She got the suffix -leap for her grace when climbing and jumping.

    • Pantherleap – Pantherleap is a black she-cat with barely visible gray spots. She has blue eyes.
      Before Pantherleap joined her Clan, she lived as a rouge called Panther. She stumbled across SkyClan territory one day and was about to be attacked by a patrol, but she made an amazing leap that a cat her age shouldn’t have been able to make. In fact, she was able to jump even higher than the warriors of SkyClan, landing on the second branch of a tree without a single bit of climbing (yeah, this is unrealistic). After that, the warriors brought her back to their camp and she was given the name Pantherkit and lived as one of the Clan’s queen’s kits since she did not have a mother. She became an apprentice a few moons later and her jumping skills improved a lot. When she became a warrior, she was named for her powerful leaps.

    • Pantherlight: black she-cat with cray spots and amber eyes
      When Pantherlight was a kit she was born sick she almost died but suvvived. her mother never let him near her sister, Tigerfrost. she was neglected and sleept in the middle of the camp when she was 8 moons old he trained in the dark forest. then the day before her warrior cerimony. Mapleshade told him that she must kill Tigerfrost. she refusesand barley esacped. she was named Panterlight because no matter how mush darkness surrounded her she would always shine with light.

    • Pantherdapple
      Pantherdapple is a muscular black cat with brown spots
      When Pantherdapple was a kit, her clan was attacked by a group of rogues. It was just a coincidence that the rogue leader shared her name, Panther, she thought, but then it came out that Panther was actually her father. Pantherkit begged to have her name changed, but the leader was a strong believer in traditions, and refused. The whole clan scorned Pantherkit except for her mother, Meadowleap. Pantherkit refused her mothers kindness, saying Meadowleap had “ruined her life” for having kits with a rogue. Eventually, Pantherpaw was apprenticed, but her mentor acted like she was a danger to the clan and avoided her. Pantherpaw grew to feel so isolated in the clan that she left, running far away. She eventually collapsed from exhaustion and fever, having an infected cut on her paw, and was found by a young loner named Dapple. At first Pantherpaw stayed away from Dapple, thinking Dapples friendliness was scorn and mockery. Pantherpaw was too injured to leave Dapple’s home though, and after some time the two when cats grew to become friends, and then even develope romantic feelings for each other. Pantherpaw was finally happy, around a cat who wouldn’t judge her for her background. Then, Panthers rogues attacked. Dapple was killed in the fight. devastated, Pantherpaw returned home, ready to accept her mothers love, now knowing how quickly love can vanish. As her warrior suffix, she requested to be called Pantherdapple, after her first love.

      Wow that was long

    • Pantherthistle
      Description – Black she-cat with sharp claws, gray eartips/paws, and amber eyes.
      Can be sharp to dimwitted little apprentices, but is very wise and trustworthy. A wise choice of deputy for her clan.

      She got her suffix because of her sharp claws. Pantherthistle also got her suffix because as an apprentice she had a sharp tounge with her denmates.

    • Pantherslash: A black she-cat with a gray underbelly and twisted foot.

      A kit found near ThunderClan territory, she was part of a prophecy given to the leader, Melodystar. Nobody but the deputy, Lionfall, knew anything about the prophecy, hence almost leaving her out to fend for herself once again. Fortunately, Lionfall was part of that patrol, and he took the young cat to the nursery to be cared for until she could become an apprentice. She eventually grew into an amazing fighter, earning her the name Pantherslash.

    • Pantherscar- a lean, scraggly-furred she-cat with pure white fur. She has kind, dark green eyes.
      Pantherscar is very kind and impulsive, since she’ll do anything to keep her clan safe. She doesn’t look at her consequences, and often ignores the fact of a deadline until it’s looming right over her. She’s actually a bit shy, but her shyness almost always evaporates when she gets into a conversation.

      When she was an apprentice, her littermate, Silverpaw, faked her assessment, and told Pantherpaw that if she told anyone, she would come up with some reason to get Pantherpaw exiled. Pantherpaw and Silverpaw became Pantherflame and Silverscar. But, newly named Pantherflame’s conscience and her naturedly good heart got the better of her. She told the leader of the clan, Deerstar, that Silverscar faked her assessment, and she assumed that Silverscar wouldn’t be punished harshly. After all, it was only a warrior assessment.
      But, she assumed wrong.
      The morning after she told Deerstar, the leader called a meeting and told Silverscar that if she couldn’t even do one simple test, she wasn’t fit to be a warrior or even part of a clan. Deerstar was going to just exile Silverscar, but another warrior convinced him otherwise, and Deerstar killed Silverstar right in front of Pantherflame. Pantherflame left her beloved clan, and became a loner for a period of time, since she couldn’t bare to live with the clan that murdered her sister. But, after receiving news that Deerstar had died, she joined her clan under her new name, Pantherscar, after her sister, and she vowed that she would never let that happen to any of her kin every again.

    • Pantherstrike – a burly but swift black tom with sharp claws and fast reactions

      Name was given because he is known for striking on his enemies hard and then disappearing so the opponent can’t retaliate and then striking in from a different direction, leaving his enemy disoriented, confused, and dazed

    • Panthernose-a fierce but loving pitch black tom with a strong build like a panther and striking ambe eyes, they are always ready for battle and are hard on the outside but soft on the inside. Like a cats nose it feels rough but is actually warm and shows affection giving him his warrior name


      FULL BACKSTORY-as a kit he was found in the pines by shadowclan they grudgingly took him in. He was raised by a harsh adopted mom and had mean adopted siblings as well, but that didn’t stop him from achieving his dream, to be the best warrior he could. Soon after he became an apprentice and feel in love with beechpaw a beautiful sand colored tabby she cat with a black fur chest and head tuft. He spent lots of time training hard with his mentor hawkstalk who wasn’t easy to please and that’s what shaped him into a strong warrior, and he spent time caring for beechpaw and spending time with her, one day when they went hunting a thunderclan patrol attacked them under the cold leadership of stonestar and killed beechpaw. Panther paw was furious and chased the whole patrol of by him self. After that the clan was shocked and sad, but panther paws strength and love made him a warrior, though not all was well he was still super depressed about beechpaw and barely eating. But one day everything changed, when he went on a walk near the riverclan border he met turtledew she was a beautiful tortishell with calico spots. They met and started talking more often seeing each other much intell turtledew was expecting kits. They both panicked but panther nose hadn’t much to loose in shadowclan and joined riverclan with his mate. Shadowclan was outraged at the loss of their strongest warrior and attacked river clan cause if riverclan to exile them. As the kits were close to being born they sought a barn nearby and farm cat tom and she cat named maze and wheat helped them out since maze knew some herbs nearby. The kits were born, 2 toms wind kit a light gray with lighter gray chest and sparkkit a bouncy calico tom. Turtledew and panther nose were overjoyed and once the kits were old enough they explored the territories intell they found a beautiful valley were they stayed. But one day panther nose found a weak family of 5 2 adults and 3 kits who needed help, and thus turtle clan was born, he became pantherstar and helped rogues and loners out and formed a clan.

    • Pantherpool’s a black she-cat with light brown leopard spots and gray eyes.

      She earned the prefix Panther because she looks like a panther. She got her suffix because she’s so wise and calm, and because when she was a kit her sister drowned in a pool. She’s never forgiven herself for not doing anything to help, so she asked her leader, Sparkstar, name her Pantherpool in memory of her sister Poolkit, who she named.

    • Pantherstorm, a jet-black she-cat with darker spots and blue eyes.

      Patherpaw was an enthusiastic and positive ThunderClan cat and had many friends, and her father was Clan leader. Her life seems happy, but everything went wrong when she had a crush on a tom from RiverClan – Eaglefeather. One day, when she was secretly meeting with him, a rain storm came and she was washed into a river nearby. Eaglefeather tried to save her, but when Pantherpaw was safe he was drowned in the storm. Pantherpaw was totally crushed and guilty so she jumped into the flooding river, trying to get to StarClan with Eaglefeather, but was then saved by her ThunderClan Clanmates. Eaglefeather’s death caused a vicious battle between RiverClan and ThunderClan, and Pantherpaw died in the battle, feeling it was her time to die and she needed to pay a price for her crime. Before her last breath, her father gave her her warrior name – Patherstorm, for her to remember the storm and become a better cat in StarClan, and to honor her bravery to face what she has done in the past.

    • Panthersun – lithe, long-legged silver she-cat with a dappled pelt, smoky black points and very dark silver flecks around the rims of her eyes, light-amber eyes.

      Pantherkit started out weak and sickly, but after a few moons of being near-constantly confined in the medicine den, she rallied and made it to see her apprentice ceremony. As a now-healthy apprentice, she was bright, intelligent, fearless, and brash. This lively, sunny nature and her charisma, along with her amber eyes, earned her the suffix “sun”.

    • Pantherwing- small, skinny she-cat. Black fur with white paws and a white patch on her back. She has blue-amber eyes

      Backstory: As a kit she had been strangely attracted to birds, not as food but as friends. Her mother gave her a prefix after her. Her mother was Pantherstar but disapproved of Pantherwing completely. Pantherwing’s friend, Brookestone, was mysteriously murdered and in the chase after the culprit everyone saw Pantherpaw’s leap which made her seem to be flying. So Pantherstar named her Pantherwing due to the white wing shaped patch on her back, her bird friends, and her tremendous leap.

    • Panthermoon, a black spotted she-cat with large blue eyes and three light grey paws.
      She got her name from the way her pelt looks, as it reminded her mother of the ancient big cats who used to roam the forest. The suffix comes from her large blue eyes, and the way they shine like the moon. Her father commented to the leader the day before Panthermoon’s naming ceremony, that she thought her eyes looked like big round moons, flecked with the stars of wisdom. Her leader took this into consideration, and gave her a name that suited her destiny, as she would one day become Pantherstar, the leader of Riverclan.

    • Pantherspots- A golden tabby with blue eyes [spoiler title=”bAcKsToRy FoR tHe NaMe ThInGy”] As an apprentice, Pantherspots was very good at fighting, and sometimes got carried away, unsheathing her claws. She was named for the times that blood spots splattered all over herself.[/spoiler]

    • Panthernight – A sleek, lithe, black she-cat with glinting, narrowed, yellow eyes, a thin, whippy, tail, small paws, thorn-sharp claws, and pointed, sharp, fangs. 

      [spoiler title=”this is really long”] Pantherkit was first born to Leopardpurr and deputy Nighthowl in RainClan, along with Nightkit, Tigerkit, and Spiritkit. RainClan lived in the jungle along with CanopyClan and BrookClan. Spiritkit died of weaknesses, thus given the name Spiritkit because she died so young. Pantherkit, Nightkit, and Tigerkit were named that way in hopes that they would be stronger than Spiritkit. 
      However, Nighthowl had other plans. He wanted his kits to be exceptionally strong, even stronger than the average senior warrior. Nighthowl was already known in RainClan as ambitious, brash, and violent, so it was no surprise that he started training Pantherkit, Nightkit, and Tigerkit basic battle moves when they were just 3-4 moons old. Of course, the other queens, including Leopardpurr, objected, but no one got hurt so Nighthowl continued training them. 
      Pantherkit, Nightkit, and Tigerkit then became apprentices. Pantherkit was appointed to dutiful and protective Crocodilesnap, so she was forbidden from training with Nighthowl as Crocodilesnap feared that Nighthowl would unintentionally or deliberately corrupt her. Pantherpaw didn’t mind, and preferred hunting and chatting with her friends, such as Stormpaw and their brother Strikepaw. Nightpaw was appointed to Nighthowl, of course, and Tigerpaw was appointed to Parrotstar. Parrotstar trusted Nighthowl to mentor Tigerpaw along with Nightpaw well when mae was busy. Although Pantherpaw didn’t fully know what Nighthowl was doing with his sons, she did see that Tigerpaw and Nightpaw came back with spots of blood on their pelts but ignored it, thinking they were simply attacked by a predator. 
      When Pantherpaw turned 10 moons old, Crocodilesnap decided to finally reveal that Nighthowl was training his sons, along with a few other apprentices, to battle-train with their claws unsheathed, and some apprentices were even killed. Pantherpaw was shocked and realized that was why the apprentices were disappearing, and quickly informed Stormpaw and Strikepaw, unsure what would happen next. Stormpaw decided to enter the training session to see for themself, without the consent of their mentors. During the training session, Nighthowl told Tigerpaw to perform a deadly battle move (the Scourge move) on one of the apprentices, WITH CLAWS UNSHEATHED. Tigerpaw performed the Scourge move on Strikepaw, killing him, and Stormpaw threw themself at Tigerpaw. Just as Tigerpaw is about to kill Stormpaw, Pantherpaw launched herself in between Tigerpaw. With one of his kit’s lives at stake, Nighthowl shoved himself between Pantherpaw and Tigerpaw, but Tigerpaw killed him. Stormpaw then grabbed Pantherpaw and ran away and something happened. 
      Stormpaw and Pantherpaw then woke up in CanopyClan camp the next day, and were kept as refugees until a RainClan patrol, including Crocodilesnap, arrived at camp. When Crocodilesnap offered for Pantherpaw to return home, Pantherpaw decided to stay and have a new life in CanopyClan instead of risking her life living in the same camp as Nightpaw and Tigerpaw. Stormpaw stays in CanopyClan as well. Crocodilesnap accepts this. Pantherpaw and Stormpaw receive new mentors, and all goes well until the next gathering. During the next gathering, Pantherpaw notices that Tigerpaw, Nightpaw, and Parrotstar are missing. The new leader, Hollowstar, announces that Parrotstar stepped down after Tigerpaw’s betrayal and Nighthowl’s death, and is now an elder. Hollowstar also announced he exiled Tigerpaw with no mention of Nightpaw. With Tigerpaw roaming the wild, Pantherpaw becomes more nervous, and starts performing more poorly in training, which is unusual, as she was quite skilled due to receiving early training. Some time later, Pantherpaw is visited by a dead Nightpaw. Pantherpaw is about to yell at Nightpaw for killing the apprentices when Nightpaw explains that he did not want to kill the apprentices, and most of the killing was done by Tigerpaw. He also explained that when Tigerpaw was exiled he refused to leave, so Tigerpaw killed him on the spot. Pantherpaw then ponders this. 
      When they are about to be named warriors, Stormpaw tells Pantherpaw that they would request for the CanopyClan to name them Stormstrike, after their deceased brother. Suddenly, Pantherpaw remembered the Nightpaw dream, and requested for her leader to name her Panthernight, after her brother Nightpaw, like Strikepaw, was unfairly slaughtered by Tigerpaw. The next day, the CanopyClan leader rename Pantherpaw and Stormpaw to Panthernight and Stormstrike as per request. 
      There probably should be more stuff happening with Panthernight, Stormstrike, and Tigerpaw but you only asked me to write up to when Panthernight receives her warrior name, and these aren’t even my OCs, so nah.  [/spoiler]

    • Warrior name: Pantherfade

      Description: Black she-cat with gray splotches scattered on her fur (one massive one on her tail tip, one on her right-front paw, and a few on her back) she has dark green eyes

      For the backstory, is it okay if I say Pantherpaw (because she’d have to be shown as a paw in the backstory)

      Backstory: ShadowClan was in a fight with ThunderClan- and losing terribly. ThunderClan had accused ShadowClan of stealing their herbs because ShadowClan was suffering of greencough, and was low on herbs. Pantherpaw (kit) hid in the shadows, and then leapt out onto a group of ThunderClanners. Pantherpaw (kit) tried attacking them, but did get scratched up pretty badly. After the battle, Pantherpaw (kit) was sent to the medicine den. After recovering she was made a warrior, and got her name Pantherfade because of how she seemed to fade into the shadows.

      Lol sorry if this is too long or nonsensical I’m kind of tired (it’s kinda late where I live)

    • perhaps this is all coming from pantherleaf
      who i still haven’t seen around for a long time hhh
      because [pronoun here]‘s name was crimsonpaw/claw and then pantherleaf
      im lazy to write the backstory but im writing this observationsdfansldfkjsddkafsjdlfjskad

      • i only vaguely remember that so id chalk it up to a coincidence C:

  • Can someone tell me the newest trends here? I mean Breadclan, arson, Strawberry Murder, now fishes? :O I’m so late on the news

    • hold up fish is a trend now
      welp, time to introduce it to Omnia (okay, it was already a trend there…)
      [spoiler title=”oof”] Leafrea: Fish is probably one of my favorite foods *eats sushi* But seriously, I really do like fish. Probably more than all of you.
      Frosteda: *pops out of portal* EXCUSE ME?! HOW DARE YOU CLAIM THAT YOU LIKE FISH THE MOST? *grabs pink fish and rips off a hunk and eats it* From what I see, you only eat COOKED FISH, and when do you eat fish raw, it’s in SUSHI! And you seriously have the audacity to say that you like fish the most?!
      Shivera: *pops out of portal and eats shark fin* I know. And you also have the audacity to say that Tenelxoria doesn’t exist. Okay, it’s pretty much dying right now, but it still exists. ONE DAY I WILL RETALIATE.
      Leafrea: -Ohh *throws geese at Shivera* Now that I’ve taken care of–
      Frosteda: *rolls eyes and twitches ears*
      Goldena: *open portal* Ohh, Frosteda of Aqaea is speaking right now. Seriously, if I had a ridiculously huge lake in Dachtlya and it doesn’t affect my health, I’d be eating fish right now.
      Frosteda: *yeets fish towards Goldena* anyone who aboards the fish train is welcome, just no claiming you eat fish more than anyone!
      Goldena: *swallows fish whole* bones included. now–
      Spitfire: *pries open Frosteda’s portal* IF YOU CONTINUE TALKING ABOUT FISH I WILL COMMIT ARSON!
      Flamey: *backflips* I would like to help you commit arson :3 not that I hate fish or anything, but I just really want to commit arson
      Irike: *leaps through Frosteda’s portal* me tooo! I don’t hate fish either *chomps the remainder of Shivera’s shark* BUT ARSONN!!! *takes out flamethrower*
      Red: I have fire powers so I can assist you
      Leafrea, Frosteda, and Goldena: NO DO NOT SET THE FISH TRAIN ON FIRE
      Spitfire: *breathes fire on the fish train wheels* TOO LATE!
      Irike: I didn’t BETRAY THE FISH TRAIN because I didn’t say I hate fish, I like it more than y’all actually, now time to set the train on fire *shoots fire out of flamethrower*
      Sun Bird: *deletes the island* [/spoiler]

    • Oh, wow! That’s… A lot! Since there’s only 10 pages so far, I assume there haven’t been even close to that many rounds!

    • oh dear, i think i’ll have to update that sdfisjdof
      it was made with the plan of judging it every two days, which is simply not workable with my schedule at the moment
      100 weeks would be two years and wOAh that would be a long time to go
      i’ll change it to every 20 rounds! C:

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