Looking for other games? Check out the games page, the official NTA game, the names page, the name generators page, and the roleplay discussion page!

[image description: a light brown tabby kitten with blue eyes lays on its side on panelled floor while reaching for a feather toy]
Hello! I’m Ospreysplash, and welcome to the Rotation!
The Rotation is a rotation of different game types to participate in, tournament-style! Every Saturday/Sunday, a game will be posted for you to play. At the end of the week, I will judge the results and choose the winners. After twenty rounds, that rotation will be concluded, a winner announced, and a new one begun!
Our current Rotation Helper is Rowanwing
- Please reply to the original Rotation comment when submitting your responses!
- You can only enter once a round
- If you want to host your own Rotation, here’s not the place unfortunately, but the Warriors Games page is the place!
- Try not to double up on answers, and in rounds that involve giving something a name (eg. Name that Emoji) avoid giving canon names
- Have fun! (Yes, this is a rule)
Current Games in Rotation:
- Name that emoji
- Purrsona that name
- Name that initial
- Name that purrsona (pictures edition)
- Kittypet that warrior
- Google translated warriors
- Who’s that cat?
- Tribe That Warrior
- Name that purrsona
- Purrsona that animal
Hall of Fame:
Game 1: Flowermistle
Game 2: Sunpaw/shadow
Game 3: Shadeleap
Game 4: Amberpaw/wing
Game 5: TBC
Helper Form
Before applying, read this post!
I (Ospreysplash) am no longer the sole runner of the Rotation. Instead, it will be run be helpers! Apply below to become a helper
(Helper applications will open here just before each new game, so you can apply in the future)
Applications close on the 16th of February
i am a vampire
omg i am too
You should know by now that we’re going to start a whole thing from this comment again 😉
What now? Vampireclan?! 😱
uh oh
I am a bat
you are now vampire bread loaf
Thank youuu
What if I was a werewolf, and superior to vampires? 😉
I’ll Be Complete
i have silver C:<
What if I had garlic >:D
I’ll Be Complete
I’d eat the garlic on bread is xe had garlic, don’t worry Viper!
Because werewolves are better than vampires in every way 😈
I’ll Be Complete
Oh no… first bread and now vampire?! What a time to be alive…
me wants to be vampire
viper bite me
:O I thought you were a viper in the box !!! :O what other secrets have you hidden 😛
Okay guys the bread is over
we’re done with bread
no more bread
its a new round and a new start
and a big thank you to moky for hosting in my stead while i did schoolwork! C:
PITAPETAL – Minktail
TOASTPATCH – Falconstorm
GRANDERAIN – Riverfrost
VIPERARSONFLAME – Dovepaw/stream
Clan Builder: BreadClan. Make a leader and deputy for BreadClan. This is an Allegiances entry, essentially, for the potential leader AND deputy! C:
1 pt. – Maplekit/apple, Shimmerpaw/mist, Turtlepaw/dapple, Rainy/Rainsong, Redblaze, Willowkit/cloud, Duskblaze, Starpaw/Wintery Mist, Brightspark, Willowcloud, Briarpaw/rose, Mapledrift, Moonpaw/pelt, Eaglepaw/flight, Waffleheart, Minktail, Falconstorm, Rabbitflame, Riverfrost, Spot, Dovepaw/stream
Baguettestar c:<
remember to also do a purrsona description for them! C:
baguettestar – tan tabby she-cat with light green eyes and white splotches, tufted ears and bread rolls on feet
ciabattablaze – tortoiseshell tom with striking amber eyes and a bread helmet
The leader is Baguettestar and the deputy is Noodlefur.
I’ve never played clan builder, am I doing it right?Add appearances too! C:
Baguettestar-Black she-cat with dark gay back toes, brown patches, and eclectic cyan eyes
Noodlefur-Self-appointed child-deputy with long cream fur and forest green eyes
I took away some of your dark gay and replaced it with bread gay 💖
yeah, i know, much big brain i am having
Ryestar ~ Dusty brown tabby she-cat with darker stripes and light green eyes. Has a nick in her ear.
Biscuitdough ~ Gray tom with amber eyes and a twisted foot with scars all over his pelt.
White cat with amber eyes
*hail Ryestar*
Sourbreadstar- tan tom with small flecks of white sprinkled all over his back, and light green eyes
Bunsun- Brown she-cat with blue eyes
Sourdoughstar – crusty pale brown she-cat with green eyes.
Wraptalon – yellow tom with pale blue eyes.
opp, Ryestar
brown cat with blue eyes
I already took the name Ryestar, sorry.
Leader: Toaststar, a dark brown she cat with black speckles and warm brown eyes
Deputy: Doughheart, a fluffy cream she cat with white paws and golden eyes
It’s funny because Toaststar sounds like toaster
Buttercream and Sprinklestar/dust! It just popped into my brain haha.
beautiful names! and remember to put appearance descriptions!
uh I did it’s down below
didnt see that C: thank u! <3
it’s fine
Buttercream: Creamy buttery she-cat with amber eyes
Sprinklestar/dust: White she-cat with beige “sprinkled” patches with yellow eyes
GAH no more bred please ✋🏻
Wafflestar – narcissistic waffle-shaped brown tom with giant paws that are also shaped like waffles. Sincerely believes waffles are bread and therefore thinks he’s superior.
Butterface – white she-cat with yellow splotches. very pretty pelt, BUT HER FACE (get it, butterface)
Ahh We bow down to you o mighty wafflestar!
Leader: Grainstar-light brown tabby she-cat with green eyes
Deputy: Biscuitflake- golden she-cat with darker flecks, one brown paw, and hazel eyes
Baguettestar: dark brown she-cat with electric cyan eyes
Mumblecrumb: pale ginger tom with amber eyes
Bagelstar-thick-furred cream colored she-cat with amber eyes
Toastfire-light brown tom with ginger patches and green eyes
I’m changing Toastfire to Toastblaze if that’s okay.
Loafstar- dark brown cat with yellow eyes. Their paws are a creamy color.
Bunfeather- black-and-orange she-cat with green eyes.
I’ll Be Complete
Melonpanstar- ginger tabby she-cat with greenish yellow eyes
Doughdapple- mottled amber and brown tom with green eyes
Garlicbreadstar-golden-brown she-cat with tan spotted back, green eyes
Mistywaffle-tan-golden tom with gray-blue ear tips, tail tip, and hazel eyes
Asiagostar(flour), yellow tom with darker orange speckles and amber eyes
Strawberrybite, dark red tabby she-cat with long fangs and amber eyes
Wheatstar- a ginger and cream cat with golden eyes. They have white spots around their hindquarters, and a golden spot on their chest.
Toastedloaf- a brown she-cat with a black under belly. She has white stripes all along her back, and her eyes fluctuate around the color scale.
Cupcakestar (Cupcakemint)~ White she-cat with a few amber, golden, and pale ginger flecks, green eyes
Sconeflake~ Light, golden-brown tom with cream-colored paws
Leader: Toastbutter – large crispy brown tabby tom with yellow splotches and yellow eyes
Deputy: Yeaststarch – tiny pale golden she-cat with brown eyes
heheeh congrates spot! and of course I would love to do another round vipey 😛
now for this sound!!!
Leader: Sprinklestar – lean and sleek cream white she cat with coffee brown spots (I have no idea how to make her more sprinkle-ly ahha)
Deputy: Pumpkinscar – tough and muscular orange tom
Hey u took my name!
That came across kind of rude, please try to be conscious of how people might take your comment on the blog.
hey yeah sorry I didn’t know. maybe you could rephrase that for next time 🙂 but I’ll change mine to
Garlicbreadstar – a sleek and lean coffee brown she cat
Leader- Loafstar- A brown tabby with amber eyes
Deputy- Biscuitheart- a gray tabby with green eyes
Sorry, I took Loafstar!
I’ll Be Complete
Leader: Croissantstar – elegant golden tabby tom with golden-brown stripes and dark amber eyes
Deputy: Bolilloeel – large, muscular tan she-cat with with a wide white stripe down her back and gray eyes
looks like food triumphed over responsibility once again *looks at my neglected math homework* (math time)
Leader Breadstickstar- Sleek, wiry tabby tom with a long tail and yellow eyes.
Deputy Sourdoughsnow- Slightly plump creamy-white she-cat with soft, woolly fur and light green eyes.
Baguettestar- A sleek, dappled and shiny furred black she-cat with small, brown spots on her back and large coffee brown eyes
Silvertoast: (i’m NOT in anyway, intentionally putting my name in. I just think it sounds pretty)-A small, pale gray tabby she-cat with thin white stripes and large light brownish bluish eyes
Toaststar- a pale brown speckled tom with yellow eyes
and Buttercrumb- a golden and white she-cat with blue eyes
LEADER: Briochestar -Small, brown tom with white underbelly and amber eyes.
DEPUTY: Panettoneblaze -Ginger tabby she-cat with piercing forest-green eyes and bushy tail.
NO MORE BREAD???? We’re done for…. *sobs*
Bagelstar- Chubby tan she-cat with peanut butter like swirls on pelt and grey- green eyes
Pretzelpelt- Wiry brown tom with fur baked to perfection, smells like Monday morning bakeries.
Oh, don’t worry. We’ve only just begun the bread.
Wichstar – brown she-cat with white speckles and gray eyes; also known as She Who Is Wiser Than A Sand or The Wich Part Of A Sandwich
Sandspeckle – tan tabby tom with brown stripes, brown eyes, and brown ears; also known as He Who Is Less Wise Than The Wich or The Sand Part Of A Wichsand
Cinderstar 😛 – tabby grey she-cat with cream flakes that look like bread crumbs and blue eyes
Potatoshell-Yellow she-cat with black tail and white front paws and amber eyes
Ryestar- A pale brown tom with white patches and hazel eyes. He is long furred with long legs.
Baguetteloaf- A pale brown tom with dark brown freckles scattered across his fur. He has pale brown/gold eyes and white socks.
Ryestar is taken so I’ll change his name to Sourdoughstar
Sourdough star is also taken so I’ll change him to Sconestar and his eyes are the color of raspberry jam now.
Grainstar (watch you back Viper)- A pale gray she cat with black specks near her eyes, she has a fluffy tail.
Pizzaflare- Orange-amber tom with shimmering blue eyes and green eyes, he has a thin tail
Bagelbread-cream tom
Loafstar- light brown she-cat
i don’t know what i’m doing here so leggo 😛Leader: Sourdoughstar -> Variations of brown w/ white spots, gray eyes with a tint of chestnut, white front paws (to remake flour uwu)
Deputy: Ryeflour -> light brown shade w/ white dustings, dappled dark brown paw
Grainstar – pale brown tom with darker brown speckles
Toastblaze – black, brown, and ginger tom
Baguettestar – Black she-cat with dark gay muzzle, chest, and paws and electric cyan eyes
Noodlefur – Long-furred creamy she-kit with yellow eyes
Toaststar-light golden tom, with pink eyes
Buttercream-banana, colored shecat with light-yellow eyes
oh? whats this? i must e n t e r
Tortillastar- Amber eyed cream tom with darker points and random spots of brown
Pumpernickelwhisker- Dark brown she-cat with dark green eyes.
(i looked it up pumpernickel is a type of bread 😛 )
To be honest the only reason I know what pumpernickel means is because of the movie Bolt, where one pigeon mentions that he doesn’t want a pumpernickel bagel. 😛
Oopsie woopise doopsie. Here.
Bagelstar – White tom with green and gray flecks, brown tail-tip and toes, and dark brown eyes.
Pronounced Bahgghellestar. :3
Bananabreaddust – Sleek light-brown she-cat with a lighter yellow chest and tail tip, almond-brown eyes, and yellow ear-tips, patches, toes, and an unusually yellow nose.
Loafstar – Big floofy tom with light tan toasted fur and butter on the side
Biscuitdough – Sandy colored she-cat with chocolate chips and orange and yellow eyes
It is time for me to introduce some cats
Loafstar/cinders- light ginger tabby with black paws and white eyes (cause the paws are like a burnt bottom of a loaf.)
Palmiersugar (out of my bakery if you don’t know what a palmier is.. Not meaning any offense. Cause I do know how to bake a Palmier.)- ginger with white specks. Also amber eyes.
i dont know what a palmier is 🙁 *runs out of bakery*
Leader – Croissantstar – A brown & cream she-cat with light brown eyes
Deputy – Butteredtoast – A dark brown tabby tom with a golden coloured back and ears
I’m really late so let me know if these are taken-
Wafflestar- yellow tom with ginger squares that are patterned so they look like a waffle
Sconedrizzle- tan she-cat with white markings on her back that look like a drizzle
Wow viper… I’m a werewolf
I have garlic bread…
*steals Raven’s garlic bread* 🙂
*steals the garlic bread from sandy and eats it in one gulp*
*gets a new loaf of garlic bread and puts it out of Silvy’s reach*
What is with my creativity.
Bagelstar – White tom with green and gray flecks, brown tail-tip and toes, and dark brown eyes.
Pronounced Bahgghellestar. :3
Bananabreaddust – Sleek light-brown she-cat with a lighter yellow chest and tail tip, almond-brown eyes, and yellow ear-tips, patches, toes, and an unusually yellow nose.
😛 interesting names
Sorry BreadClan but thanks to you I hate bread now I literally can’t look at a loaf in my house without almost throwing up-
im sorry :c
Sorry 🥺
Viper, sleep with one eye open. I’m still here….
but for now, I won’t be ambitious and i’ll just appreciate bread.
stop telling her weird things! we have the best leader we could ask for and breadclan is thriving!
you’ll blow my cover!hehe wanna team up?i mean, i already took over dawny, so i see no reason not to.i love vipistafrostythesnowman so much ae’s my favorite leader in all the clans and the very best cat to ever live how dare you say that you would one day take kir throne?i get the distinct feeling some people might be plotting against me :0
Haha no, we would never. N E V E R. Why don’t you just erase that thought forever?
what clan do you speak of i only know of tribe of rushing water and tride of endless hunting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its a fictional clan
stream, you must be enlightened on the ways of breadclan.
Well, first, you see, you must know that- *gets dragged away screaming in a muffled voice*
Shhhhhhhh… nobody must know the secrets of BreadClan…so how do you play the games?
You just reply to Vip Vip or whoever is hosting the game’s comment.
snek commit arson
sneky snek
– snek, 2021
Truly inspiring 😛.
A time to be alive
When I first came here I thought Viper wasn’t Viperfrost, the mod, because I thought “No, she couldn’t possibly be a mod. She’s too insane! Gotta love her tho, she’s great fun”
wild card mod C:<
its my job to keep you on your toes XD
it’s your job to vibe with all the chaotic beans here :p
Teacher: what does the dog say
Kid: woof
Teacher: what does the duck say
kid: quack
Teacher: what does the snake say
Haha 😛