Looking for other games? Check out the games page, the official NTA game, the names page, the name generators page, and the roleplay discussion page!

[image description: a light brown tabby kitten with blue eyes lays on its side on panelled floor while reaching for a feather toy]
Hello! I’m Ospreysplash, and welcome to the Rotation!
The Rotation is a rotation of different game types to participate in, tournament-style! Every Saturday/Sunday, a game will be posted for you to play. At the end of the week, I will judge the results and choose the winners. After twenty rounds, that rotation will be concluded, a winner announced, and a new one begun!
Our current Rotation Helper is Rowanwing
- Please reply to the original Rotation comment when submitting your responses!
- You can only enter once a round
- If you want to host your own Rotation, here’s not the place unfortunately, but the Warriors Games page is the place!
- Try not to double up on answers, and in rounds that involve giving something a name (eg. Name that Emoji) avoid giving canon names
- Have fun! (Yes, this is a rule)
Current Games in Rotation:
- Name that emoji
- Purrsona that name
- Name that initial
- Name that purrsona (pictures edition)
- Kittypet that warrior
- Google translated warriors
- Who’s that cat?
- Tribe That Warrior
- Name that purrsona
- Purrsona that animal
Hall of Fame:
Game 1: Flowermistle
Game 2: Sunpaw/shadow
Game 3: Shadeleap
Game 4: Amberpaw/wing
Game 5: TBC
Helper Form
Before applying, read this post!
I (Ospreysplash) am no longer the sole runner of the Rotation. Instead, it will be run be helpers! Apply below to become a helper
(Helper applications will open here just before each new game, so you can apply in the future)
Applications close on the 16th of February
Ledaer of Breadclan
Noodlestar: noodley fur, long noodle tail, pale color NOODLES
Deputy of Breadclan if Dawny didnt exist
Burnt Croissant: Croissant shaped fur, tasty bread color, a little burnt, brown eyes, moldy tail thats falling off
Som basically what we had going with vipista as the leader and I as deputy, except you killed off vipvip? Very evil, I must say. I reward you for your evil schemes by making you, my deputy. If you just so happen to very randomly die out of the blue for no reason at all, I’ll make Ben the Baguette deputy, since you guys were friends in my fanfic.
Prophecy Cats – A game where I give you the name of a cat and you make a prophecy for them! C: Your name is:
2 pt. – Willowcloud
1 pt. – Maplekit/apple, Shimmerpaw/mist, Turtlepaw/dapple, Rainy/Rainsong, Redblaze, Duskblaze, Starpaw/Wintery Mist, Brightspark, Briarpaw/rose, Mapledrift, Moonpaw/pelt, Eaglepaw/flight, Waffleheart, Minktail, Falconstorm, Rabbitflame, Riverfrost, Spot, Dovepaw/stream, Flamepaw/flower
Willowcloud’s in the lead, and I’m eating a meatball sub!! Which is a real shame, his name was Sammy the Sub and apparently didn’t want to be monched. :’c
The claws of the blood red flower
Will pierce the hearts of those the crimson warrior holds most dear
When peace finally settles
The seeds of the flower are spread
Infecting the strong
And killing the weak
The crimson warrior must put a stop to the evil plant
If the clans will be saved in the end.
I’m getting wof vibes from this and I approve :3
Me too
When claws of blood tear apart the forest, all must decide where their loyalties lie.
[spoiler title=”Meaning”] Crimsonclaw will start a rebellion within the Clan that tears it in two, and cats have to decide which side they are on. [/spoiler]
A crimson shine will come before your downfall, avoid its sharp claws.
rip SammyWhen the trees block the sun from your fur, you will cut the forest to its roots, one branch at a time. The more you hide, the more your paws will turn redder than a fox’s pelt. The faster you run, the faster the blood will flow. It will drown you, and the sun will fade, because the strongest boughs are grown with hatred.
When the lake’s waves become colored with the crimson light of dawn…
That will be your time to shine, but watch out for the claw.
Claws of red
The time will come
Blood shall be shed
One will come home
Claws with the colour of deep red blood
May start or prevent a great big flood
The future of the Clans lays in their paws
Claws with the colour of deep red blood
A cat of blood and fury
That kills the young ones
Dark smoke covers their fur
His eyes that make you jump in fear
A crimson colored claw will end the soothing sound of death
Even if it means that his life is in the air.
(Aw sammy :C, and this sucked :P)
(it did nOT suck <3 and rip sammy)
thank you :3 we all miss Sammy the Sub
Crimson sunlight sends the dawn,
Don’t fear the claws within this light.
For it is healing the scars from the night.
The sun will heal until the night is gone.
Oh no.
When dawn comes
The crimson light fills the sky
A claw mark on the horizon
Will point the way
To everlasting peace.
I suck at creating prophecy
Crimson will be the blood of the clans,
leaking out through the stars.
The bloodied claws will hold tight
to the heart of the dark.
The one who is most powerful
is not who she seems,
and if the light can’t repair his scars,
all will be lost.
[spoiler title=”Meaning”] okay so.
crimsonclaw is the medicine cat of thunder land ig, and she’s evillll
killing cats
twisting starclan’s message
ensnaring the dark forest’s leaders
brokenlight, oc of mine, is the savior
he doesn’t know this
this prophecy was given to crimson
and well
she’s not gonna let him know he basically needs to kill her, is she?
and well
brokenlight has problems now
its been a while since crimson got the prophecy
and she’s been breaking his spirit
killing his family
’by accident’
his best friend
’she ate the deathberries. I couldn’t stop her. She wanted to die’
his crush
’it was too late’
‘he needs to get his head out of the stars’
’it’s been 3 seasons, brokenlight, go on your patrol’
brokenlight doesn’t want to get his head out of the stars.
the stars don’t whisper about him
the stars don’t give him weird looks whenever he goes into the medicine den
the stars are beautiful, and maybe he should go and join them.
’has to be better than thunder land’
yes definitely brokenlight please go.
….right? [/spoiler]
Thin as the sharpest claw, the blood moon shall rise over the Clans. The rivers will run red with the blood of the past, and only one can raise the sun again.
They must decide
Where their whispers lie
In the crimson claws
Or in the twinkling stars
But only one will bring them glory
And that choice will be the final story.
My creativity: Good-bye, Cold! Hello, nothingness!
[spoiler title=”Meaning”] There’s a Clan called WhisperClan. Crimsonclaw’s in it. But Crimsonclaw has a deep, dark secret. StarClan knows it, and the Dark Forest knows it. Crimsonclaw must decide who to go to with the secret – the DF or StarClan? Yeah and the secret is that they are invincible and can fight really well. They can also make fire from his emotions, and the fire is cromson-coloured. Yes, I admit I have 0 creativity. And Crimsonclaw uses They/Them pronouns in case you were wondering about the They must decide part. [/spoiler]
[spoiler title=”Okay I admit that was horrible so here’s a re-do of the meaning”] There’s a Clan called WhisperClan. Crimsonclaw’s in it. But Crimsonclaw has a deep, dark secret. StarClan knows it, and the Dark Forest knows it. Crimsonclaw must decide who to go to with the secret – the DF or StarClan? Yeah and the secret is that they are invincible and can fight really well. They can also make fire from their emotions, and the fire is cromson-coloured. Yes, I admit I have 0 creativity. And Crimsonclaw uses They/Them pronouns in case you were wondering about the They must decide part. Oh and it’s important to choose a side because StarClan and the DF will battle soon and Crimsonclaw needs to choose which side he’s on. And also the choice that’ll bring them glory will be the DF because the DF has a bunch of cool moves, but it’ll also end the Clans. I”m horrible at explaining, I know. [/spoiler]
The tide of red claws will fall upon us
Crimson claw has the power to destroy the Clan or save it
The clan is broken
Shifting shadows
Creeping closer
Blood red claws
Shall be our saviour
Bloodied claws will bring a demise, saving the saplings but not for long.
As the night of moon slashes down its claw
A warrior will rise to protect the law
Blood hung gravely when the light withdraw
Beware that this might be the Clans’ last saving straw
Awe it’s rhyming 😛
does it have to be a prophecy about crimsonclaw being a good guy?
nope! can be whatever prophecy you like C:
ive made prophecies before (mainly for my fanfics)
As the sun sets who shall notice?
The sky has turned to blood,
This will cause the death of a most beloved novice,
And these claws will cause a flood,
Don’t let your guard down,
Don’t leave the ones you love most,
If you do you will drown,
And your clan will be lost
Oh my scorch im so proud can i use this in my fanfic?
you made it, so of course you can! C:
[spoiler title=”Meaning”] When the sun sets, the assasin comes out (sky turn to blood). The beloved novice (apprentice) is the son of the leader and the assasin gets them. The flood is a flood of blood. If you let your guard down the assasin will get you. If you leave your loved ones they will get caught. If you do leave them you’ll drown in there blood/death. If you let them die then the clan will be lost forever [/spoiler]
When blood is spilled by one called a friend,the crimson stained claws will rip through the clans,destruction in their wake.
I made slight changes so it flows better:
When blood is spilled by one called friend,crimson stained claws will rip through the clans,destruction in their wake.
a claw of red, endless pain
innocent cats punished
peace can only come with quiet rain
A crimson blaze will spread over the earth, clawing life away.
A Crimson flood shall cover the earth
As blood fights blood and claws break apart friends
A hero will rise
Peace can only follow when the haze disappears
Claws of crimson, claws of red
A kindred spirit will see the end
A thousand years, an thousand and three
Will come before the red dawn sets us free
Fleur is amazing!
Crimson waves wash upon the shore
Their claws will soon make the Clans no more.
idk im bad at prophecies but there ya go 😛
The sky runs with a deep red, bringing shivers of a time before tooth and claw were used on friends. The truth of clouds departing is only known when the red has stuck. Good luck.
[spoiler title=”Meaning/breakdown of the prophecy”] The ‘sky’ runs with ‘a deep red’ refers to Crimsonclaw of SkyClan. ‘Bringing shivers of a time before tooth and claw’ refers to Crimsonclaw reminding the clans that they were never meant to separate and become aggressive. ‘The truth of the clouds’ is again referring to SkyClan specificly, they are the most peaceful of the clans and Crimsonclaw is from SkyClan and shows the truth of how they were meant to live. ‘When the red has stuck’ refers to sunset, not Crimsonclaw, and means when it’s sunset Crimsonclaw and their clan start making a new code at an all leader and deputy meeting. [/spoiler]
Beware the crimson claws in the world of darkness
Reap the fields of blood for only they can bring light
(Oh gosh, this is bad…)
Blood will cover the clouds, and twinkling stars will fade. Follow the fallen shadow, and Crimson will save us all.
I suck at this….
A Crimson claw has come
The forest will run red with the blood on a Crimson claw
Blood will spill on a claw
The forest must run, or the claw will destroy us all
The clans must fight to survive the Crimson battle.
When a crimson shadow covers the forest
The claws will gather together the ashes or scatter fire to the wind
[spoiler title=”Meaning”] The clans will be under threat, and Crimsonclaw can abandon the, which will destroy the clans, or stay and help unite them against the threat [/spoiler]
Crimson light will come with hope,
Destroyed by the claw of divided ends.
Crimson claws come with joy,
Destroyed by the light of power and stars.
At the mercy of many claws of crimson shall hold, unless the breeze’s voice can save it…
[Meaning: Crimsonclaw will hold the clans at his mercy and will have the chance to kill them all unless a loner named Breeze can find who is speaking to him and stop them. In the end it is Crimsonclaw’s father Scarredfeather trying to get revenge on everyone that has wronged him. But Breeze steps in and speaks with a power she found…the power to silence one evil. in that moment Crimsonclaw wakes up and saves the forest. Breeze earns the name Breezefire but turns down the offer to join the clan, saying that her place is far away from there. Crimsonclaw never forgets her and vows that he will find her and bring her to Starclan when she perishes from the world…]
How was that for a first timer?
ooh very cool!
The claws of crimson will destory the forest, unless you sacrifice all and let your trust shatter.
I guess Breadclan is still a thing? Wait I thought the arson thing was still a thing. But wait-
I don’t get the ‘trends’ that go around the blog
Wait… What is that supposed to mean?
this is a keysmash! a keysmash expresses emotions through random jumbles of letters. in this case, im conveying a light-hearted and humorous mood. C:
are you committing arson? I’ll join you
BreadClan is probably still a thing but it’s not mentioned that often anymore.
BreadClan has its own Wiki page on the BlogClan wiki…. 😛
Yes, and they included fanfiction characters!
I just checked it and for some reason I’m in the allegiances.
For the Scavenger Hunt/Escape Room (mods, do not approve this message until the first part is approved): Congrats! If you guessed The Rotation then your spot on! Here’s your next clue/riddle:
I have used magic to end many, I live in the house of snakes. If you want to have a role in my world you must be a character willing to take on the stakes.
wait theres a scavenger hunt?
Scorchie was having their own little hunt, but lil won it already.
five – honestly the good thing about this replies update is that i have no confusion about how many comments i need to make per page!
6 – the percentage of soda in my blood is not 0!
What is the percentage of soda in your blood, then 👀
7 – should meow mix really be allowed to have a patent on that
if i make a brand called meow stix can they actually try to come after me
the word meow is a WORD
are these comments just your random 1am thoughts?
yes they are
8 – in a parallel universe, i’m probably eating a sub sandwich right now
9 – baguette is best bread
this is garlic bread erasure
garlic baguette!!
10 – i love the library!
11 – watta
12 – smoked fish is actually pretty good, i want some
13 – ripples in water and in time
oh no