Trailing Stars: The BlogClan Fan Fiction Project

Cover by Jayfrost

[image description: a parody cover of a Warriors Super Edition. a fluffy russet cat with yellow eyes is in the center and the background is of cat silhouettes walking under a starry night sky]

Looking for pages related to Trailing Stars? Check out the published chapters, the TS discussion page, the Writer’s Jar, the personality profiles, and the TS graphic novel!

Trailing Stars is the collaborative fan fiction written by members of the Blog. It was in progress for a… large… number of years, but the project has finally wrapped up!

You’ll find some information below about the project. The information may be outdated, because the story is complete. Make sure to check out the whole story through the menu bar at the top of the blog!

In Trailing Stars, the members of BlogClan find themselves in the forest, and transformed into cats. The story follows the Clan as they find each other in this strange new world and come together to fight for survival, friendship, and the hope to return to their old lives.

Chapter List (Links)
  1. Chapter 1 by Sun For Two (Sundance)
  2. Chapter 2 by Wolfpaw
  3. Chapter 3 by Hawksky
  4. Chapter 4 by Brightshadow
  5. Chapter 5 by Leafpaw
  6. Chapter 6 by Copperclaw
  7. Chapter 7 by Dawnfrost
  8. Chapter 8 by Cinnamonswirl
  9. Chapter 9 by a Former BlogClanner
  10. Chapter 10 by Swiftfire
  11. Chapter 11 by Jayfrost
  12. Chapter 12 by Lightningpaw
  13. Chapter 13 by Owlsong
  14. Chapter 14 by Jaypaw
  15. Chapter 15 by Flowerstream
  16. Chapter 16 by Kat
  17. Chapter 17 by Meadowpaw
  18. Chapter 18 by Jayfrost
  19. Chapter 19 by Geckopaw
  20. Chapter 20 by Willowpaw
  21. Chapter 21 by Jayfrost
  22. Chapter 22 by Darkpaw
  23. Chapter 23 by Winterwhisper
  24. Chapter 24 by Cheetahspark
  25. Chapter 25 by Lionfire
  26. Chapter 26 by Kat
  27. Chapter 27 by Viperfrost
  28. Chapter 28 by BlogTeam
Original page contents

Remaining Chapter Synopses


Thank you to our writers and editors for bringing this story to life with your words! Thank you to you, our readers, for joining the Blog on its collaborative journey!

Job Listings

Note that the second name on each entry is the chapter’s editor. Chapters that are crossed out have been written.

Cover: Jayfrost and Moonbreeze

Chapter Art: Jayfrost

Promotional Poster: Silverwind

Chapter 1: Sun-For-Two, Cinnamonswirl

Chapter 2: Wolfpaw, Sun-For-Two

Chapter 3: Hawksky, Copperclaw

Chapter 4: Brightshadow, Jayfrost

Chapter 5: Leafpaw, Embersky

Chapter 6: Copperclaw, Dawnfrost

Chapter 7: Dawnfrost, Cinnamonswirl

Chapter 8: Cinnamonswirl, Sun-for-Two

Chapter 9: Shiveringrose, Copperclaw

Chapter 10: Swiftfire, Jayfrost

Chapter 11: Jayfrost, Embersky

Chapter 12: Lightningpaw, Shiveringrose

Chapter 13. Owlsong, Cinnamonswirl

Chapter 14: Jaypaw, Kat

Chapter 15: Flowerstream, Snakepaw

Chapter 16: Kat, Olivepaw

Chapter 17: Meadowpaw, Shimmerfrost

Chapter 18: Jayfrost, Mistpaw

Chapter 19: Geckopaw, Dawnkit

Chapter 20: Willowlight, Cindertail

Chapter 21: Jayfrost, Hazelburrow

Chapter 22: Darkpaw, Lionfire

Chapter 23: Winterwhisper, Sorrelstream

Chapter 24: Cheetahspark, Spottedpaw

Chapter 25: Lionfire, Gingerpaw

Chapter 26: Kat, Monkeyfur

Chapter 27: Viperfrost, Winterwhisper

Chapter 28: BlogTeam

Art by Silverwind

[image description: an orange cat sits with its back facing the viewer as it looks at a forest and a shooting star in the night sky. the blogclan logo is seen faintly in the sky. “TRAILING STARS COMING SOON” is printed at the top. “Silverwind” is written in the bottom left]

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I write a chapter/edit a chapter?

Trailing Stars has finished, which means that there are no more chapters to be written or edited! It’s possible that new writing projects could be started in the future, so keep an eye out!

What is The Jar?

The Jar was the blessed jar which sat on Kate’s desk, holding the names of potential writers and editors for the chapters. The Jar is often called Jerry.  

When do chapters come out?

Trailing Stars has finished, which means that there are no more chapters coming out! In the past, the chapters had been released as soon as they had finished being edited and had cover art ready.

Can I be in the book?

We get this question a lot. Please hear us out. If we could fit everyone in, we would. Let’s say that a member who only came on once wants a major role in a chapter. They get put in, get a big role, then the person disappears. BlogClan is a united, helpful, happy community, and it’s really unfortunate when it seems as if the loyal members aren’t included when others who hardly ever come on are, simply because they asked. Look at the Personality Page — we have pages and pages of people that applied, and hardly any of them are on anymore, or posted another comment. Please, if you’d like to be in the book, contribute positively to the community and loyally — that makes a writer remember you and your personality, and the book runs smoothly.

Will Copperclaw, Dawnmist, and Silverwind (old members of BlogClan, now moved on) keep their ranks in the book?

Yes! For the sake of continuity and to save us of confusion, these members will keep their ranks. However, if we were to create another project after this one is finished, the ranking will be “passed on” to the next deputy, medicine cat, and medicine cat apprentice.

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