I am dying to know what you thought of the final instalment of Dawn of The Clans!
Warning: The comments on this page may contain SPOILERS 😀
I am dying to know what you thought of the final instalment of Dawn of The Clans!
Warning: The comments on this page may contain SPOILERS 😀
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Clear Sky was a jerk-face wasn’t he?
No way!!!! Sorry, but I don’t agree. he was just unsure of what to do. He and GrayWing are my favorite characters.
He can be a jerk but I think he was at his best in this book.
He really didn’t need to be so harsh
I cried at the end! Gray Wing was truly the most important cat who helped found the Clans, and it’s such a huge let down that he isn’t remembered.
He is remembered, cats call him Graywing the wise 🙂
Well, Gray Wing was never mentioned in the other series, only Dawn of the Clans, I think the Clan cats forgot about him after a while *cries*
Kate what are Bright Streams two kits names because they appeared with their mother at gray wings death . I’m just curious to find out .
Slash was my favorite character in this book . Ok so I like the evil cats more then the good ones .
This is a really good book especially the dog fight ( probably my favorite scene in the book ) I have a question what part of the U.S.A do the clans live at now because I read that the sun drown place was the Atlantic Ocean . Or is the sun drown place in the U.S.A ?
I believe some of the locations were based off of British locations (I’m pretty sure the forest territories were based off of a British forest, but I could be wrong 😛 don’t quote me on this)
Ok , I won’t 🐈
That’s right. 🙂
Yeah they are the authors said so that the first location of where the frst series takes place is an actual place.
The Clans’ locations are completely fictional, but if they weren’t they’d be a place in Great Britian because that’s where the Erins live. The original forest was based off a few different forests in Scotland and England, but that’s it.
I think Shadowstar deserves a novella 😶…
I would like to know whos idea it was to kill graywing in the book he is my favorite charactor and he didt deserve to die niether did turtletail who is my second favorite
Pebbleheart is my third and alderheart is my fourth
Wait now its gone
That’s because I deleted the extras 😛
Graywing is the best charactor ever who agreas with me
I do. This is my least favorite book because he dies. But the rest of the book was great!
I so agree. I was so devastated when he died. He was my favorite cat in that series. He was also one of the main characters. Why did he have to die?! Also, this was the first ever book I cried in out of ANY book I have read. I couldn’t help it.
Yes,they were based off of British forests. I saw in a YouTube video that it was British because they have British wildlife(badgers,foxes etc.)rather than North American wildlife(wolves,elk etc.). Also,they followed the setting sun. The sun sets in the West. If you go West from Europe, you would come to the Atlantic Ocean.
Apologies for the necro if this counts as it, since the last comment was in March. Anyways I just finished reading this book late last night (After the fireworks had ended because no way was I reading this through that racket lol)… needless to say, I wailed like a fricking kit, so much my own sister had to come in and ask me what the heck I was crying over. Where is Kate, I outta applaud her for writing such a heartbreaking final chapter to the book. Gosh I’ve grown to love Gray Wing so much he was like a fricking son to me, and then when the moment he has a family and can finally be happy comes around all of a sudden his asthma takes him. Good lordy that’s so evil to do. Either way BEST death scene in the Warriors series ever imo, it was beautiful, well written, and super emotional. I’m not sure I can even get the courage to reread the book because the ending reduces me to such a sobbing mess.
Definitely my top favorite book of the arc. Great work as ever Kate. ;u;
This series is by far my favorite as it was the most emotional and action packed adventure story ever i am a guy who cried because i felt so connected to him. He lives on in me and with Starclan. Also i am making a fanfiction (doesnt sound so cool right.) this takes place way later in the future of the clans and is going to be sad but i hope i do it right. if anyone wants to read it let me know so i can try to send an email or something.
This series is by far my favorite as it was the most emotional and action packed adventure story ever i am a guy who cried because i felt so connected to him. He lives on in me and with Starclan. Also i am making a fanfiction (doesnt sound so cool right.) this takes place way later in the future of the clans and is going to be sad but i hope i do it right. if anyone wants to read it let me know so i can try to send an email or something.