Hold on to you hats….
The Silent Thaw will most likely be published Nov 2019; no official date has been set at time of posting, but I know you’ll be eager to discuss it, especially once you’ve read Lost Stars
(btw, I think you’re going to love this arc.)
Feb 12th, 2019: Page updated with cover! This is now a spoiler page!
Feb 15th, 2019: Sorry, BlogClan! We’ve received word from the head honchos of the Erins, and we have to take down the cover as they are not yet finished or ready for the public. This will remain a spoiler page, but a placeholder image will be displayed until further notice!
May 6th, 2019: The cover is now back up, seeing that Harper Collins and Barnes & Nobles both have them up 🙂 Enjoy!
Note: We know you’re excited to continue reading about the lives of these characters, and love the world that the Erins have set up, but Kate is very busy and may not be able to get back to you regarding specific questions you may have – and she certainly can’t answer questions that spoil the next books! If a moderator or Kate tells you that they can’t answer your question, then we ask you to respect that answer. Thank you for your understanding! 🙂

Kate, what in the world is Daisy’s Kin about?
I’m not Kate, but I can answer this one for her: W.A.S.! 😉
Not Kate, butttt
Daisy questioning her life in ThunderClan, what it means to be a clan cat.
I think that’s it
My copy of the book finally arrived! After I’m done with this, I’ll finally be caught up with the series 😀
What do you think will happen in VoS?
It took me a minute to realize that you were saying Veil of Shadows and not Vision of Shadows 😛 (I realize that the A was missing but it’s still kinda confusing 😛 )
Umm, I think we’ll probably get more clues about who the cat that is possessing Bramblestar is, maybe actually find out who the cat is
I just read The Silent Thaw and loved it! Rootpaw’s crush on Bristlefrost is sooooooooo cute!
Hello! Are these cats in StarClan? Thanks! I love ur books. Boulder, Appledusk, Whiteclaw, Millie, Petalfur, Petalkit, and Cherrytail? Thanks so much pls reply soon! Love u!
I can’t remember/haven’t sen the there yet. Let’s W.A.S! 🙂
What is w.a.s.
“W.A.S.” stands for “Wait And See”
I just finished The Silent Thaw, and it was awesome! Now for my famous cats who die list:
Shadowsight 🙁
That’s it!
Now, a point of view from a five moon half SkyClan half RiverClan kit who lives in RiverClan!(That kit is me, Briarkit)
I ate, slept, played, and found out that Bramblestar is an imposter but didn’t tell anyone. The End!
Well, technically…
I haven’t read it. Wait a second… SHADOWSIGHT DIES?!?!?!?!?!
He very nearly does die, however, he fortunately survived.
I have a question…
About Silent thaw, is it going to be any more than 20 dollars in the united states?
I was just asking because my birthday is coming up soon, and my mom wants to know what I want, and rip i just remembered that this hasnt come out yet, but still.
Also, hi Kate!
I’m… pretty sure the Silent Thaw came out a while ago? 😛 Like, almost a year ago?
haha oops
Well, ok. then thank you, ember!
Who are the cats on the cover below Rootspring?
The one on the right i think is Bramblefake.
I want to find out what happened to Squirrelflight in Moonpool so baaaad