Silent Thaw Spoiler Page

Hold on to you hats….

The Silent Thaw will most likely be published Nov 2019; no official date has been set at time of posting, but I know you’ll be eager to discuss it, especially once you’ve read Lost Stars

(btw, I think you’re going to love this arc.)

Feb 12th, 2019: Page updated with cover! This is now a spoiler page!

Feb 15th, 2019: Sorry, BlogClan! We’ve received word from the head honchos of the Erins, and we have to take down the cover as they are not yet finished or ready for the public. This will remain a spoiler page, but a placeholder image will be displayed until further notice!

May 6th, 2019: The cover is now back up, seeing that Harper Collins and Barnes & Nobles both have them up 🙂 Enjoy!

Note: We know you’re excited to continue reading about the lives of these characters, and love the world that the Erins have set up, but Kate is very busy and may not be able to get back to you regarding specific questions you may have – and she certainly can’t answer questions that spoil the next books! If a moderator or Kate tells you that they can’t answer your question, then we ask you to respect that answer. Thank you for your understanding! 🙂

Official cover art


  • Spoilers!

    I think the “imposter” is Ashfur… hear me out… in the beginning of the book (for Bristlefrost’s perspective) Bristlefrost was thinking about how much Bramblestar needed Squirrelflight for company, more than a newborn kit. Ashfur could just be getting used to, having Squirrelflight as his mate (for the first time) and just really wants to be around her.
    The imposter also excuses Squirrelflight from atoning herself, saying that “StarClan has already forgiven her.”
    When Squirrelflight tells him that she wishes to be atoned, the fake Bramblestar is hesitant and giving her excuses not to go.
    Also, yet again another sign that he could be Ashfur, when Sparkpelt returns (not dead), he appears to be angry and displeased. Ashfur of course would have bitter feelings towards Squirrelflight and Bramblestar’s kits, which we’ve seen (read), when he threatened to kill Hollyleaf, Jayfeather, and Lionblaze, but then didn’t when he found out they were Leafpool’s kits. He shows anger towards Squirrelflight’s choice to pretend Leafpool’s kits were her own, when he was hissing at her about her atonement, this could lead back to when Ashfur attempted to kill Leafpool’s kits, and why he was still mad about it.
    When gives Squirrelflight a chance to confess that she went to SkyClan, and when she does not, his voice changes to a voice Bristlefrost had never heard before. Ashfur died moons before Bristlefrost was born.
    Also, when Bramblestar tells Bristlefrost to check on Squirrelflight (which was weird, because why should he care?), Bristlefrost notices that he looked distracted, and that his eyes were glittering anxiously, as if he was actually worried. When Bristlefrost comes back, and Brambletstar questions her, he says that Squirrelflight had always been a “hothead,” as if he generally knew her.
    Why would the “imposter” seem to actually care, know, and worry about Squirrelflight, if he wasn’t someone who knew her?
    Plus, in Squirrelflight’s Hope, Squirrelflight is confused at to why Ashfur was in StarClan, and this could be the mistake of him being placed there.
    This is his revenge!
    Mwah, ha, HA!
    That is my theory, anyway.

    • i agree, but thunderclan is still running like a “proper clan” should. (Proper as in not led by some cat inhabiting another’s body. ) also, this cat must be a former leader because thunderclan isn’t in complete chaos. (unless the imposter can really improvise!

    • I have a very weird theory. I think the impostor is Firestar! Firestar is a goody two-shoes. He cares about Squirrelflight! He would not remember Dewnose! So on! What do you think? Ashfur, Darktail, and Sol are still the top 3 on my list!

  • Kate, Berrynose was made deputy despite having never had an apprentice. Was this intentional, or did you and/or the editors you forget?

  • I finished the book in like around 2 hours, and my thoughts are that ashfur IS the one possessing bramblestar, he did not want squirrelflight to atone, and if he made some of the cats he hated the most atone, lionbaze and jayfeather, and people might not realize this quickly, but is it just me or does anyone realize that most of the codebreakers in shadowsight’s vision have to do with the power of three prophecy, it had jayfeather, lionblaze, dovewing, I am pretty sure it had squirrel flight I kind of forgot, but she also has to do with the power of three since she was the “mother” of the cats, and ashfur hated that and wanted the truth to be out, this explains why he cared so much about the code because squirrelflight broke the code by fostering lionblaze, jayfeather, and hollyleaf, and if cats followed the code better he probably thinks he would be mates with squirrelflight instead of bramblestar being mates with squirrelflight, and my other theories of cats possessing bramblestar, are darktail or sol, sol because he literally swore revenge on the clans and also he is a cat that knew the clans because of being in skyclan for a good period of time and maybe darktail because he wants everyone to be loal or else he will give them punishments, just like how bramblestar wanted to make cats atone if they broke the code or not being loyal in other words, but I think ashfur is the cat I am sticking with, Ive got to say this is was one of my favorite books of all time (possibly my favorite, and I have extremely high hope for veil of shadows, especially because of how cool the cover is, veil of shadow is my favorite book cover in warriors. *EXTREMELY POSSIBLY BIG SPOILER ALERT COMING UP* I don’t even know what to say about the last few pages in the silent thaw, like did shadowsight actually get killed….? actually, I don’t think so because first of all who will be the new protagonist for veil of shadows, an second of all I am 80% sure the reasons this happened was because, it raises the question WHERE will shadowsight go if he died, will he be able to reach starclan and figure out what happened to starclan, or be trapped in the dark forest? I am sure that the plot here is that shadowsight doesn’t die but reaches starclan and figures out what happens actually happens to them since he might have “died” and it possibly explains why the veil of shadow’s cover shows stars, the setting of the place in shadowsight’s POV might be in starclan, and we get to see the first glimpse of what starclan is like through shadowsight’s POV, this took a while to make out this whole “shadowsight-dying-and-figuring-out-what is going on in starclan” theory. AND THIS COMMENT IS MOSTLY FOR KATE AND I WANT TO KNOW WHAT SHE THINKS ABOUT THIS

  • I would love it if we get a pov in starclan because if shadowsight might have “died” he went to starclan and understood what was going on in starclan and why they were “silent” and he could be reincarnated in like the last broken code book, because we can’t just lose a protagonist, in veil of shadows everyone wonders what happened to shadowsight, in book 4 cats try to make up theories of what might have happened to shdowsight, in book 5 they might be able to communicate with shadowsight who is in starclan trying to figure out what happened to starclan and trying to get back home, and in book 6 the lake of fire prophecy comes true and there is a big duel, somehow, against bramblestar with shadowsight coming back and starclan coming back, when I meant shadowsight coming back I meant ressurected lol, and there is another dark forest duel if cats from the dark forest were actually helping ashfur kill the clans, ALMOST ALL OF THIS IS A THEORY AND FOR KATES COMMENTS INCLUDING OTHERS THOUGHTS

  • I really hope shadowsight goes to starclan and gets a POV there, explains why veil of shadows also has stars on it, hints shadowsights pov might be in starclan

  • With Ashfur I just feel like he wouldn’t this far like he has been in Starclan and forgiven by pretty much everybody so why would he want anymore

    He’s good chilling in cat heaven


    Okay, you know how Bramblestar punished all the codebreakers, Twigbranch, Jayfeather and Lionblaze swearing an oath, Lionblaze also being exiled for 3 days, Dovewing and Tree exiled temporarily/forever (idk), but there are still two more codebreakers. Mothwing and Crowfeather, and we still don’t know what their punishment would be. I honestly really want Bramblestar’s imposter to kill them. I mean, Willowshine really needs to be a single medicine cat, and i don’t want Crowstar, and if this happens, i’ll just hope Breezepelt won’t be deputy, because he’s better as a warrior. And also, i would want this to happen because it would make a lot of drama-
    *End of Spoilers*

  • Kate, do you possibly have any updates on SE13 now that The Silent Thaw is out? Like which Clan and/or cat it will be about?

  • So is Millie dead? It doesnt seem like the subject is going to come up in later books. She was last seen in Squirrelflight’s Hope, and wasn’t in Lost Stars or mentioned in The Silent Thaw

  • First of all spoilers, and for everyone who likes theories generally

    Now my thoughts on the book after finishing it in an hour is that it is probably one of my favorites, I think I might have figured out who is possessing bramblestar, ashfur, the reasons being that first of all when tried making all the cats who he claims are codebreakers, from all clans atone, except squirrelflight, because ashfur being in bramblestar’s body is getting used to having her a mate, and is it just me or does anyone realize that in the book lost star’s, shadowsight’s vision showed a list of codebreakers, and most of them had to do with the power of three prophecy, dovewing, crowfeather, I am pretty sure there was also squirrelflight, jayfeather, and lionblaze which were the only surviving kits of leafpool other than hollyleaf who was a “codebreaker” because she was born. The reason it had to do with the power of three prophecy was because, well, he hated almost all the cats in it, squirrelflight, lionblaze, and jayfeather which were cats he hated most because of her not being his mate and her having fostering kits which was another minus to him. Now as for shadowsight, man the ending of the book got me confused but now I think I might have figured it out, Shadowsight got “killed” and might have went to starclan as it being the only optional way to contact with starclan, dying, and going to starclan, and I am 80% sure shadowsight will still be the protagonist for the next books instead of some other cat, and in veil of shadows he will be in starlan, so that means out first POV in starclan for a good period of time if the theory comes true, and is it a coincidence that veil of shadows has stars on it’s cover? I think not because it might be hinting that shadowsight’s POV might be in starclan, END OF THEORY I WILL BE HAPPY TO TAKE ANY COMMENTS< I PROBABLY HAVE ANOTHER COMMENT LIKE THIS BUT IT ISN'T MODERATING SO I REWROTE IT

    • Hi, Red. The reason why we haven’t moderated your other comment is because you specifically addressed it to Kate. In events where comments are in reply to or address a specific moderator (or a job that they do), we leave the comment in moderation for them so they can see it and reply if necessary. That is what we did for yours 🙂

    • I agree with you too. Ashfur probably was the imposter because on countless occasions he punishes Squirrelflight (probably to make her pay for choosing Bramblestar over him) but also was really worried about Squirrelflight. Also(WHY DID NOBODY THINK OF THIS!?) Ashfur died before SkyClan came to the territory and probably only knew Tree because he looked at the old prophecy (the one where there was a 6 toed cat) and probably would have punished other skyclan cats. He also probably named Squirrelflight as a code breaker because she chose Brambleclaw over him.

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