To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Here is my dog, Malikai the Alaskan Malamute.
Awww! How old is he?
He’s recently turned one year old.
I love Malamutes! 😀
In case you’ve ever wondered, Lollo is a CUTEEREEEEEE cat that is currently serving as our porch cat, and also takes the responsibility for eating our food every time we try to eat on the porch. Here’s something that just happened to me with him today:
Me: *sits down for a moment*
Lollo: *sits on me purring, kneading my legs with his claws*
Me: “ouch, Lollo, stop!”
Lollo: *stops*
Me: “awww, Lollo, you’re such a good boy! That’s my child!”
Hawkleap: “umm, he’s not a child or a boy. He’s a cat.”
Last line is me with Moon
Lets see if this image works
Nope. Anyone know how to post images?
Well, I guess I’ll just describe my kitties. They’re sisters and about a year and a half year old. Mimi is the boss cat, and a really pretty classic tabby with white markings. She has a heart mark on her head and a weird tabby belt on her very large belly. (Shes on a diet and hating it)
Cecelia is mostly white with a few tabby patches and really pretty green eyes. She’s my snuggle buddy.
Yesterday CC stole my fish crackers.
You can upload your photos to Imgur which gives the photo a link and so you copy that link and paste it in your comment box.
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Try Imgur! 🙂
When I was 5 I had a goldfish that died in 2 weeks; it traumatized me and now I’m scared of getting pets 🙁
Awww, I can understand that. 🙁 But I promise it isn’t your fault. Goldfish are notorious for being very sensitive. I had goldfish, and only one lived longer than a few months. If you ever get another pet down the line, I’m sure it will be okay. ❤
Aw, that’s too bad. I had a beta fish I was attached to long ago that was kind of like that, so I get where you’re coming from <3 But not all pets have the life span of goldfish; I'm sure that if you get another pet, it'll be alright! <3
its ok not all pets are dellacete like goldfish
Aw rip sorry that happened 🙁
But goldfish are very delicate. If you get a cat or dog or rabbit or bird, you’ll have them for a much longer time, so there’s no need to be scared of losing another pet that soon 🙂
ok lets introduce my kitties to blogclan
Reginald- he is a brown tabby i had him for about 3 years now hes social and fluffy and big
Stanley- a gray tabby tom, i have him since he was a kitten(two years now) he has finished growing recently and floofed out a bit he is shy but loves his butt scratches
and Oliver- he is a colorpoint shorthair my family adopted him 2 months ago .
We got Reginald from an animal shelter
We found Stanley in the backyard he was their for a few days before my mom decided to take him in.
Olivers backstory is kinda long so here we go-
Oliver once belonged to a older couple he was very fat, one of his owners died (now have a moment of silence) and the other moved out leaving him behind. he became a stray in the area and became skinny someone reconised him a few months later and took him in, she could not keep him since her mom is allergic to cats. she went to facebook- which leads to my mom taking him in.
Aww that’s good you adopted him.
Awwwww <3
awwww :3
its is my new fav page <3 😀
mee too!!!
This is my cat Honey, in her natural habitat 😛
so cute!!!
Ahhhhh a new page!!! I’m excited to post some of the stupid things my cats do 😛
Pet page! 😀
I have a dog, Willy, and a Bearded Dragon, Spike. I had another Bearded Dragon, Flower, Spike’s brother, who died in 2017. Spike’s 10!
cool! R.I.P. Flower 🙁
I suggested this page like when I first joined, and no one bothered making it then XD
But excited to scream about Moon 😛
You’re gonna see me on this page a LOT. There is a lot going on with my 3 kitties :3
To start off, let me just introduce you to them… and their warrior names…
Emily- fluffy black she-cat with green eyes who acts like a dog. Likes belly rubs and pizza. (will eat pizza.) Age 3. Warrior name- Bunnyheart
Charlotte- black she-cat with green eyes and adorable white armpit tufts longer than the rest of the fur on her body!!! Age 3, sister to Emily. Warrior name- Whitetuft
Cleo- mottled gray and white she-cat with olive-green eyes and large paws. Age 10 months. Rescued from the street, starving. She is fine now :3 Warrior Name- Olivepaw(whisker) but I think she is more of a tribe cat. I think her tribe name would be Frost That Melts on Pebbles.
You’ll hear a lot about these three soon 😉
My kitties like belly rubs too!
This is my adorable bird, Lugia ❤ I miss him so much
He’s adorable <3 I'm sorry you had to give him away 🙁
I just remembered now (even though you told me his name before) that Lugia is a Pokemon though XDHi BlogClan! These are my pets!
Lugia – a male rainbow lorikeet, who we had to give away
Blue – a white and light blue lovebird, who died in 2018; named after a Rio chatracter
Jewel – a dark gray and blue lovebird, who died in 2019; also named after a Rio character
Leafy – a bamboo
Fally (not the BlogClanner 😛 ) – a cacti that’s falling
Tiny – Fally’s friend, a small cacti
The Cactus Army – a bunch of cacti that share the same pot, named the cactus army
Cressy – a bunch of cress
SnapBro – a snapdragon flower
Passive – a parsley, not sprouted yet
Andddddddddd that’s all my pets! (Yeah I name my plants to, great person I am 😛 )
I name my plants too. I have a succulent named James Wilson and a magnificent raspberry bush named Robert.
Me too! And random objects! (My pencil box, my coats, my violin…….)
That’s nice 😀
Yessss Rio is awesome
The Cactus army huh?
They actually don’t look like that 😛
love those plant names!!!