[a design of Brackenfur smiling]

Why Brackenfur didn’t have to be a ‘patrol guy’ by Shatteredmask

Shatteredmask shares their thoughts on Brackenfur and his role in the series.

Art by Wolfjesyo

Hi! I am Shatteredmask. This is my first article with my new name, soooooooooo…
This is about Brackenfur, who I’ve really never thought about before. Lots of people say he’s a ‘patrol guy’ (nun uh, that position’s taken by Thornclaw) and that he’s a background character. I don’t disagree with these statements, but I do believe he could have been so much more. He could have been evil, or a really interesting character. I’ll tell you why.

First, let’s examine some of the evil cats’ motives.
Tigerstar – bad mentoring, absent parenting
Mapleshade – vengeance for the ones she loved
Brokenstar – bullied, absent parenting
Sleekwhisker – blamed someone for her loved ones’ losses
One Eye – bad kithood (apparently. It says in The Blazing Star, “if One Eye had been that easy to kill, he’d never have survived kithood.”)
Darktail – absent parenting, bad kithood

Now let’s examine Brackenfur’s life.
Brackenfur was captured by Clawface when he was a kit (One Eye, Darktail). Then, he was apprenticed young and his mentor, Greystripe, didn’t mentor him properly as he was too interested in his forbidden girlfriend (Tigerstar). His sister, Cinderpaw, was run over by a monster because SOMEONE didn’t stop her (Sleekwhisker, Mapleshade). He has all the traits for someone evil, and he has all the reasons too. It would make so much more sense for Brackenfur to have helped Hawkfrost kill Firestar than, out of the blue, just shove Ashfur randomly in there so that you can see he’s got a bit of evil in him.
At least Brackenfur has a reason to kill Firestar. Firestar let his sister get run over by a monster, while Ashfur’s reason is that he’s angry with Firestar’s daughter and Firestar’s enemy’s son.

Or, if he’s not evil, at least let him be targeted a bit. I will explain.
Hawkfrost and Mapleshade’s technique to get cats to join or to train with the DF was to idk the word, like, talk about their target’s weaknesses. Do you know what I mean? Like, Mapleshade targeted Crookedstar because of his injury, Hawkfrost targeted Ivypool because of her jealousy, he targeted Blossomfall because of her jealousy and Hollowflight because of him being bullied.
Brackenfur has had pretty much all of these things happen to him, yet he wasn’t recruited. Why?
Okay, sorry about that.

Thank you for reading! Hope it changed your mind about ‘the patrol guy’!

Fan Articles


  • Actually, it wasn’t Brackenfur that was stolen. Cinderpaw tells Firestar something about when Frostfur’s other kits were stolen by Clawface. Frostfur had another litter consisting of two kits, Thornclaw and Brightheart that were younger than Cinderpelt and Brackenfur. They were in the nursery at the same time, though, which is something queens usually don’t do now. It was them that got stolen as kits, except if your younger siblings get stolen, you’d be just as terrified as them, so I get your point.

  • Firestar did not let Cinderpelt get run over. He kept on yelling at her not to go because he thought she was going to get run over if she did go. And she did! It was Cinderpaw being stupid and over energetic, basically being herself that got her run over. Firestar did blame it on himself, but he tried his hardest and he needed to go fast in order to gather something. (I forgot what)

  • All warriors have a lot happen in their lives. Brackenfur didn’t really have more than usual. But his mate did die in the battle against the Dark Forest. I have a theory coming together in my mind…

  • I think it would be cool for him to at least have been a little evil. Have him harbor some resentment towards Graystripe, have him figure out about Silverstream. Have Silverstream live through kitting and have Brackenfur kill her as revenge for her stealing his mentor! To far? All right…..have Brackenfur and Brambleclaw become friends over the fact that they both had absent mentors/parents, that they both have problems with their mentors, with Graystripe being nowhere, and Fireheart not trusting Brambleclaw. Have them bond over not getting to be with their sisters! When Brambleclaw is pushing Squirrelflight away, have Brackenfur scold him and give him relationship advice, which would have Brambleclaw actually getting better rather then them just getting back together.

  • Considering Brackenfur’s personality, the main motive I could see for him committing crimes, is his sense of justice getting out of control. Somewhat similar to Hollyleaf, who he ironically trained. Most likely his first victim would be Ashfur, since his apprentice was his attampted victim. It would then swirl down from there.

  • This is such a great article!!! In my article that should be coming out soon I state that Brackenfur should have a novella, but I have never thought of this AU before! Well done

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