Wildspirit theorizes on who Graystripe and Crowfeather would choose in StarClan!
Hello, my name is Wildspirit and this is my first ever article!!!😄😁😀 I want to share my opinion on who Crowfeather and Graystripe are going to choose in StarClan.
Let’s start with Crowfeather. Feathertail, Nightcloud, or Leafpool. I just want to rule out Nightcloud, because Crowfeather only mated with her to prove his loyalty. Also, I absolutely HATE CrowxNight. Between Feathertail and Leafpool, I think he will choose Leafpool. Feathertail and Crowfeather (Crowpaw back then) seemed more like a fleeting crush. When they reached the clans again, having Feathertail lived, they would’ve gone their separate ways. Now I’m an ultimate LeafxCrow shipper. Also, Crowfeather actually tells Leafpool he never regretted anything he did with Leafpool. That’s got to be true love! Also, Feathertail and Crowfeather hardly knew each other, while Leafpool and Crowfeather ran away together and began to know each other, and still loving each other. So, in the end, I think Crowfeather will choose Leafpool.
Moving on to Graystripe, Silverstream or Millie. Now I’m a GrayxSilver shipper. But I don’t want this article to be biased, so I’m going to choose based on facts. Starting with Silberstream, it seemed like Graystripe loved Silverstream. He even joined RiverClan just to look after her kits. Even when Firestar (Fireheart) tells Graystripe to stop, Graystripe insists he loves her, and continues meeting her. Into Millie. Has anyone else noticed she looks almost exactly like Silverstream? Also, Graystripe never seemed.to care for his kits with her. When Briarlight lost mobility in her legs, Graystripe never seemed as worried as he should be. When Blossomfall was getting yelled at by Millie, Graystripe just say there and watched. Based on all of the facts, it just seems like Graystripe will choose Silverstream. Plus, Millie might not even go to StarClan. So if Millie doesn’t go to StarClan, Graystripe won’t have to worry about anything, but Millie will wander around aimlessly as a ghost looking for him forever. Sorry Millie.
Those are my opinions and factual assumptions about who Crowfeather and Graystripe will choose in StarClan. Please post you opinion on the comments. Don’t kill me because I like SilverxGray instead of MilliexGray.
Same here. I agree with everything
im also a leafxcrow and a grayxsilver shipper
Me too!
Its true that graystripe would choose silverstream over millie. While I was reading the books, you can tell that graystripe cares about feathertail and stormfur more than blossomfall, bumblestripe, and briarlight, even when she broke her hind legs. Graystripe cared about feathertail and stormfur more than millie’s kits because they were silverstream’s kits.
I think a lot of it IS that Feathertail and Stormfur were more separate from his other kits, so Graystripe wanted to put more effort into showing that he still loves them despite that.
now that I think of it… your right
Am I first to comment?
Nope! It also doesn’t really matter too much. This isn’t Youtube. :3
SILVERXGRAY FOREVER!!!!!!!!! I read somewhere that Graystripe only chose Millie because she reminded him of Silverstream, and in StarClan he’d choose Silverstream.
Nooo!!! It’s FeatherxCrow. Here’s why. First, they WOULDN’T have gone their separate ways in she’d lived. Sorry Leafpool. They LOVED each other! If Feathertail didn’t have that super sad prophecy, they would’ve been together and Leafpool would have to choose someone else. I’m like, the ultimate CrowxFeather shipper. Anyway, if Leafpool was Feathertail (which she’ll NEVER be) Crowfeather’s name would probably be Crowleaf. Now I don’t think that’s so pretty. Plus, what would Yellowfang give Jayfeather? A crow leaf? I think not. To be honest, I wish Leafpool had that prophecy. Silverstream died sadly, so did Feathertail and Stormfur. Like, come on! Leafpool should’ve had that prophecy, and Crowfeather should’ve always loved Feathertail (which he totally still does) and been mates with her in StarClan. CrowxFeather FOREVER!!! Feathertail would be the one with Crowfeather, and Leafpool would choose someone else. Feathertail and Crowfeather would NEVER EVER separate! NEVER IF SHE’D LIVED! Oh, and I think Cinderpelt wouldn’t have died had Leafpool stayed, so Crowfeather kind of means he didn’t care about Cinderpelt. Rude. Crowfeather literally went on a journey with Feathertail! What did Leafpool do? Get saved from him from falling? Go to a camp? That’s what I call hardly knew each other! Feathertail and Crowfeather knew each other more than Leafpool did anyway. FEATHERTAIL KNEW CROWFEATHER MORE THAN LEAFPOOL DID!!!! Plus, Crowfeather and Leafpool went their separate ways. If Feathertail hadn’t died, Crowfeather and Feathertail wouldn’t have gone their separate ways, but Leafpool and Crowfeather did. He even took a mate from his Clan just to prove he’s loyal! He wouldn’t have done that to Feathertail. He loved her more in my opinion, and without Feathertail’s permission, may I remind you Leafpool would stay away from Crowfeather. So in the end, I think Crowfeather will choose Feathertail. CrowxFeather FOREVER!!!!!
they did,but it didn’t seem stronger then leafcrow.also the erins confirmed that even if Feathertail lived,she would have been mates with Reedwhisker. also,Crowfeather got his warrior name BEFORE he fell in love with Leafpool. Well,that explains everything,sorry for ruining your imagination!!
I’m saying if Leafpool was Feathertail. Well, if Feathertail had lived, at least she would’ve been happy. Fine…. maybe I’ll be on LeafxCrow.
Lol i respect your opinion tho,its just that im a big greysilver and leafcrow shipper
I am too now.
I don’t know if you remember, but on the Name That Apprentice! page, you told me you liked my name, so I just wanted to thank you.
Your welcome! 🙂
Lol both you and Mounty rant a lot on CrowXFeather
Mentor like apprentice 🙂
FEATHERXCROW!!! Come on, who’s with me?
not me
I really like your article! I’m glad you posted it because I’ve been wondering about this. And I agree with everything on here.
I love this article and have often considered this topic! A few things:. I do agree that ultimately he would choose Silverstream, she was his first love and they were such a cute couple.
For Crowfeather, I think I am biased because I looooooove him and Feathertail. In Crowfeather’s trial he did say that he had “Let go of his attachment to Leafpool and didn’t feel the same way about her anymore” or something like that. He still seemed to love Feathertail though. Because I am weird I like Crowfeather and Nightcloud, but they don’t really even like each other lol I’m so weird. Again, I love this article! It was really well written and a good zero me overall.
I think that Millie will be able to go to StarClan, my theory is that once the gates to StarClan are reopened, the ghosts will be able to ascend to StarClan, like how Pebbleshine, Needletail etc did. I think that all cats going to StarClan do spend at least a few moments as ghosts, before StarClan lets them in (or they get sent to the Dark Forest). It’s just that with StarClan blocked off, no-one can get there yet.
If StarClan is unreachable forever, also that means that Greystripe will also end up as a ghost. I am a Grey and Silver shipper, but I am just looking at the facts here.
Millie does go to StarClan..
Comment i s in moderation. My kindle has the legit worst autocorrect EVER. It said article was zero me, I mean s seriously what.
completely agreed!
I think Crowfeather’ll choose Feathertail, because from my point of view he just had Leafpool has his mate to ease his pain over Feathertail’s death.
I want Greystripe to be mates with Millie in StarClan, but that probably won’t happen 😛
nah,i don’t think so. It’s not that she eased his pain over Feathertail’s death,he just loved her so much. I don’t think he would run off with an ‘easer’
I like Millie more, he probably wouldnt have made it back without millie. but he’s probably gonna choose silverstream