River Spoiler Page

The first book of A Starless Clan (Arc 8) will be called River! Chat away with your theories and predictions!

Blurb of River:
A dark age has given way to an era of peace in the five warrior Clans, and with it comes a promise of hope. As their leaders deliberate on unprecedented changes to the warrior code, three young warriors set their paws on the paths that will decide their futures.
In ThunderClan, warrior apprentice Flamepaw, a descendant of the legendary leader Firestar, struggles under the weight of his famous kin’s legacy, while young ShadowClan warrior Sunbeam has doubts of her own. But in RiverClan, medicine cat apprentice Frostpaw looks eagerly toward the horizon, awaiting the day she will be called upon to help her Clan—a day that may dawn sooner than she ever dreamed.

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  • Maybe what happens is that the StarClan problem isn’t solved so they still have to try to fix it. (That was from the top of my head so there are probably more accurate answers)

    • it sais A dark age has given way to an era of peace in the five warrior Clans so probably not

  • Maybe the next books will be called Thunder, Shadow, Sky, Wind, (in any order) and the last book will be called Star.

    Also, “star” could mean a leader, so a starless clan could mean a clan without a leader? Maybe Mistystar (and Reedwhisker) dies (or something…) and RiverClan is left without a leader. (Or maybe it’s one of the other clans, I thought it would be RiverClan because the book is called River)

    Also, is this the first Warriors book with a one word title?

    • No, The New Prophecy also had one-word titles. And your theory of a missing leader is cool, but Thunderclan already lost Bramblestar for a bit, so I don´t think it´ll go that way, but instead ALitM will be about defeating Ashfur and a starless clan will be about saving Starclan. Also, I agree with the titles being the four clans in any order and then Star for Starclan.

      • Thunderclan lost Bramblestar for a while, but they were never without a leader. If a clan (most likely Riverclan) loses it’s leader AND deputy at the same time they will have a bit of trouble.

  • Do you think StarClan will come back? The series is literally called A Starless Clan. What do you think?

    • What if StarClan IS starless? Like they have lost the stars in their pelts? Have y’all thought of that?

      Another thought of mine is The Dark Forest because it is a Starless place and the Dark Forest cats don’t have stars in their pelts. Hince the name, the Place Of No Stars.

  • Kate, two things.

    1.Is there going to be a warriors movie? Me and my sister are super big fans of warriors and we have been waiting for like 7 years for a movie.

    2. If there is going to be a movie, just a suggestion. Maybe don’t make it about the prophecies begin. The newer arcs are so much more interesting(OotS, aVoS, tBC)
    You could start at Oots, and explain everything in flashbacks. Or completely leave out how they moved to the lake. It would be complicated to explain.


    • Still no news, but I’m sure we’ll eventually find a way to put Warriors onscreen. It’s only fair to our readers!

  • Aaaaaaaaah!!!! I can’t wait for this to come out! Here are my thoughts on the POVs:

    Flamepaw- He’s so cute! I’ve actually shipped him with Myrtlepaw for a while, (I hv no clue why :p) so I hope they are close or at least besties in this series!

    Sunbeam- Wait a minute…Needletail’s sis is getting a spotlight?? Yay!! I’m happy about this because we know so little about her, so I can’t wait to learn more! I wonder if she will be anything like her older sister?

    Frostpaw- Okay, I kind of expected this. I had a feeling that one of Curlfeather’s kits would be one of the next main characters. I’m also super happy that we are finally getting a POV from RiverClan! But for some reason, I have a feeling she’s gonna be a little like Hollyleaf…

  • StarClan isn’t going to come back, are they.
    I mean, what else could “A Starless Clan” mean?
    I’m glad there will be more of Flamepaw. Not sure what Frostpaw and Sunbeam have to do with anything, but I’m glad there will be a focus on random minor characters!
    Isn’t there kind of an age gap between the three? Frostpaw is way younger than Flamepaw(and how is he still a paw?)who is way younger than Sunbeam.

  • Ooh! I’m excited for the RiverClan POV! I think maybe the books will be named after the Clans like everyone else is saying, but each leader will die in the book that has their Clan’s name. And then they’ll be left without leaders, until in book 6, StarClan comes back and makes a bunch of cats leaders.

    • oooh that’s an interesting theory :0 not gonna lie it’s high time for most of these leaders to die 😛

    • I really hope that we get a lot of turnover in leaders in this arc. A lot of the leaders are old and have been around for a while (looking at you Mistystar and Leafstar!!). In the first few arcs, especially the first one, we would have multiple leaders die per arc, and I want to see some other cats shine!! I really like your theory of one leader dying per book. That would be awesome!!

      • I just realized how old Leafstar must be… Mistystar still rules the age spectrum though. And it would be great to see some newer leaders to spice things up. Thanks!

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