Fan Fiction

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[image description: a black-and-white photo of a kitten sleeping in a cavity of a typewriter]


  • Chapter Three
    Starkit was being groomed. Why, you may ask? Well, Starkit was about to become an apprentice, so Farsight was grooming her. Starkit would be a Warrior apprentice because a few days before Mastermind gave her the Medicine Cat test and she failed. Starkit was so excited to be called Starpaw! Who would her mentor be? Well, not Feirceteeth or Strongwing, they had Darkpaw and Blackpaw as their apprentices. Anyway, despite Feirceteeth being Starkit’s older sister, Starkit was scared of Feirceteeth. She was always so mean. She also did not like the fact that their brother was being paraded by the Cats of Peace to end the SandClan Treetop war and not having to be on the island. Wait, everyone else resented Starkit’s brother for that. Even Starkit. Well, wherever he was, Starkit’s brother was probably going to be an apprentice too. Starkit is going to be so grown up! Farsight thought, She’ll be an amazing Warrior. I wonder who her mentor will be. And how is her brother? I bet he’s going to be an apprentice too. Starkit saw a vision of a brown MudClan tom being taught by a red SkyClan she-cat, a blue SeaClan she-cat with a white tipped-tail being taught by a blue tom, a greenish RainClan she-cat with red paws and orange flecks of fur being taught by the same blue tom, a black NightClan tom who seemed familiar somehow to Starkit being taught by a scarred yellow SandClan tom, and a golden SandClan she-cat being taught by the same scarred yellow SandClan tom. She was struck out of the vision as Mightykit and Mindkit, who had recently opened their eyes, padded over. I wish I could be an apprentice, Mightykit thought. He was definetly not a mind reader. I will read Starkit’s mind when she is an apprentice and see what it’s like! Mindkit thought. Though she thought she was one(and her name said so), she was also not one.
    “It’s so cool that you’re going to be an apprentice,” Mightykit mewed.
    “Thanks, Mightykit,” Starkit mewed.
    “Can you tell us about the outside of the volcano when you see it?” Mindkit asked. Or I could read her mind about it, Mindkit’s mind added.
    “All right,” Starkit agreed.
    “It’s time, Starkit!” Mastermind meowed excitedly as he padded in. Moonseer left Mindkit and Mightykit with Secretkeeper to go to the meeting. This was Starkit’s first meeting. Farsight told her to bow down to a black she-cat who was too small to be queen. Starkit tapped into her mind. Let’s get this over with, the black she-cat thought, I’ll ask mother what she’ll say. The she-cat bent down to the whole in the Treetop. I’ll tell Greatnesstail, and this Starkit will be an apprentice, came the thoughts from inside, perfect. Something about it felt icy, but like ice that didn’t belong.
    “Starkit, until you become a Warrior, you will now be known as Starpaw,” Greatnesstail meowed, “StarClan honors that you are ready to be an apprentice.” Greatnesstail bent back down to listen to Battlestar. Farsight was standing next to Mastermind happily.
    “Preyhunter, you will mentor Starpaw,” Greatnesstail meowed, “StarClan honors your patience and hunting knowledge. Battlestar hopes you pass down these traits to Starpaw.” Starpaw felt excitement pulse through her fur as she touched her nose to Preyhunter’s. She was an apprentice. This was her story. No one else’s. And it was just beggining.

  • The BlogClan Talent Show
    (Chapter 4)

    (Shoutout to everyone who is mentioned down below. Except me ofc, bc it’ll be weird to give a shoutout to myself)


    Silverfeather (Silvy): A slender white (light gray tints) she-cat with darker stripes and blue eyes

    Jayfeather: Jayfeather is a lean,mottled, pale gray tabby tom with blind, pale blue eyes like a jay’s wing. He has thin and silky fur and a scar running down one side.

    Lillypaw-A white tabby she-cat with large black and ginger brown spots and green eyes


    Shimmermist-A light gray she-cat with small white speckles scattered throughout her pelt. She also has green eyes and white chest


    Lionblaze-A thick furred broad-shouldered,muscular bright golden tabby tom with amber eyes the color of the sun. He has thick fluff ringing around his neck, a nicked ear and massive pale paws with fur that bunches at his claws

    Nightwish- A gray she-cat with black stripes and dark blue eyes

    Riverpond- A tortoiseshell she-cat with a white tail-tip

    Mapledrift- A dark ginger demi-she-cat with white flecks, tufted ears and blue eyes

    Lilyfoot- A sliver/gray she-cat with black spots (like a cheetah’s) and blue eyes

    Berrystumpytail- A long furred broad shouldered and sturdy cream colored tom with a thick short stump for a tail. He has a wide head and a shredded ear-tip

    Cinderbreeze- A silver she-cat with darker flecks, white paws, and sapphire blue eyes

    Firepaw- A orange and round she-cat with a green stem for an ear

    Frostcrystal- A black she cat with white paws and icy blue eyes

    Moonripple Rebellious- A white she-cat with black spots and light blue eyes

    Springtail-An orange/red she-cat with black ear and right white foreleg

    Chapter Four:

    Shimmermist: Onto our fifth contestant, please welcome Lilyfoot to the stage!
    Lilypaw: Howdy guys! Today I’m going to show you some basic tap!
    Jayfeather: Ah! That suit is making my eyes hurt!
    Lilyfoot: *smiles and starts showing off her blue sequinned tux suit with large fake diamonds and waves her baton around*
    [The lights turn off and a spotlight shines down on Lilyfoot]
    [Hamilton “Burn” starts to play]
    Lilyfoot: *starts tapping her paw slowly, closing her eyes to listen to the music*
    Jayfeather: Maybe it isn’t so bad, excluding the ridiculous costume.
    Lilyfoot: *starts stomping around the whole stage, making weird noises and pulling weird faces*
    Jayfeather: *mutters* Nope, I take that back.
    Lilyfoot: *does a series of jazz hands while prancing around the stage*
    The Song: You, you, you
    Lilyfoot: *suddenly stops in the middle of the stage and swings her baton, but loses control, making the baton fly over to the judges and hitting Jayfeather’s head*
    The Song: Burn
    Jayfeather: *starts screaming and waving his legs in the air*
    Everyone *can’t contain their laughter and starts giggling*
    [Huge dark toms in suits carries Jayfeather away]
    Lilyfoot: *flustered* Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I really didn’t mean too. How can I repay you? Oh I’m so sorry!
    Lillypaw: There’s need to be sorry, it’s perfectly fine!
    Silvy: It’s okay. Please continue.
    Lilyfoot: *brightens* Oh thank you!
    Lilyfoot: *starts stomping around again and waving her paws*
    The Song: I hope that you burn
    Lilyfoot: *swings her paws dramatically and attempts to do the spilt*
    Lilyfoot: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!
    Silvy: Oh my gosh, what happened?
    Lilyfoot: My hamstrings!
    [More dark toms carry the screaming Lilyfoot]
    Jayfeather: *comes back, walking wonkily, a hello kitty bandaid on his head*
    Jayfeather: Did I miss anything?
    Shimmermist: You missed the rest of the performance. It’s time to judge now!
    Jayfeather: Oh ok.
    [Silvy: 7/10, Lillypaw: 5/10, Jayfeather 1/10]

    Shimmermist: Now it’s time for Berrystumpytail!
    Berrystumpytail: Yo! Sup? I’m Berrystumpytail and I’m the best hip hop dancer to ever exist!
    Jayfeather: Berrystumpytail? No wonder. He’s exactly like Berrynose!
    Lillypaw: Well, he’s sure confident.
    Berrystumpytail: Shut up Jayfeather!
    Jayfeather: Shut up yourself, mouse brain!
    Silvy: Guys, stop!
    Berrystumpytail: Yeah Jayfeather, stop it. *winks at the crowd*
    Jayfeather: *gives Berrystumpytail the stink eye*
    Berrystumpytail: *poses dramatically*
    [Music starts playing]
    Berrystumoytail: *starts doing hip hop moves*
    (Sorry for not being specific. I just don’t know much about dancing)

    After 3 seconds of doing weird poses:

    Berrystumpytail: And that’s all!
    Lillypaw: That’s… all?
    Berrystumpytail: Yeah? *lifts his invisible cat eyebrows*
    Berrystumpytail: *frowns* Did you not like it? Because that’s impossible. I am the best!
    Lillypaw: Yes, I didn’t like it. I am truly sorry, but it was not good at all, and plus your performace was super short.
    Berrystumpytail: NO IT ISN’T! It’s so much better than any of you guys here, and especially you!
    Lillypaw: Really?
    Berrystumpytail: Yeah, duh. I already told you I was the best! I have lots of fangirls! *winks at the crowd* Raise your hand if you think I’m amazing,
    The Crowd: *silence*
    [a few moments later]
    Lillypaw: It’s CLEAR that nobody thinks your performance was good. Even I could do better than you.
    Berrystumpytail: *huffs* If you’re so confident, why don’t you come up and show it to everyone?
    Silvy: That’s not how it works here, Berrystumpytail. I’m sorry, but-
    Lillypaw: Silvy, stop. I’ll do it.
    Silvy: But…
    Lillypaw: *goes up to the stage*
    Jayfeather: *rolls his eyes and leans back on his chair*
    Lillypaw: Music please!
    Also Lillypaw: *starts doing complicated hip hop moves and jumping all over the place*
    Everybody: Wow…
    Jayfeather: Dang, she’s good.
    Lillypaw: Thank you! *bows*
    Berrystumpytail: *sneers* Argh, this is so lame! I’m quitting. *stomps out*
    Jayfeather: And don’t ever show your face back here again!
    Silvy: That was a bit rude…

    Shimmermist: Whoa, that was an intense round. Unfortunately, another one of our contestants have decided to quit, which means we need move onto the next contestant! Please give a round of a applause for Cinderbreeze!
    Everyone: *claps*
    Cinderbreeze: Oh, hello everyone! Today I’m going to show you guys a few gymnastic moves.
    Jayfeather: Lame
    Silvy: Oh shut up, Jayfeather! I’ve had enough of your crap. Now let Cinderbreeze do her performance!
    [the lights dim and the music starts playing]
    Cinderbreeze: *starts leaping, twirly, cartwheeling*
    Jayfeather: *mutters under his breath* Still lame…
    Cinderbreeze: *somehow “accidently” karate kicks Jayfeather into the massive crowd*
    Jayfeather: WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE ME EVERY- *gets buried under many cats*
    Lillypaw: *giggles* How are we going to find him in this crowd?
    The VSCO girl from chapter two: It’s okay Lillypaw! I got him! *yeets Jayfeather back to his seat*
    Cinderbreeze: I’m sorry. Are you… alright?
    Jayfeather: *glares at everyone* Does it look like I’m alright?!
    Cinderbreeze: No…
    Jayfeather: Exactly! At this rate, one of you are going to permanently injure me!
    Silvy: Oh no you aren’t! I have super healing powers and I’m not going to let you get hurt!
    Jayfeather: Hmph *mutters* Aren’t I already hurt? *peels off his hello kitty bandage*
    Shimmermist: *completely oblivious to her surroundings per usual* Let’s see what the judges think of Cinderbreeze’s amazing performance!
    Lillypaw: It was pretty good, but I’d like to see a bit more creativity. Something unique or incredible.
    Silvy: You’re very flexible and your flips are very neat! But, as Lillypaw mentioned, there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary in your performance.
    Jayfeather: Horrible, horrible, horrible.
    [The judges hold up their scores; Silvy: 6/10, Lillypaw: 5/10, Jayfeather: 1/10]

    And that was the end of chapter four!
    It wasn’t as funny or as long as the other chapters, but I hope you liked it anyways 😀

    Note: If you want to be added, it’s not too late to join!
    Just fill out this form and you’re good to go 😃
    **You can only do yourself**
    Description (what they look like):
    A brief summary of what you are going to perform: (funny performances are recommended since it makes it easier for me to make the story!):

    • Is it weird that I love it every time Jayfeather gets punched, kicked and hit with a batton

    • Name: Dawny
      Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/her (for the sake of simplicity)
      Description (what they look like): Dark gray she-cat with light gray flecks along her back, toes, and tail tip and a dark stripe down her front, left leg, along with dark-tipped ears
      Personality: Little nervous and shy but would most certainly slap Jayfeather then make an innocent face and say “Oh, dear, I’m so sorry about that!”
      Talent: Arson/lighting random objects on fire then grabbing them and yeeting them at Jayfeather
      (Probably only mods will see this but arson is the best talent)

  • [spoiler title=”Traitors Among Us (A Warriors-like fanfic)”] CHAPTER ONE
    I was cuddled up close to my mother, when a hand came and grabbed me from her, and threw me out of the barn. “Too many kittens,” I heard a voice say. “We need to get our cats fixed.” That was 4 years ago. Since that day I have been a different cat. My name is Sammy, and I roam the streets for food. I have found a clowder and have become the leader. And right now, I am about to hear about something that will start a plan forming in my mind. 
    “Quiet, quiet, please!” I scraped my claws against the 
    rock that made the top of my den. The 44 other cats stopped their fussing. “I believe Tigerstripe has something to say.” 
    “Yes, I do, sire,” said Tigerstripe. “There are uprights in our woods!”  
    “Whaattt?!” I roared. “When did you find out about this?” 
    “About three days ago sir,” he said. I paced on my rock. 
    “We must organize more guards. We cannot leave the clowder unguarded for a minute,” I said. “We also need less hunting parties with less cats. Plus, we need to organize backups in case something happens, and…”
    ”Whoa there, hun,” my mate, Snowspot said. “We’ve already got many, many guards and the hunting parties are already very small. You take very good care of us.” 
    “Uhh sire?” said Tigerstripe. 
    “Yes?” I said.
    “There’s more,” he replied. “One of the cats in this clan is working with the uprights. He became a pet to them and his plan is to run away to this place and when they look for him, they will find us.”
    “Who’d DARE do such a thing?!” I exclaimed.
    “Shadowtail,” Tigerstripe said quietly, “my brother.” 
    At these words I leaped onto my rock. 
    “Shadowtail!” I yowled. “Come forward!”
    “Yes, sir?” said Shadowtail, striding towards the rock. The uprights had definitely been feeding him. His black striped coat had a glossy sheen none of ours had, and his eyes had a sparkle to them. Shadowtail knew what he was doing was wrong and he was happy about it. 
    “Your brother, Tigerstripe, accuses you of working with the uprights. Is this true?’’
    “Why, yes,” Shadowtail said. “Is this bad?” 
    “Is that bad? IS THAT BAD?! Yes, of COURSE it is bad! Shadowtail, I hereby anish you and all your future sons and daughters from LightClowder forever!”
    “Whoa there, calm down Sammy!” Snowspot said. “Let him explain himself first. And there is no need to inflict punishment on his future descendants, who are all innocent I might add!”
    “Fine. Tigerstripe, tell us what you believe to be true.”
    Tigerstripe stepped forward. “We believe that you, Shadowtail, have a plan to destroy us all! Correct me if I’m wrong, but you became a pet to the uprights and your plan is to run away to this place and when they look for you, they will find us.”
    Shadowtail laughed. “Smart. Very smart. You caught me brother, and now, I invite you to join me. Look at me. Look at the life we could have! No need to hunt and search for water. And best of all, we could destroy the clowders forever!”
    “Never, you sorry excuse for a clowder cat. I will not abandon my clowder or Sammy.”
    “I feel sorry for you, brother. Look at what you could have had! But, mark my word you will pay. ALL OF YOU! You WILL pay for this!” Shadowtail yowled, as two battlers dragged him out of camp. 
    “And stay out!” I yowled. Snowspot came and nuzzled me.
    “Meeting dismissed,” I said. 
    Snowspot and I walked back to my den. 
    “My time is coming Sammy,” Snowspot told me. “Soon, we will have more cats in the clowder.”
    Around two to three weeks later we had a little black kitten. We called him Jasper. His brother, a little longhaired tabby, we called Spanky. Those two were VERY rambunctious. 
    When the kittens were three weeks old, we were sleeping and there were a number of hisses and yowls coming from outside. My deputy, Tigerstripe, burst in the den.
    “Sire! Sire! You must get up! Shadowtail has led a revolt against us! His plan is in action! The uprights will be here any minute!”
    “How many cats are we dealing with?” I asked.
    “A few hundred, sire.”
    “Where would he get a few hundred cats?”
    “Some from other clowders and a few from here followed him. Plus, he even got domestics,” Tigerstripe replied.
    “Well, do assemble the army! What are you waiting for?! Protect my kittens and the clowder at all costs! Send at least five battlers in here to watch Jasper, Spanky and Snowspot! Move, MOVE!” I instructed.
    “Yes, sire. Right away, sire,” Tigerstripe replied. As Tigerstripe walked away, I
    ran over to Snowspot, who was suckling the kittens. 
    “Get out of here at once, and take Jasper and Spanky with you,” I exclaimed. As Snowspot bounded into the woods with Spanky and Jasper in her teeth, I ran out of the den and headfirst into none other than Shadowtail. 
    “You!” I exclaimed.
    “Well, well, what do we have here?” Shadowtail hissed menacingly. “Sammy, the leader of this little thing you call a clowder.” 
    “Hello, Shadowtail. Still revolting against your birth clowder, I see.” 
    “Oh, you noticed? I am so honored,” Shadowtail meowed sarcastically.
    “Don’t be sarcastic to me, Shadowtail. I am still responsible for you, as you are my nephew, young one. You are still very un-intelligent, I see,” I retorted.
    With a hiss, Shadowtail lunged at me. I moved swiftly to the side. He lunged again and again, but each time I anticipated his movement.
    “Why can I not catch you?” he yowled.
    “Have you forgotten? I battle trained you!”
    “Oh. Yeah.”
    Shadowtail made one final lunge at me, and before I could move, he kicked out with his back legs and knocked me over. 
    “Now I have you!” he said. Shadowtail had an evil gleam in his eye. “This is for banishing me, and always making me stay in camp. All I wanted to do was become a battler. But no… I had to stay in camp and watch day after day as the battlers went in and out of camp. And now you will pay!”
    ran over to Snowspot, who was suckling the kittens. 
    “Get out of here at once, and take Jasper and Spanky with you,” I exclaimed. As Snowspot bounded into the woods with Spanky and Jasper in her teeth, I ran out of the den and headfirst into none other than Shadowtail. 
    “You!” I exclaimed.
    “Well, well, what do we have here?” Shadowtail hissed menacingly. “Sammy, the leader of this little thing you call a clowder.” 
    “Hello, Shadowtail. Still revolting against your birth clowder, I see.” 
    “Oh, you noticed? I am so honored,” Shadowtail meowed sarcastically.
    “Don’t be sarcastic to me, Shadowtail. I am still responsible for you, as you are my nephew, young one. You are still very un-intelligent, I see,” I retorted.
    With a hiss, Shadowtail lunged at me. I moved swiftly to the side. He lunged again and again, but each time I anticipated his movement.
    “Why can I not catch you?” he yowled.
    “Have you forgotten? I battle trained you!”
    “Oh. Yeah.”
    Shadowtail made one final lunge at me, and before I could move, he kicked out with his back legs and knocked me over. 
    “Now I have you!” he said. Shadowtail had an evil gleam in his eye. “This is for banishing me, and always making me stay in camp. All I wanted to do was become a battler. But no… I had to stay in camp and watch day after day as the battlers went in and out of camp. And now you will pay!”
    ran over to Snowspot, who was suckling the kittens. 
    “Get out of here at once, and take Jasper and Spanky with you,” I exclaimed. As Snowspot bounded into the woods with Spanky and Jasper in her teeth, I ran out of the den and headfirst into none other than Shadowtail. 
    “You!” I exclaimed.
    “Well, well, what do we have here?” Shadowtail hissed menacingly. “Sammy, the leader of this little thing you call a clowder.” 
    “Hello, Shadowtail. Still revolting against your birth clowder, I see.” 
    “Oh, you noticed? I am so honored,” Shadowtail meowed sarcastically.
    “Don’t be sarcastic to me, Shadowtail. I am still responsible for you, as you are my nephew, young one. You are still very un-intelligent, I see,” I retorted.
    With a hiss, Shadowtail lunged at me. I moved swiftly to the side. He lunged again and again, but each time I anticipated his movement.
    “Why can I not catch you?” he yowled.
    “Have you forgotten? I battle trained you!”
    “Oh. Yeah.”
    Shadowtail made one final lunge at me, and before I could move, he kicked out with his back legs and knocked me over. 
    “Now I have you!” he said. Shadowtail had an evil gleam in his eye. “This is for banishing me, and always making me stay in camp. All I wanted to do was become a battler. But no… I had to stay in camp and watch day after day as the battlers went in and out of camp. And now you will pay!”
    ran over to Snowspot, who was suckling the kittens. 
    “Get out of here at once, and take Jasper and Spanky with you,” I exclaimed. As Snowspot bounded into the woods with Spanky and Jasper in her teeth, I ran out of the den and headfirst into none other than Shadowtail. 
    “You!” I exclaimed.
    “Well, well, what do we have here?” Shadowtail hissed menacingly. “Sammy, the leader of this little thing you call a clowder.” 
    “Hello, Shadowtail. Still revolting against your birth clowder, I see.” 
    “Oh, you noticed? I am so honored,” Shadowtail meowed sarcastically.
    “Don’t be sarcastic to me, Shadowtail. I am still responsible for you, as you are my nephew, young one. You are still very un-intelligent, I see,” I retorted.
    With a hiss, Shadowtail lunged at me. I moved swiftly to the side. He lunged again and again, but each time I anticipated his movement.
    “Why can I not catch you?” he yowled.
    “Have you forgotten? I battle trained you!”
    “Oh. Yeah.”
    Shadowtail made one final lunge at me, and before I could move, he kicked out with his back legs and knocked me over. 
    “Now I have you!” he said. Shadowtail had an evil gleam in his eye. “This is for banishing me, and always making me stay in camp. All I wanted to do was become a battler. But no… I had to stay in camp and watch day after day as the battlers went in and out of camp. And now you will pay!”
    “Too bad, Samson! You won’t be around to ‘protect’ me anymore!”
    And with those words, his jaws closed around my throat.

    • ooh very intriguing! eager to see what happens next :0
      and ahh finally somebody who calls it a clowder sdifojsdfsdf i love the word “clowder” its so adorable

  • . Yeah, i was re reading my fanfic. i did not realize how bad it is. nobody read it when it’s approved please xD

  •                Allegianges
    Leader Ebonystar – small jet-black she-cat, with yellow eyes
    Deputy Birchtail – brown and white she-cat with blue eyes,

    Med.cats Starleaf – black she-sat, with dark green eyes 

    Warriors Rippletail – gray longhaired tom, with yellow eyes
    Stormfall – black she-cat, with amber eyes 
    (apprentice Dewpaw)
    Wildfur – golden tom, furr sticks out in all directions,
    green eyes

    Sunfoot – yellow she-cat, with green eyes,
    (apprentice Vinepaw)
    Sky – pale gray tom with blue eyes, former kittypet
    Tendrilfoot – brown tom, with long fur, and yellow eyes

    Wingpelt – gray she-cat with yellow eyes
    Pheasantflight – brown long haired tom, with a white chest and green eyes

    Dewpaw – white she-cat
    Vinepaw – brown tom

    Queens (She-cats expecting or nursing kits)
                              Needlefeather – tortoiseshell she-cat mother to Glowingkit (tortoiseshell she-kit )and Elmkit.
    Swanfeather – albino she-cat,
    Rainsong – gray-blue she-cat with blue eyes
    Ebonystar – small jet-black she-cat, with yellow eyes, 
    mother to Emeraldkit(a black and white tom) Shadekit(a black she-kit) and Swishkit(a brown tabby tom)
    Dayfall – cream she-cat with blue eyes
    Brownstripe – brown tom with blind eyes


    Nightstar and Cloverear sat at the edge of the salt lake. “Are you sure we should tell them and not the actual cats?” “Are you sure they’re even the right cats ?”asked Cloverear  “certain”replied Nightstar “we’ll give one directly to one of them and the other one to the medicine cat” “but then how will we know if the other one gets it?” “Starleaf is a talented medicine cat and is great at understanding prophecies, I’m sure she’ll know” “but what if she tells the wrong cat?” “That could really mess it up” “I’m sure it will be fine”said Nightstar “okay,but don’t come to me if it fails”said Cloverear and stalked off into the shadows.Nightstar sighed and turned to the badger “midnight”he said “are you sure you can do this?” “yes” said the badger and then she too stalked off into the shadows.Nightstar looked into the water at the kits playing in the camp yes he was certain these were the right cats but what if i’m wrong? That would mess up everything ,it could kill a few cats at the least,at the most it could kill the entire clan.

    chapter 1
    Glowingkit sat in her nest, her friend shadekit sat beside her “i can’t wait to be an apprentice!!”said Glowingkit. “I can’t believe you’re gonna be an apprentice before me!”complained shadekit. “Only a moon before you,”said Glowingkit. “I still have to wait 2 moons,” complained Shadekit. “And i still have to wait a moon”remarked Glowingkit. “Let all cats old enough to swim gather here beneath the waterfall for a clan meeting”Ebboonystar had jumped onto the high rock and was staring down at the cats who had started to gather on the warm rocks below the high rock. “Neddlefeather and Rainsong sat outside the nursery and Shadekit,Emeraldkit,Elmkit,Glowingkit and Swishkit gathered around them. “Never before has Nightclan had so little warriors,”said Ebbonystar. “So i have decided to speed up the training of our apprentices.” continued Ebbonystar.Dewpaw and Vinepaw looked at each other excitedly, “there gonna become warriors!!!!” said Glowingkit.
     “Vinepaw come here” said Ebbonystar.Vinepaw bounded up to her, “Vinepaw from this day forwards you will be known as Vinetail”Ebbonystar touched noses with the tom then continued “Dewpaw please come here”  Dewpaw bounded up to her leader “from this day forwards you will be known as Dewfrost”Ebbonystar touched noses to the new warrior and stepped back. “Dewfrost !!,Vinetail !!”chanted the clan.Dewfrost and Vinetail ran up to Glowingkit and Shadekit,who had moved closer to the crowd of cats “Don’t worry little kits it will probably  be your turn sometime soon…if you somehow become smart enough!! ”said Dewfrost meanly then bounded over to a group of warriors in the corner. “Or big enough ”added Vinetail then ran off to join his sister. “Stupid furballs” muttered Glowingkit.

     “Come on let’s go see the elders,maybe they can tell us a story!!!” Glowingkit and Shadekit bounded of to the elders den and where about to go inside when Neddlefeather called “where are you going?” “to the elders’ den” replied Glowingkit as she and Shadekit disappeared into the elders’ den. 
    Glowingkit grabbed a mouse from the freshkill pile and dragged it over to her brother, Elmkit and they sat outside the nursery sharing their meal for a while, when Glowingkit was done eating she went into the nursery to wake Shadekit.Glowingkit nudged her with one paw, “wake up lazy furball” she said , Shadekit opened one eye,mumbled something and turned back around. “Ebbonystar says we can learn to swim today”mewed Glowingkit. Shadekit sprang to her paws “let’s go!” she said,and ran to the nursery entrance and stepped outside,it was snowing. “Tricked ya!”said Glowingkit “stuppid furball you ,can’t swim in leafbare!!” said Glowingkit then took off running,Shadekit bounded after her ,then jumped on Glowingkits tail and ran.Glowingkit chased her around the camp Shadekit almost ran right into the river but she made a sharp turn and kept running but Glowingkit couldn’t stop in time and skidded right into the river.Glowingkit plugged in the frozen river cracking the thick  layer of ice that had formed on top of it she winced in pain but gasped at the cold of the water as she was plunged into darkness. Shadekit kept running, “bet you can’t catch me”she yowled ,there was no reply “give up?”she called still no answer,she turned  around and Glowingkit wasn’t there. 
    “Glowingkit?”she called,where could she be? Thought Shadekit.The river  she thought and ran to the river ,she could see Glowingkit below the surface. She panicked for a second should it jump in and save her? She thought no,that would be mousebraind i can’t swim either, that would just cause more trouble then she decided what to do. I’ll have to call a warrior.“Help!”she called, “Glowingkit fell in the river!!”

    Glowingkit struggled under the surface. She could hardly keep her eyes open. I’m gonna drown !! She thought in a panic and started flailing helplessly. She got tired quickly and could barely open her eyes,but she kept struggling,eventually she gave up and closed her eyes in defeat.I’m gonna die here before I even become an apprentice. I’ll be a kit in starclan!!  If I die as a kit will I be a kit forever?  she thought miserably,as she lost consciousness and drifted  into total darkness.

    Chapter 2

    Glowingkit woke up in a forest ,This must be starclan!!  She thought I must have died!!  No,no,no i can’t die ,Starclan doesn’t let kits die!! Then she remembered her mothers littermate who died two moons after he was born. She started to panic even more. Then a tomcat approached her. It had stars in its pelt and it looked like it was glowing ,Starclan!! I did die!!  “Do not worry young kit”said the cat, “you are just dreaming”
    “About Starclan!!”said Glowingkit in disbelief “only medicine cats dream about starclan!” “wait does this mean i have to be a medicine cat?!” “I want to be a warrior not a medicine cat!!” 
    “Don’t worry little kit you don’t have to be a medicine cat”said the stary cat looking amused “w-who are you?”stammered Glowingkit i’m Nightstar”said the cat. “Nightstar!!” Glowingkit mewed in awe.Nightstar was the cat who created Nightclan. “Yes”said Nightstar “Follow me”. Glowingkit followed Tom through the forest to a lake,except it wasn’t just any lake it was gigantic and smelled of salt, “where are we?”asked Glowingkit look into the water” he said so Glowingkit stepped closer to the surface and looked down,she saw Shadekit yelling for help and cats darting towards the river the one cat tried to run into the water to get her but instead of going through the water he stayed on top of it it must be ice thought Glowingkit ,the cat stepped of the ice and got a rock from the waterfall and dropped it on the ice it was small but it cracked the surface and the cat dove into the water and came out a second later with a limp body that’s me!!! Glowingkit thought just then a cat rushed thro the dirtplace tunnel and stopped beside her body. That’s Needlefeather!! Glowingkit recognized the striped pelt of her mother she saw Starleaf carry her body into the medicine cat den and  saw Shadekit, Needlefeather and her father  wildfur follow her into the den as the vision faded away.She looked at Nightstar did i die?”she asked  he didn’t answer but he shook his head ,then a big black and white animal stepped out of a cave in the rock that surrounded the big salty lake. “B-bager!!”whispered Glowingkit she turned to Nightstar but he wasn’t there,she was about to run when she heard the badger speak “do not be afraid” said the badger “who are you”said Glowingkit nervously. “I am midnight” said the badger “there is something i must now show you” “look into the water again” she said.Glowingkit looked in the water again this time she saw a herself but much older grieving for a small black cat that’s Ebbonystar!! She thought in horror, then she saw Starleaf lead the older her out of the camp and to a cave filled with water.Then she saw herself standing on highrock calling to her clan i’m leader she thought.Lastly she saw herself in the nursery with three kits cuddled close to her belly but this one seemed more important than the others she looked at it again and realized one kit seemed to be glowing but she was too far away to see which one it was.When the vision faded she turned to look at Midnight what does this mean” she asked in confusion “There will be three of great ability to shield us from both shadow and sun.”said the badger “but what does that mean?” asked Glowingkit but the badger had already begun to fade away and she drifted once more into total darkness.Am i really dying this time? She thought,then she remembered the vision that told her she would be clan leader. So i can’t die!! She thought excitedly.yet she added to herself and erased all the thoughts about skydiving off the waterfall and battling badgers when she was still a kit,that might be pushing my limits. 

    Chapter  #3 
    Glowingkit opened her eyes but they stung from the water so she closed them again,her whole body hurt and her breathes were shallow, “where am i ?” she whispered weakly “your in the medicine cat den”mewed a voice that sounded like Starleaf “She’s awake!!” called Starleaf,as she pawed a few fish eggs towards her “eat these”she said “they’ll make you feel better.Glowingkit ate them as Needlefeather bounded into the den “finally!”said Needlefeather in relife.How long has it been? thought  Glowingkit,surely it had not been that long. “Where’s wildfur ?” she asked weakly. “Shh..he’ll be back soon”she said “ he’s at the Starcave with the other warriors” The starcave!! She thought, then it’s been almost a few sunrises!! How could it have been days when it had felt like just a few minutes? She wondered if she should tell Starleaf about her vision,but decided to wait a bit. “Glowingkit,Glowingkit !!!!” Shadekit was running towards her. “Starleaf told me this awesome story about a vision she  had about a badger and a big salty lake !!” said Shadekit. Glowingkit’s mouth dropped open. “Shadekit please go play somewhere else” said Starleaf “the patient must rest”. Shadekit opened her mouth to protest but knew better and slumped out of the den. Glowingkit watched her go and closed her eyes to let sleep take her.

    Glowingkit paced around the den, she had felt much better when she woke up but found it a little hard to breath. Starleaf gave her fish eggs to help her breathing and Glowingkit was getting bored of the medicine cat den. “You can go back to the nursery tomorrow” said Starleaf “but for now you’ll have to stay here”. 
    The next morning when she woke up Starleaf let her go back to the nursery. She bolted to the entrance and ran to the nursery but she could only run a few tail-lengths before she found it hard to breath so she walked the rest of the way and made her way  into the nursery “Shadekit,Shadekit !!” she yowled as she ran. “Glowingkit !!” said Shadekit, “come on !!” “let’s go play !!” since she had been running earlier she hadn’t noticed the bitter cold outside. It stung her fur,as she went to fetch freshkill,all of the pieces were ice cold. “Maybe we can wait for the dawn patrol” said Glowingkit “good idea” said Shadekit and they turned and headed back to the nursery.
    As the dawn patrol approached ,Glowingkit and Shadekit ran to get the prey it had brought back, they each grabbed a mouse and carried then back into the nursery.

    “Let all cats old enough to swim gather here below the waterfall for a clan meeting”  Ebbonystars voice rang out across the clearing. Glowingkit sat at the edge of the nursery as Needlefeather groomed her and Elmkit. As they approached the clan Ebbonystar called out “two kits have reached six moons today and therefore will become apprentices” “Glowingkit pleas come here” said Ebbonystar, Glowingkit stepped forwards  “from this day forwards until you receive your warrior name you will be known as  Glowingpaw, Sky will be your mentor” Sky stepped forwards and touched noses to the new apprentice. “Elmkit please come here”continued Ebbonystar “from this day forward until you receive your medicine cat name you will be known as Elmpaw” Medicine cat name?? Thought Glowingpaw was Elmpaw gonna be a medicine cat?? “Your mentor will be Starleaf” Starleaf stepped forwards and touched noses to Elmpaw. “Glowingpaw,Elmpaw !!” chanted the clan. Glowingpaw looked at sky “what are we going to do first ??” she asked. “Well first i’ll show you the territory then we can go hunting” . Glowingpaw and sky made their way out of the camp  and headed towards the forest.


    Glowingpaw and sky made their way to the edge of the lake “there is usually lots of prey here” said sky . Sky taut Glowingpaw how to stalk mice and rabbits “can i try now?” said Glowingpaw, “I don’t see why not” said Sky. Glowingpaw dropped into a hunting crouch eyeing a rabbit that was eating by a tree unaware of the cat stalking it.Glowingpaw got as close as she could,she was about to pounce when the rabbits ears twitched and it ran for cover but Glowingpaw was fast and sprang,landing square on top of it and she killed it in one quick bite.She carried her catch back to Sky good job !!” he said “very little apprentices catch something on their first try”. Glowingpaw carried her catch back to camp and  dropped it in the piel as Sky went to talk with Ebbonystar.Shadekit ran out of the nursery and stopped in front of Glowingpaw “i caught a rabbit on my first try”said Glowingpaw “i put it on the fresh kill pile,you can have it if you want” 
    “Thanks!!” said Shadekit and bounded off to the pile of fresh kill.

    Elmpaw padded out of camp with Ebbonystar,Starleaf had died last night and Elmpaw was going to the starcave to see what to do since he hadn’t had any training.Glowingpaw did battle training and hunting every day and usually brought back at least one thing but today was bitterly cold and there was no  prey out.So they headed back early and Glowingpaw curled up in her nest to try to get a good nap before battle training at dusk. Glowingpaw woke up at dawn the next morning i slept so much i missed battle training!! She thought,running out of the den. She couldn’t see Sky “Shadekit!!” “Where’s Sky?” she asked “he’s sick” said Shadekit. “Oh”said Glowingpaw “wanna play tag?” “Sure!!”said Shadekit.They spent the rest of the afternoon chasing each other around camp.Until Glowingpaw got tired and headed back to bed,she felt like she could sleep for a moon!!! Before she fell asleep she remembered something “shadekit!!”she mewed “remember that story you were telling me?” “the one starleaf told you?”. “Oh yeah!!”said shadekit remembering the dream Starleaf had told her about. “Well there was a badger named Midnight and a big salty lake with rocks!!” “and a prophecy!!” “There will be three of great ability to shield us from darkness and light or something like that.” “I had that same dream!!”said Glowingpaw. “With the badger and the lake?”asked Shadekit yep”said Glowingpaw
    “And the prophecy?”asked Shadekit “yeah!”said Glowingkit “and nightstar!” 
    “Whoa,”said Shadekit “do you think we’re destined to be medicine cats?”asked Shadekit “no,you weren’t the one who had the dream, and in my dream I saw myself on high rock,I’m destined to be leader!!!” 

    The next day all Shadekit could talk about was her apprentice ceremony,it was only a few days away and Shadekit couldn’t wait.She bounced around camp and Glowingpaw taught her the few moves she had learned in battle training.

    Chapter 4


    “Your mentor will be Sunfoot”finished Birchtail she had been acting leader because Ebbonystar was still out with Elmpaw.Shadepaw  ran over to Glowingpaw as the clan called out the names of the new apprentices. Later Sunfall led Shadepaw out of the camp “wait!!” yelled Glowingpaw “can i come?”  “I guess” said Sunfoot, and Glowingpaw followed them out of Camp. They explored the territory for a while until they came across a big thunder path…with a dead fox on it.Sunfoot bristled at the sight of it “we should get back to camp”said Sunfoot “i’ll warn the others that there’s a dead fox on the territory”. Glowingpaw and Shadepaw followed behind him slowly then Glowingpaw saw something orange and soft moving in the bushes “do you see that?”she asked Shadepaw ,Shadepaw looked where she was pointing and her eyes grew wide “fox cubs”she whispered,they stared at the tiny creatures for a few more seconds,then they turned and headed back to camp.

    The walk to the starcave was a long one and Elmkit had just returned with news that they would find a new medicine cat to train him.It was all the clan could talk about. 

    But all Glowingpaw and Shadepaw could talk about where the fox cubs “maybe we could raise them as cats!!”said Shadepaw “yeah”agreed Glowingpaw let’s go see them” she and Shadepaw headed out of the camp to the fox cubs where by the thunder path when they got there the fox cubs were still there “ maybe we can make them a den”said Glowingpaw “good idea”said Shadepaw “and name them!!”said Glowingpaw. There were three small cubs what about Red for that dark orange one?”suggested Shadepaw “and for those two what about Russet and Tawny?” added Glowingpaw ok”said Shadepaw “Russet for the small one and Tawny for the biggest one?” “That sounds good,”said Glowingpaw. She dug out a hollow in a small tree “this can be the den” then she got some brambles and moss and covered the moss in garlic and stuck it around the brambles there”she said “it works as a fence and disguises there sent!” she said as she moved the brambles around the tree and slipped the cubs inside.They snuck inside the den with the cubs and put some moss under them as a nest.Then they  went back to camp Glowingpaw grabbed a vole and Shadekit grabbed  a mouse ,they shared the mouse and brought the vole to the fox cubs they split it between the three cubs and the cubs ate it quickly then they went back to camp and into bed.

    The next morning Glowingpaw and Shadepaw woke up early to check on the cubs before training they were up walking around the den. Glowingpaw gave them the bird she had brought. I hope they like bird thought Glowingpaw that was my breakfast. The cubs were growing restless and Glowingpaw decided to make the den bigger, so she moved them to a fallen tree with a hole in the side and she hollowed out the inside to make it bigger then covered  the ground in moss then added the bramble wall so they couldn’t escape and wouldn’t be scented by her clanmates or other cats.
    When they got back to camp all the cats seemed to look at them “where were you?” asked Ebonystar “you smell like fox!!”she said sniffing them, “Needlefeather,take a patrol to try to find the fox”she instructed.Needlefeather nodded and started to call out the names of cats,then lead her patrol out of the camp.Glowingpaw started to panic but held back her fear there well hidden,they’ll be fine she thought and she padded over to the medicine cats den to check on Sky,he had gotten better but he was still dizzy and would keep on falling into his nest.Sky was lying in his nest when Glowingpaw got there, Elmpaw was crouched over him,he looked at her as she entered his eyes sparkled with worry. “I can’t figure out what’s wrong with him”he said miserably “I need a mentor!!”.Glowingpaw agreed with him,he needed a mentor,and soon.Glowingpaw padded into the clearing,she could feel a newleaf breeze.She padded into the pond below the waterfall and lay on one of the warm rocks to let the sun warm her pelt.Shadepaw padded up to her and lay down and together they napped on the warm rocks.
    They woke up to chilly winds and rain sigh thought Glowingpaw nothing like waking up to a wet pelt.She and Shadepaw ran to the shelter of the apprentices den.Well it was shelter until a big gust of wind came and blew it away. “Wow”breathed Glowingpaw as she and Shadepaw huddled together. “Are you guys okay?”Emeraldpaw and Swishpaw were running towards them “we’re fine”said Shadepaw but Glowingpaw could feel her shaking. “Ebonystar says there’s gonna be a wind spiral”said Swishpaw wind spiral? Thought Glowingpaw “what’s that?”she asked “beats me”said Emeraldpaw “but she wants everyone in the lower storm den” the lower storm den was a small underground cave used for wind spirals,there was also an upper storm den,a cave near the top of the waterfall that they sheltered in and stored food and herbs in during earth storms,floods and tsunamis.Glowingpaw was on her way to the lower storm den when she remembered the fox cubs,she edged towards Shadepaw “the cubs!” she whispered to Shadepaw who seemed to share her worry “let’s go find them!” said Shadepaw.They snuck out of camp and ran to the fallen tree where the fox cubs sheltered.They snuck inside and sat beside the cubs “we should head home”said Shadepaw “they’ll be looking for us”.Glowingpaw looked outside fox dung “we may have a problem”she said “what?”said Shadepaw “look outside”replied Glowingpaw. Shadepaw looked outside,there was dust flying everywhere and they could barely see a few tail lengths away. “Well we can’t stay here”pointed out Shadepaw “good point”said Glowingpaw “one sec”she dug a hole underground and put the fox cubs in it “there”she said and they padded out into the forest.Big mistake.The winds almost swept them off their paws.They cautiously padded forwards,they were halfway to the camp when a big shape started moving towards them “run!!”yowled Glowingpaw and they ran to a tree and quickly hollowed it out “come on!!”she said and she and Shadepaw dove into the tree.They caut their breath and huddled up as close to the back of the den as possible to the back of the den “we better start thinking of an excuse”said Glowingpaw, Shadepaw opened her mouth to reply but then the tree they where in started rocking and started to fall…onto them.Glowingpaw pushed Shadepaw to the back of the makeshift den and they ducked as low to the ground as possible and closed there eyes as tight as they could as the tree came crashing down onto them and pain shot through Glowingpaws body and she was sweeped into darkness as the world slowly disappeared around her.

    Chapter    #5

     Glowingpaw opened her eyes and felt pain in her back,she turned to Shadepaw and padded her awake “hmm?”said Shadepaw opening her eyes,then she sat up and looked around.Glowingpaw noticed a cat sitting in the corner “who’s she?” asked Shadepaw “i’m Falcon”said the cat “i healed you”.This must be the cat Elmpaw heard about!! The one that will train him!! She told Shadepaw about her suspicion “oh yeah”agreed Shadepaw “we have to bring her back to camp!”

  • Here’s the first chapter of a story I’ve been working on the universe for a year now! (I had characters apps open for this back when I was Seti so yeah. Context)

    Chapter 1 First day. It’s the first day of school. I grip onto my backpack tightly. I’m somewhat nervous, somewhat excited. Nercited, I guess? I don’t know. 

    I stand in front of the school, Golden Pines School for the Elements. It’s a boarding school, because traditionally, Elemental schools are to be in rural areas. Plus my BFF Cady was coming here. 

    Oh yeah. Cady. 

    Cady was my BFF since kindergarten. We haven’t been separated ever since, and we aren’t going to let magic separate us anytime school. Though, she hasn’t got here yet.

    I then see a flash of blonde rush over.  

      “HEY AVIRA WHAT’S UP!!!”

    And there’s Cady. Forgot to mention that she’s super-duper chaotic. I can handle it though. I’ve been handling it for about 7 years now.

    “Hey Cady!” I said back to her. 

    “How are you?” Cady then asked me, while jumping up and down like a little kid, “Me? Well, I’m so happy we get to go to school together!!” 

    “Me too! Well, I’m doing uh… fine, right now,” I said, “Let’s just go to registration.” 

    Cady nodded. We then walked up to some tables, having a few people sitting there, filing papers and checking students in. The lady in front of us looked like she was in her fifties, with graying brown hair, pale skin, and glasses. She had a flap of paper in front of her saying, “Mrs. Greene. 3rd Year Structures Teacher, Element Earth” 

    “Hello?” I said to Mrs. Greene, kind of awkwardly. 

    “Hello. Full name please.” Mrs. Greene said. 

    “Avira Iris Maxwell,” I replied. 

    Mrs. Greene went out of her chair and back, and then went to shuffle through some papers. I had to wait about 2 minutes, until Mrs. Greene came back with a packet of papers with her. 

    “Welcome, Avira Maxwell, 1st year Spirit student. Please go to this student right there, she’ll show you around.” Mrs. Greene said. 

    I went through a gap through the tables, and found the girl Mrs. Greene was talking about. She was about my height, and had auburn hair a bit longer then her shoulders. She had clearly tanned skin, but not as dark as my natural skin color, which was a light brown color. She was wearing a red shirt with writing on it, and a name tag, saying Aurielle. Around her waist was dark gray hoodie, and she was wearing a pale pair of sweatpants with llamas and cacti. 

    “Heya kid! What’s your name?” Aurielle asked me. 

    “Uh… Avira,” I paused for a second, “Can we wait for my friend Cady?” 


    About two minutes later, Cady came over with her “tour guide”, a girl named Fawn. She was a little taller than Cady, and had wavy brown hair, and wore a white t-shirt, murky green skirt, and green sneakers. 

    “Hey,” she said “Nice to meet you all.” 

    “So let’s get on with the tour!” Aurielle exclaimed.

    Aurielle and Fawn lead me and Cady through the school doors. They weren’t that mighty, but they were something at least. We then entered a room of sorts, with desks and pamphlets there. 

    “This is the general room a.k.a student services. There is just some hangout spots here, as well as the school counselors, special stuff, and the main nurses office.” Fawn told us, “Let’s continue with the tour.” 

    We continued walking on through. Honestly, I was kinda concerned by “main nurses office”. We were lead into a huge room with tables and a few serving areas. The tiles were a checkered gray and white, and the walls were a light cream color. Definitely the cafeteria. 

    “This is the Cafeteria, but I think you could tell already. Don’t worry though, the food here is actually pretty good,” Aurielle told us.

    She then kept on walking, until we got to some doors. Fawn opened the door, and we walked in, and down the hallways. The halls had many people there, and lots of doors. I safely assumed that some classrooms were here. 

    “All of the 7th grade slash 1st year classes are here,” Fawn said, “And just the general classes like math and science, not element stuff. There are separate rooms for that.” 

    “Oh hey Iggy!” Aurielle said. 

    I paid no attention what happened whatsoever. Instead, I thought about other things. It looks like the students here are nice, and the subjects are decent. I’ll still get to spend some time with friends, and maybe make a few if I feel like it. Though some things concern me. I’m afraid of injuries, and accidently creating a monster and-

    “Earth to Avira, we’re continuing with the tour,” Cady said. 

    Oh. I then rush up to Aurielle and Fawn, and follow them outside. 

    It was a nice place, with four buildings with different colored logos on the left, and on the right, a big building with the words “Golden Pines Recreational Center”. 
     “Over to your right are the dormitory buildings. These four buildings manage to house about 800 people total. It’s chaos,” Aurielle started, “The first one is the Spirit and Shadow dorms, so that’s where you’ll be sleeping Avira. Second is the Air and Storm dorms, so that’s where you’ll be sleeping Cady. The third is the Water and Ice dorm, and the Fourth is the Fire and Earth dorm. Lemme tell you, people actually get along in that dorm.”

    Me and Cady nodded. I’ll admit, it was a little sad that me and Cady won’t be sharing dorms, but hey, we’ll still see each other in classes. 

    “Okay then,” Aurielle continued, “Over there is the gym and pool. Beyond there is the woods. Most of it is off limits, but there aren’t any dragons there, so me, Fawn, and a lot of 2nd and 3rd years still go in there. You two could come if you wanted, but I’d recommend that Avira get some different shoes if we would do that.” 

    I knew why Aurielle said that. Anyways, I was wearing white ballerina flats, not great for a potentially-deadly-if-not-trained forest. Though, that did seem a little cool though. 

    “Cool!” Cady said.

    “Okay, on with that. This is all we needed to show you, but we were told to say this.” Fawn got of a sheet of paper and started reading, “Element related classes don’t start until next week, so we don’t need to show you that. You should know where your dorms are, so check in there after this. The staff at the dorms will tell you anything related to that. There will be an assembly meeting for all 1st years at 5:30, so please ask a staff member to show you the location. That part wasn’t actually planned, we just forgot to tell student helpers to show where the assembly hall is. That is all, and please enjoy your time at Golden Pines School of the Elements.” 

    I then turned around, and went off to my dorm. I saw a younger looking lady with glasses, dirty blonde hair tied into a bun, and a cream dress and pink cardigan. She looked up at me, and smiled as I walked up. 

    “Name?” she asked. 

    “Avira Maxwell” I replied.
    The lady went on her computer, and then lit up. 

    “Avira Iris Maxwell, correct?” 


    “You’re in room 13. You don’t have to report there yet. Though, we will be delivering your stuff to you soon.” 

    I nodded, and walked down to my dorm. Conveniently, it was on the first floor. I open the door, and left my backpack on the floor. I then left the room, then walked down the hall. 

    The first room I ran into was a big room with a few other students and multiple couches. There was a coffee table, and a TV. The common room, I assumed. I awkwardly waved, then left. 

    I walked down the hallways, and into the girls bathroom. There was toilet stalls, changing rooms, and showers, what you’d expect for a dorm. I take a peak in the showers, and see that they don’t provide anything other then hot water and a curtain. I forgot shampoo. Dang it. 

    I walk out of the bathroom, and into the hallways, and out of the building. I decided to just take a thinking walk. I like walking while thinking. 

    My new school/home for the next eight-and-a-half months looked nice so far. Sure, we’d get breaks, but it’ll be hard being away from my parents for a while. Still, I’ll survive, right?


    On a different note, I have some questions for you all:

    1: What do you think of the universe so far? Do you have any questions that I could answer safely without spoilers?
    2:Are you excited to see Cady’s PoV next chapter?
    3: Other notes?

    • 1. Very interesting! Would you be able to tell me if Avira knew about the school their whole life, or did they just find out recently?
      2. I’m not particularly sure yet! Since this is just the first chapter, I didn’t have a clear sense of who Cady is or what makes her unique from other characters, though i’m certain it’ll come in time! I’m excited to have another PoV in general. :3
      3. i loved the bit where avira slipped in that she was afraid of making monsters by accident sdfsdiofjsdf

      • Thanks! I actually haven’t being legitemtly writing for to long, most of the reason I think it’s still good is the fact I’ve been working on this universe for a little more than a year.

  • This is a time where 3 clans were at war and wolf’s died every day in pointless battles.
    But 1 wolf believed in peace his name was sharpfur that lived in waterclan the 2 other’s are boneclan the most bloodthirsty clan and flameclan the closest to fire element.

    All I got. who wants to make more characters????

  • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

    A Hollyleaf poem

    Ash and smoke
    The fire burns
    His blue eyes glow
    An angry red
    He snarls at her
    To watch us die
    She tells the truth
    He runs away
    As I stand there
    All I can do is cry

    My claws are red
    With the blood of him
    I only hope
    It was worth it
    Now he can’t tell
    But I killed him!
    I’m a murderer…