• NightClan
    Leader-Applestar(ginger tom with green eyes)
    Deputy-Fernstripe(yellow,black,orange,silver,brown,gray,golden and ginger striped tom w/ amber eyes)
    Mediator-Skyfeather(blueish tom w/ sky blue eyes and a light gray stripe on face)
    Apprentice,Piperpaw(orange and brown she-cat w/ brown eyes)
    Medicine Cat-Gingerfoot(ginger she-cat w/ bushy tail and white tail tip and legs)
    Apprentice,Finchleaf(brown tom w/ pale brown stripes and green eyes)
    Foxtail(formally Fox,ginger tom w/ bushy tail ,blue eyes and white tail tip and legs)MARIGOLDS FATHER
    Sunbeam(golden she-cat with amber eyes and a white mark that look like a sun on her chest)MARIGOLDS MOTHER
    Blazeheart(golden and orange tom with green eyes)MARIGOLDS MATE
    Bumbleheart(gray she-cat w/ golden dapple and on black patch)
    Rabbitear(pale brown tom w/ a short tail and big ears)
    Rosethorn(dark ginger she-cat w/ white specks and spiky fur)
    Emberleaf(yellow she-cat w/ ginger paws,ears and tail tip)
    Stonetail(grayish-blueish she-cat w/ frosty blue eyes and white back paws)
    Hawkeye(brown she-cat w/ one frosty blue,one amber eye and yellow stripes
    Gorsetail(yellow tom w/ ginger paws,ears and tail tip)
    Poppypetal(pale ginger she-cat w/ yellow eyes and long dark ginger legs)
    Shimmercloud(formally Sparkle,gray and orange she-cat w/fluffy fur and sparkles in pelt)
    Breezewhisker(dark brown tom w/ amber eyes)MARIGOLDS BROTHER
    Treeclaw(ginger tom w/ golden dapple)
    Gorgefall(pale ginger tom w/ yellow eyes and long dark ginger legs,also with golden dapple)MRIGOLDS KIT
    Streampelt(silver tom w/ yellow eyes)
    Honeyblaze(white and golden she-cat w/ icy blue eyes)
    Umbereyes(dark yellowish-brown tom w/ frosty blue eyes)
    Wispstripe(blueish tom w/ frosty blue eyes and silver stripes)
    Butterflywing(yellow,black,orange,silver,brown,gray,golden and ginger striped she-cat w/white back paws and amber eyes)
    Shadetail(gray she-cat w/ amber eyes and black tail tip)
    Spikepelt(dark ginger tom w/spiky fur)
    Smokepaw(gray she-cat w/ amber eyes and big ears)
    Falconclaw(dark ginger tom w/ amber eyes,big ears and short tail)
    Heartspots(gray and orange she-cat w/white spots that look like hearts)
    Branchleg(light brown she-cat w/gray spots and dark brown legs)
    Apprentice,Sparrowpaw(brown tom w/ amber eyes,short tail and white spots)
    Swirlfur(white and black tom w/ gray swirls and blue and brown eyes)
    Yarrowdusk(small yellow and orange she-cat)MARIGOLDS KIT
    Dandelionstripe(pale ginger she-kit w/ yellow stripes everywhere)
    Cloudfluff(albino fluffy tom w/ frosty blue eyes)
    Longclaw(fluffy silver and gold tom w/ long claws and emerald green eyes)
    Docktail(handsome silver tom w/ gorgeous emerald green eyes,flawless slick fur and crazy stripes)
    Stripe(yellow,black,orange,silver,brown,gray,golden and ginger striped tom w/amber eyes)
    Jayfrost(grayish-blueish she-cat w/ frosty blue eyes and white back paws)
     Apprentice,Shadowpaw(dark gray and black she-cat w/frosty blue eyes,pink nose)
    Willowtail(gray she-cat w/ brown eyes)
    Owlspiral(White tom w/ gray swirls and blue eyes
    Blackberryleaf(black and gray swirls she-cat w/ brown eyes)
    Smokepaw(gray she-cat w/ amber eyes and big ears)Mentor:Spikefur
    Sparrowpaw(brown tom w/ amber eyes,short tail and white spots)Mentor:Branchleg
    Shadowpaw(dark gray and black she-cat w/frosty blue eyes,pink nose)Mentor:Jayfrost
    Piperpaw(orange and brown she-cat w/brown eyes)Mentor:Skyfeather
    Dandelionstripe(pale ginger she-cat w/yellow stripes everywhere)-expecting Swirlfurs kits
    Slatewing(white and golden tom w/ icy blue eyes)
    Clovertail(pale ginger she-cat w/amber eyes)


    1. ask 2 questions in each round
    2. Acuse only if you’re certain
    3. have fun


    • Nothing yet

    Choose your character
    Whitenose(a light gray tom with white stripes and a white nose and blue eyes)
    Snowstrom(a white she-cat with blueish-violet eyes eyes and can control wind)
    Pumpkinstripe(a orange tom with light brown stripes and green eyes)
    Acornpelt(a light brown she-cat with amber eyes and dark brown spots)

      • Blazeheart: There were a bunch of scars that were super deep. We thought she might have hit her head,passed out,and the killer through here in the ocean.
        Breezewhisker: Ummm…. Let’s see. Foxtail,Docktail,Swirlfur,and Rabbitear.
        Foxtail hated her? Why? He was out on patrol when she was killed. Suspicious.

    • Are we unable to pick the same character as someone else? If so, I pick Snowstorm. If not, I pick Acornpelt.

      Applestar, were any cats near the place where Marigoldfur was found, or out doing something when she was found dead?

      Blazeheart, did Marigoldfur perhaps have an argument with someone the past few days before she was killed?

      • Yes you can pick the same character as other people 🙂

        Applestar: She was found near training hollow and the only ones there were the all of the apprentices and their mentors.

        Blazeheart: well….She did have a argument with Yarrowdusk and Gorgefall.

        Applestar:Fernstripe,Falconclaw,Wispstripe,Yarrowdusk and Umbereyes were on hunting patrol. Sunbeam,Foxtail,Blazeheart,Gorgefall,and Breezewhisker were on border patrol.
        Why is all of her family out? Suspicious.

  • Aight, guys. Welcome back!
    So. It’s mysterying time!
    AllegiancesLeader: Thunderstar- yellow-and-orange tabby she-cat
    Deputy: Tawnystone- dark ginger tom with blue eyes
    Medicine Cats: Tigerbrook- tabby she-cat
                              Cottonflower- white she-cat with grey flecks
    Warriors: Liontalon- tawny yellow tom with green eyes
                    apprentice Stormpaw 
                    Bambootail- pale grey-and-tortoiseshell she-cat
                    apprentice Ivypaw
                    Oaktail- pale ginger she-cat
                    Leaffur- dark brown tabby she-cat with green eyes
                    Smokebrook- dark grey tom
                    Toughclaws- black dappled she-cat
                    apprentice Ashpaw
                    Stormyfur- dark grey tom with blue eyes
                    Nighttail- black tom
                    Forestclaw- brown tabby tom with green eyes
                    Gemtail- gentle yellow she-cat with amber eyes
                    Deeppelt- dark grey tom with amber eyes
                    Skyfrost- white tom
                    Darkcloud- dark grey tom
                    Robinwing- dark red she-cat with brown paws, ears, and tail
    Apprentices: Stormpaw- grey tabby she-cat with amber eyes
                          Ivypaw- pale brown tom
                          Ashpaw- black tom
    Queens: Dawnflower- pale grey she-cat
                   Moonbeam- black-and-white she-cat, expecting Tawnystone’s kits
                   Jaysplash- dark blue-grey she-cat, mother to Nighttail’s kits: Goldenkit (black she-kit with yellow eyes) and Silverkit (silver tabby she-kit), fostering Bluekit (black tom-kit with white patches and blue eyes)
    Elders: Mosspelt- brown tom
                Spicesnarl- ginger tabby she-cat
    The cats of EmberClan woke to a shriek of pain.
    Stormpaw was standing over the body of her father, Forestclaw. She gave a wail and ran back into the apprentice den.
    A little while later, the Clan was gathered beside Highbow. Stormpaw was sitting next to Ivypaw, who’s tail was around her shoulders. Gemtail gazed at her brother.
    “Who would do anything like this?” she wondered to herself.
    Thunderstar stood. 
    “This was no accident,” she yowled to the cats below her. “Someone murdered Forestclaw.” 
    Everyone gasped, except for Nighttail, who just shrugged. 
    “I’m putting together a search,” she continued. 
    You have to make a character to play. 
    You have two accusations. 
    If you’re an apprentice, you MUST HAVE A MENTOR. 
    Have fun!
    Form to join: 
    Any questions you have for the current round
    Happy mysterying!

    • Name:Piperberry
      Appearance:brown she-cat with long tail and periwinkle blue eyes
      Personality:curious,quiet,nosy,good eavesdropper,gossip queen

  • Here is the continuing of the story. Enjoy!
    Chapter One
    Scarlet padded through the woods. It had been almost a half-moon since she had left her housefolk’s house and begun her journey. She wondered if she’d be all right.
    But she’d had a couple moons of woods experience, so she knew what to do.
    I wonder where I am? she wondered. It’s a long way from where my housefolk live, and I’ve been alone for a while. 
    I wonder if there are other cats out here?
    Suddenly, she heard a rustle in the bushes in front of her. 

    1. Drew closer to whatever it was
    2. Pounced into the bushes
    3. Ran away
    4. Stayed right where she was

    Poppy actually pointed something out to me. So you’ll choose the answer, and then I will write more and post another one of these on here.

  • Yet another game because I’m bored.
    This is another murder mystery, but it’ll kind of be like Mafia. I will choose a murderer from those willing to play, and then will piece something together.
    Form to join:
    Link to your secret page or another place where I can contact you

    Thank you! Hope to see you there!
    Also: If you get killed, you can still play, because it is only for that round.

  • Murder Mystery Round 10

    Leader: Stripedstar – light grey tabby tom with dark grey-blue stripes and dark blue eyes
    Deputy: Burnflame – black she-cat with golden patches and amber eyes
    Apprentice, Shinepaw
    Medicine cat: Quickbird – lithe grey she-cat with blue eyes and dark spots
    Lionclaw – young golden tom with amber eyes ~Lakespots and Vixenscar’s son
    Highbranch – grey she-cat with white, ginger, black, and dark grey patches and green eyes
    Apprentice, Nightpaw
    Sunstorm – ginger tabby tom with yellow stripes, a pale underbelly, blue eyes and a white tail tip
    Vixenscar – golden tabby she-cat with black stripes. One of her eyes has three scars over it and is permanently closed, the other is icy blue ~Lakespots’ mate and Lionclaw’s father
    Echomist – light grey she-cat with dark blue eyes and a half black face ~ Halfbird’s littermate
    Apprentice, Lightpaw
    Mapleheart – red she-cat with amber eyes
    Stormfire – dark grey tom with green eyes ~Lionclaw’s older sibling
    Lakespots – white tom with dark blue and green eyes
    Apprentice, Turtlepaw
    Moonmist – black she-cat with green eyes and white ear tips, paws and underbelly
    Nightpaw – dark grey tom with dark blue eyes and one white paw
    Lightpaw – cream tom with dark amber eyes and white paws
    Shinepaw – silver-grey she-cat with blue-grey ear tips, paws, chest and blue eyes
    Turtlepaw – ginger tom with yellow stripes and green eyes
    Halfbird – black she-cat with icy-blue eyes and a half grey face (mother to Firekit and Darkkit) ~ Echomist’s littermate
    Featherleaf – blind red she-cat

    Oh no! Lionclaw has been found dead! 

    Vixenscar, what were you doing on the day that Loinclaw died?
    ~Hunting, border patrol, the usual Clan stuff. I also had to collect some water for the Clan.
    Mapleheart, did u hear or saw something suspicious?

    Lionclaw was found by Sunstorm who was hunting.
    He was found in a leafy bush.
    He had a wound on the back of his neck and several pierces on his back – someone had leapt on him.
    Lionclaw was wet when he was found.
    Featherleaf, Lightpaw and Stripedstar disliked Lionclaw.
    Lionclaw steals Lightpaw’s food.
    Lightpaw was trying to eat a mouse really quickly during the murder.
    No one particularly likes leaping in LeafClan.
    Nobody listens to Sunstorm.
    On the day of the murder, Mapleheart was angrier than usual, Sunstorm was on edge and Lightpaw was skittish.
    Sunstorm went hunting alone.
    Lionclaw was Mapleheart’s apprentice.
    He always acted like he knew everything as an apprentice.
    Yesterday he clawed his brother Stormfire’s face.
    There was no sign of a struggle.
    Mapleheart was patrolling the river at the time of the murder.
    Sunstorm, Vixenscar, Stormfire and Mapleheart were near a body of water at the time of the murder.
    Mapleheart did not see anything suspicious.

    ACCUSATIONS (cats cannot lie at this bit) 
    Moonfur: I accuse Stormfire!
    Stormfire: Huh. Well done. You caught me.


    You can only ask 2 questions per round.
    You can make an accusation every 2 posts.
    You CAN accuse multiple cats, like “I accuse Lionclaw and Moonmist” but if Moonmist was the answer and you did both of them, that would count as a wrong answer.

    1 point: Moonfur
    I’ll post the next round when I have time  🙂

  • Mystery in ReedClan
    Leader: Thriftstar – Thick-furred, silvery dark gray she-cat with amber eyes and small ears
    Deputy: Ivynose – Long-furred, silky white tom with copper eyes and brown and black patches
    Apprentice, Brightpaw (Pale gray she-cat with white patches and bright blue eyes) (Specklepaw’s sister)
    Medicine cat: Redleaf – Well-muscled snow-white tom with dark red patches and copper eyes
    Flamewing – Magnificent flame-colored she-cat with amber eyes
    Blazefoot – Long-furred dark ginger she-cat with white paws and green eyes
    Duskstorm – White tom with black patches and dark blue eyes
    Apprentice, Bubblepaw (Mottled pale blue-gray tom with white speckles and water-blue eyes)
    Shadeleaf – Long-furred patchy black and brown she-cat
    Songbird – White she-cat with dark ginger patches and ice blue eyes (Specklepaw’s mother)
    Willowslash – Brown and white she-cat with gray splotches and green eyes
    Thistlestream – Spiky-furred white tom with yellow eyes (Specklepaw’s father)
    Bloomshade – Slender short-furred gray tabby tom with paler underbelly and paws (Songbird’s brother)
    Apprentice, Snowpaw (White she-cat) (Specklepaw’s sister)
    Yellowreed – Yellow tabby she-cat with white muzzle and one shredded ear
    Mistfire – Long-legged slender pale gray she-cat with amber eyes (Specklepaw’s mentor)       
    Apprentice, Specklepaw (White she-cat with dark ginger patches, blue eyes, and black speckles)
    Hollybramble – Spiky-furred dark tabby she-cat with gray striped legs
    Trouttail – Short-furred mottled pale gray tom with amber eyes
    Stoneshadow – Silvery dark-furred she-cat with amber eyes (mother to Bloomshade’s kits: Fernkit, yellow tabby tom, Sweetkit, brown and white she-cat with amber eyes, Frostkit, white she-cat with ice blue eyes)
    Bumbleflight – Pale yellow tom with dark brown stripes and a short, stumpy tail
    Foxeye – Russet tabby tom with green eyes

    – Join anytime
    – Two questions per post
    – Accuse anyone anytime
    – You can only accuse once–one wrong accusation and you’re out of the game. 
    – If you accuse incorrectly, the condemned innocent will give you a clue before storming out of camp. 
    – All accused cats will be exiled, however innocents will magically teleport back the next round. 

    Oh no! Specklepaw has been found dead!

    – Specklepaw was found at the bottom of the cliff.
    – Her neck was snapped and many bones were broken, but there were a few claw marks in her back.
    – The body was found in the morning by Foxeye.
    – No one visibly disliked Specklepaw. 
    – Blazefoot, Yellowreed, and Willowslash were guarding the camp.
    – Both Snowpaw and Brightpaw had a neutral relationship with their sister. 
    – Willowslash never saw anyone leave camp.
    – Specklepaw was on a solo hunting assessment.
    – The mentors were assessing their apprentices: Brightpaw was sent into the oak forest, Bubblepaw toward the lake, Specklepaw toward the cliff, and Snowpaw toward the twisting pine forests.
    – Ivynose said that Bloomshade sent Snowpaw into confusing, maybe even dangerous territory, and finds it strange that he would risk his apprentice’s life. 
    – None of ReedClan went to the cliffs other than for hunting. 
    – The body didn’t have much of a scent and was cold when found. 

    Silverpaw/shadow, you commented that Bloomshade seemed suspicious. Do you want to accuse him? 

    Even though this round is a murder mystery, not every round will be guaranteed to be one. All of them involve looking for someone responsible (not necessarily a traitor), though.  

    • Bloomshade: Why did u send ur apprentice into such dangerous place
      Mistfire: Why did u send Specklepaw into the cliff

  • eBay’s Ripoff Arcade Round 31 Has Commenced
    Remember when i did these everyday
    The winners are…
    Lupindawn- Midnight
    Lilysnow- Ashpaw
    Litspark- Navy
    Linkmoon- Monkeyfur
    Lasagnaflame- Falling Feather
    Lunarcrystal- Streamsplash
    Now let’s take a look at the leaderboard
    20 Points- Ashpaw
    19 Points- Streamsplash
    15 Points- Monkeyfur
    14 Points- None
    13 Points- Slatepaw
    11 Points- Falling Feather
    10 Points- Lilyshine
    9 Points- Midnight
    8 Points- Brightspark, Pinestripe, Lilaca
    7 points- Crystalpaw
    6 points- Icepelt
    5 Points- Flamepetal, Leafsky, Viperfrost, Shatteredmask, Brightpaw
    4 Points- Puddleshard, Crookedmoon
    3 Points- none
    2 Points- Rainingbreeze, Redblaze, Aquila
    1 Point- Jetkit, Lapisdapple, Emeraldpaw, Splashkit, Hollykit, Appleflower, Goldenberry, Silverpaw, Navy
    Round 32
    The Letter M

    I’ve never liked the letter M



  • Hosting a game because why not!

    Sandy’s Name that Apprentice!



    ROUND 1 – CoLoUr