Mothflutter by Kestry!
    Butterflyflurr and Butterflydream by Flowermistle and Raventhorn!
    Bumblebounce and Bumblefrost by Turtle and Smokekitty/Creekbriar!
    So I couldnt decide who wins the Bee prefix so everyone participating gets a point!
    Spiderfang by Poppypaw!
    Dragonflybuzz by SIlverwolf!
    Grasshopperwhisker by Sandpaw!
    Antshine by Silvy!
    Flyflicker and Flyshimmer by Raventhorn and Midnight!
    Waspwillow,Waspswarm, Waspslash, by Raventhorn, Midnight, and Shimmerpaw!

    8 pts-Poppypaw,
    7pts-Lillypaw,Turtle, Shimmerpaw
    6 pts-Lillypaw, Poppypaw,Silvy, FLowermistle
    5 pts-Turtlepaw, Shimmerpaw, Midnight, SIlverwolf,
    4 pts-Cindy, Raventhorn, Smokekitty, Sandpaw
    3 pts- Kestry
    2 pts-,
    1 pt- Hollypaw, Flamepaw,

    Now, make way for our reigning champion….POPPYPAW!
    heres your secret page: https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/Screenshot_20200629-154503/

    Hall Of Fame
    Poppypaw, Game One

  • Whitepaw’s Connect the Cats, Round 4
    Sorry im late.
    Anyway, results:

    1: Starpaw, Cinderwhisker, Rabbitflame with four cats
    2(3): Nobody got this one, you are not allowed to use fosters. You can do it like Fidgetflake-Birdwing-Sandynose-Plumwillow-Rabbitleap-Bellaleaf-Violet-Barley-Ravenpaw-Dustpelt-Ferncloud-Birchfall-Whitewing-Snowbush-Honeyfur. And you could probably shorten that a bit.
    4: Cinderwhisker and Starpaw got it with five cats
    5: Starpaw, Cinderwhisker, Flowermistle with three cats
    6: Drumroll please: Nobody! oh oops. Well just use RavenpawxBarley. You may think it leads nowhere cause Barleys a loner but think again cause his sister gave her kits to SkyClan where one of them became mates with a SkyClan cat that connects everyone. Yeah anyway, here’s the leaderboard:

    Starpaw 10
    Raventhorn 5
    Cinderwhisker 4
    Springtail 2
    Hollyfern 1
    Rainypaw 1
    Rabbitflame 1
    Flowermistle 1

    And next round:

    1. Gorsepaw and Cloudtail
    2. Russetfur and Sasha
    3. Raggedstar and Appledusk
    4. Tawnypelt and Swiftpaw
    5. Mothwing and Silverflame and Smokehaze

    Oh btw I updated my wheel now there’s 324 cats on it wow my lucky number. And feel free to look up the cats I just copy and pasted this list from a list of cats in a gigantic family tree I made so I know I can connect them to each other, but I don’t know who all of them are… And the 5 still has three kitties. And these kitties aren’t related so I guess I didn’t add a whole ton (possibly literally but Heavystep wasn’t included…) of cats in the wheel for nothing.

    • Gorsepaw-morningflower-ashfoot-crowfeather-leafpool-firestar-princess-cloudtail

      Have no idea



      Mothwing-tigerstar-tawnypelt-rowanstar-scorchwind-raggedstar-yellowfang-brightflower-silver flame-bright flower-yellowfang-Raggedstar-scorchwind-rowanstar-tawnypelt-brambleclaw-squirrelflight-leafpool-crowfeather-breezepelt-smokehaze

    • sorry I just realized I made no sense in that last paragraph. Ehem… I’m rephrasing
      Oh, by the way I updated my wheel so now there’s 324 cats on it. Wow, that’s my lucky number! Oh, and you can always look up the cats if you don’t know who they are, I don’t know who a lot of them are, and the only reason I know they’re all connectable is that I got all these cats off of a large family tree I made. And I guess there were no cats that were too closely related, so I didn’t add a whole ton (possibly literally but Heavystep wasn’t included…) of cats in my wheel for nothing. And the fifth question still has three kitties.

    • [spoiler title=”Answers”]1) Gorsepaw-Onestar-Heathertail-Breezepelt-Lionblaze-Leafpool-Firestar-Cloudtail

      2) Russetfur-Raggedstar-Yellowfang-Cinderpelt-Firestar-Bramblestar-Tigerclawstar-Sasha

      3) Raggedstar-Yellowfang-Cinderpelt-Brackenfur-Graystripe-Silverstream-Crookedstar-Shellheart-Willownose-Appledusk

      4) Tawnypelt-Brackenfur-Graystripe-Darkstripe-Longtail-Swiftpaw

      5) Mothwing-Tigerclawstar-Bramblestar-Firestar-Cinderpelt-Yellowfang-Brightflower-Silverflame-Brightflower-Yellowfang-Cinderpelt-Brackenfur-Cinderheart-Lionblaze-Crowfeather-Heathertail-Smokehaze


  • Lillypaw’s NTA:

    Round 9 Winners:
    Viperflame by Shimmermist
    Cheetahleap by Midnight
    Goldendew by Silvy
    Birchfrost by Sandpaw
    Embershine by Poppypaw
    Rainspirit by Minktail
    Sunbreeze by Sparkspots

    Honorable Mentions:
    Viperstrike by Smokeypaw
    Cheetahspots by Sunnyslip
    Goldenspark by Minktail
    Birchsong by Poppypaw
    Emberlight by Silvy
    Rainshadow by Smokeypaw
    Sunpool by Poppypaw

    Leafyshadow -1
    Cinderpaw/Cinda -1
    Florie – 2

    Rainypaw- 23
    Silvy -18
    Stormi, Minktail, Rabbitflame-8
    Midnight, Shimmermist-6
    Springpaw- 5
    Mapledrift, Cheetahspark, Smokeypaw-4
    Waffles, Sandpaw-2
    Starpaw, Vortexfang, Drizzlenose, Viperfrost, Ambercloud, Moky, Sunnyslip, Sparkspots, Cinderpaw/Cinda, Springtail-1

    anddddddd……our winner is….
    Rainypaw with Poppypaw coming in second place

    Brand New Hall of Fame:
    Rainypaw- Game One of NTA

  • Who’s petalkits-mothers-ex mates-daughters-sons-leader sons-daughter-mates-mothers-older sisters-sons-daughters-apprentices-mothers-mothers-older apprentices-mother?

  • Hi guys! Sadly, no one played, so there isn’t much to post tonight bu I will go over the rules of my game and tomorrow, Jan. 26, I will make the same round again. I won’t be making anymore Replace games if it fails to be read. 🙂

    Rules: The game Replace is a game where I talk about certain characters-some people think that the certain cat should’ve been someone else- so I take those characters that some think should’ve been “that cat” and you guys will vote on which cat you think should replace the other one. I’ll give reasons why and why not some should be “this cat” should be “that cat”. Whichever cat gets most votes, wins! I’ll list the winners (the people who voted for the cat with most votes) the next night from after I posted a game.

    My re-post of Round 1 of Replace will be posted tomorrow night. This is just a heads up to some of you who like to play games. I’m sending this heads up because yesterday I posted round one but no one played but it’s alright. I hope you all enjoy my game! 🙂 🙂

    Mothflutter by Kestry!
    Butterflyflurr and Butterflydream by Flowermistle and Raventhorn!
    Bumblebounce and Bumblefrost by Turtle and Smokekitty/Creekbriar!
    So I couldnt decide who wins the Bee prefix so everyone participating gets a point!
    Spiderfang by Poppypaw!
    Dragonflybuzz by SIlverwolf!
    Grasshopperwhisker by Sandpaw!
    Antshine by Silvy!
    Flyflicker and Flyshimmer by Raventhorn and Midnight!
    Waspwillow,Waspswarm, Waspslash, by Raventhorn, Midnight, and Shimmerpaw!
    8 pts-Poppypaw,
    7pts-Lillypaw,Turtle, Shimmerpaw
    6 pts-Lillypaw, Poppypaw,Silvy, FLowermistle
    5 pts-Turtlepaw, Shimmerpaw, Midnight, SIlverwolf,
    4 pts-Cindy, Raventhorn, Smokekitty, Sandpaw
    3 pts- Kestry
    2 pts-,
    1 pt- Hollypaw, Flamepaw,
    Now, make way for our reigning champion….POPPYPAW!
    heres your secret page: https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/Screenshot_20200629-154503/
    Hall Of Fame
    Poppypaw, Game One

  • (Repost) Haha, I decided Imma make another hunger games simulator as well! Credit to Riv and Moon for bringing it the old games back! 😀
    Just comment if you’re interested! 😛

    People who signed up: Raven, Starla, Mink, Silvy, SMOKEKITTY!!!!! Creekkit(Briar), Lil, Cinda, Frost, Smokey

    Also, could SMOKEKITTY!!!!! Creekkit(Briar), put one name please? I’m confused which one to use! 😛

  • Sandy’s NTA

    Cakedrizzle by Cinda!
    Balloonbounce by Lil!
    Candleflare by Midnight!
    Partymist by Florie!
    Confettifall by Smoke!
    Giftshade by Silvy!


    1. Midnight (5 pts)
    2. Frost (4 pts)
    3. Raven, Florie (3 pts)
    4. Poppypaw, Turtle, Rainypaw, Lil, Silvy (2 pts)
    5. Pinestripe, Drizzlenose, Stormpaw, Silverwolf, Shimmerpaw, Springtail, Sparkspots, Cinda, Smoke (1 pt)

    ROUND 7 – Nocturnal Animals!

    Crystalpaw (Crystie) – Winner of Sandpaw’s first NTA 
    Ivypaw (Ivie) – Winner of Sandpaw’s second Hunger Games 
    Pineblossom (Pine) – Winner of Sandpaw’s second NTA
    Monkeyfur (Moky) – Winner of Sandpaw’s clan builder

    If you haven’t signed up for my hunger games simulator, inspiried by Riv, go sign up right now to get free cookies 😛 😀 🍪🍪🍪

  • Me posting my last part of my murder mystery game before I leave Blogclan for awhile. (I will still check in. I’m not going to leave forever.)

    Ivyclan murder mystery part 3 (LAST DAY)

    Leader- Silverstar- Silver tabby with blue eyes
    Deputy- Gemwhisper (You)- White she-cat with a gray front right paw and emerald green eyes
    Medicine cat- Dovefeather- old white she-cat with amber eyes

    Dustcloud- Light brown tom with amber eyes
    Shellgaze- Fawn she-cat with blue eyes
    Nutbranch- Dark brown tom with white paws an amber eyes
    Sleeppelt- Dark gray tom with amber eyes
    Chivenut- Brown tom with amber eyes and white ears
    Willowbrook- Light gray she-cat with light blue eyes

    Wingpaw- white tom with light gray paws and blue eyes
    Dawnpaw- gray she-cat with amber eyes
    Ravenpaw- black tom with white chest and amber eyes

    The beginning of Day 3:

    Silverstar:*she got on the high rock and called a meeting* “As I know I must choose a new deputy. I say these words before our warrior ancestors, that they may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of Ivyclan is Gemwhisper.”

    *The clan cheers your name. But you remember you still need to find out who killed Turtlepelt*

    Silverstar: *she does the ceremony for making Raven, Dawnkit, and Wingkit apprentices. She dismisses the meeting*

    What everyone said on Day 3:
    Silverstar: ” I hope you be a better deputy than Snowdance. I never thought she would do such a deed. But you know you still need to find who killed Turtlepelt. May Starclan be with you always.”

    Dovefeather: “Congrats on becoming deputy! I’m going to be taking Dawnpaw out for her medicine cat apprentice ceremony.”

    Dustcloud: * You find him sleeping in his nest. Dustcloud is not available on Day 3*

    Shellgaze: ” Congratulations on becoming deputy. Also I wan to tell you something. Ravenpaw once went out with Turtlepelt to gather herbs. Now this was before Turtlepelt died. After they came back. Turtlepelt was alive by then. I went over there to get some herbs that same day for my bellyache. She was alive by then. The next day she was found dead by Dustcloud. Some cats think its him who killed Turtlepelt. But Dustcloud found white fur in her claws. Either he’s framing someone or he’s not.”

    Nutbranch: “Everyone thinks its Dustcloud who killed Turtlepelt. But Dustcloud is really a softie.”

    Sleeppelt: “Don’t forget to train your apprentice.. -_-” *ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ he’s asleep now*

    Chivenut: “…. I’m afraid my brother is going to be exiled. There are 3 other cats who have white fur. Dovefeather would never. She would never want medicine cat position. So it’s not Dovefeather. Nutbranch… Well he was a great apprentice. But not as great as Snowdance. He’s a great fighter… But never had he used his skills for such a deed. Only to fight off intruders, badgers, foxes, you name it. Never once in his life had he broken the warrior code. So now Ravenpaw.. Yes your apprentice. Now it cant be him…. He is new to clan life.(the rest will be Western Frisian so get your google translator for Chivenut) Ravenpaw soe noait deadzje. Hy liket ek it minst fanselssprekkend, Ek lokwinske mei it wurden fan deputearre.


    Wingpaw: “Hi Gemwhisper…”

    Dawnpaw: “RAVENPAW HAS BEEN DRIVING ME INSANE. *She marches out of the apprentice den*

    Ravenpaw:” Dawnpaw has been going cuckoo. Ever since we had this tiny argument about kittypets..”

    The end of the day:
    Silverstar: “Have you found the murder for Turtleplet yet?”
    Gemwhisper (You): ” Yes it’s _________________. (thats when you come in)”

  • hai.
    SO after my nta that poppypaw won im going to do family trees.

    Who is Swiftbreeze´s-mates-apprentice´s-apprentice-daughters-leader child-mates-sisters-mates-fathers-mentor-foster littermate-uncles-mates-mentor-daughters-mate-sister.

    • Swiftbreeze -> Adderfang -> Thistleclaw -> Tigerclaw -> Mothwing or Tawnypelt -> Tigerheart -> Dovewing -> Ivypool -> Fernsong -> Lionblaze -> Ashfur -> Cloudtail -> Firestar -> Sandstorm -> Whitestorm -> Ferncloud or Sorreltail -> Dustpelt or Brackenfur -> Brindleface, Frostfur, Cinderpelt, or Brightheart

      • [spoiler title=”only starla open this”]
        so you were actually correct, i never considered those possibilities:p its actually supposed to be sorreltail-brckenfur-cinderpelt.

    • [spoiler title=”Answer”] Swiftbreeze-Adderfang-Thistleclaw-Tigerstar-Tawnypwlt-Tigerheartstar-Dovewing-Ivypool-Fernsong-Lionblaze-Ashfur-Cloudtail-Firestar-Sandstorm-Whitestorm-Sorreltail-Brackenfur-Cinderpelt or Brightheart

      It could be either Cinderpelt or Brightheart [/spoiler]

    • Swiftbreeze-adderfang-thistleclaw-tigerclaw-tawnypelt-tigerheart-dovewing-ivypool-fernsong-lion blaze-ashfur-cloudtail-firestar-sandstorm-whitestorm-ferncloud or sorreltail-dustpelt or brackenfur-cinderpelt and brightheart or brindleface and frostfur

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