Silent Thaw Spoiler Page

Hold on to you hats….

The Silent Thaw will most likely be published Nov 2019; no official date has been set at time of posting, but I know you’ll be eager to discuss it, especially once you’ve read Lost Stars

(btw, I think you’re going to love this arc.)

Feb 12th, 2019: Page updated with cover! This is now a spoiler page!

Feb 15th, 2019: Sorry, BlogClan! We’ve received word from the head honchos of the Erins, and we have to take down the cover as they are not yet finished or ready for the public. This will remain a spoiler page, but a placeholder image will be displayed until further notice!

May 6th, 2019: The cover is now back up, seeing that Harper Collins and Barnes & Nobles both have them up 🙂 Enjoy!

Note: We know you’re excited to continue reading about the lives of these characters, and love the world that the Erins have set up, but Kate is very busy and may not be able to get back to you regarding specific questions you may have – and she certainly can’t answer questions that spoil the next books! If a moderator or Kate tells you that they can’t answer your question, then we ask you to respect that answer. Thank you for your understanding! 🙂

Official cover art


  • Which POV do you guys like the most?
    So far I like
    1. Rootpaw (not that interesting in the first book but the best in the second!)
    2. Shadowpaw (interesting in the first book but not really in the second)
    3. Bristlefrost (she needs more)

    • I like Rootpaw, both as a POV and as a character
      Then Bristlefrost. Idk, I just like her
      Then Shadowsight. His visions are cool, but I just find him boring…

    • My favorite is defiantly Rootpaw. I just really like him for some reason… although I do wish he could give his father more credit for his awesomeness… Plus, seeing dead cats… awesome! Who wouldn’t want to have that power? I don’t know why Rootpaw hates it so much, I understand he doesn’t want to stand out like his father does but… seriously?!
      Second is Shadowsight. I really like Tigerstar and Dovewing, and I wish more cats believed and had faith in Shadowsight. (I also think he needs to have more confidence and speak up more.)
      Lastly, Bristlefrost. I feel like she is a little too obsessed with Stemleaf, and is missing out on Rootpaw. (I really hope she realizes deep inside of her she likes Rootpaw too! Also, at least in Silent Thaw, she begins to let go of Stemleaf.)

  • Hey, BlogClanners! Just a friendly reminder that even though the Silent Thaw has released, it doesn’t mean you can go spilling spoilers everywhere! Please keep all spoilers to this page as much as possible and remember to put spoiler warnings at the top of your comment just in case! Thanks 🙂

  • I wish I could get the chance to read ST.
    The warriors book I am on right now is the forgotten warrior:)

  • It might be Ashfur possessing Bramblestar, but what about who attacked Shadowsight? It said that the shadow “leaped on him like a hawk”. It also said that the cat was huge. What if Ashfur and Hawkfrost were working together? Ashfur would have the grudge on Squrrelflight. Hawkfrost would want revenge on Mothwing. They also worked together in Sunrise to try to kill Firestar. Who says they wouldn’t try to do the same again?

  • Hey, Kate. I just finished The Silent Thaw last night at around 2:40 in the morning. (It was way too good to put down.) You’ve really outdone yourself with this one, it’s my new favorite book in the series.

    The ending was absolutely crazy and bone chilling to read. I will type a full review later. Keep up the great work!

    • I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I think the series keeps getting better. Hopefully there are many more thrills to come. 🙂

    Okay, so you know how in OOTS StarClan couldn’t see the lake because The DF was getting powerful (at least I think). What if this has happen ended again? So maybe the DF has taken over StarClan, so now they can’t communicate with the lake. That would explain why the water at the Moonpool didn’t reflect the stars. And I think the imposter might be Tigerstar 1. I know, he died-died in The Last Hope, but on the Warriors Website, they said evil never dies, so that could mean that the villain could be someone that “died-died”. And I do have some evidence to my statement of Tigerstar. You know how when Bristlefrost wanted to see why Bramblestar wasn’t surprised that Sparkpelt got hurt? When she got to the abandoned Twolegplace, dogs had been led there by prey. AND TIGERSTAR LED DOGS TO THUNDERCLAN WITH PREY! I know that it wouldn’t make sense with the whole code-breaking thing, but it kinda does. The imposter is exiling, and Tigerstar could still be mad at Bluestar for exiling him. I also think the voice Shadowsight has been hearing might also be a DF cat (maybe not Tigerstar) because it listed the Three, and it could still be mad that they helped the Clans defeat the DF.

  • Idk why but I have a feeling that Stormfur might get his own book at some point, because the six cats who went on the journey on TNP, five of them have their owns books, Bramblestar, Squirrelflight, and Crowfeather having their own super editions, Tawnypelt getting a novella, and Feathertail getting her own manga, so it would surprise me if Stormfur gets a book, maybe a novella that has something to do with TBC

  • I am going with either Darkstripe or Hawkfrost

    With Darkstripe it’s cause he seems to be this ruthless and fierce he tired to kill a kit before and cause he was manipulative
    For Hawkfrost just cause he knows how to mess things up idk

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