Frostedpool takes a closer look at Raggedstar.

Yep, Raggedstar. Although he was dead by Into The Wild, we can still learn his entire life story from Yellowfang’s secret. To start off, this dude, this cat was a jerk. He was always mean to Yellowfang when she and he were kits, and only started showing affection for her when he became an apprentice. This may have come from his insecurity about not knowing who his father was and if said father was a kittypet. He needed to prove, just like Firestar and Bramblestar that it didn’t matter who his parents were. When Raggedstar learns his father is a kittypet, he KILLS him. Only he and Yellowfang ever knew that Hal was Raggedstar’s father, and Raggedstar was willing to murder to keep it that way. Then, when Yellowfang becomes a medicine cat apprentice, Raggedstar is terrible towards her, refusing her help when he goes in battles and hanging out with her arch nemisis, Foxheart, my least favorite cat in all of Warrior cats. (Even more annoying than Breezepelt) When Yellowfang realizes she is having kits, Raggedstar tries to get her to quit being a medicine cat, and when she refuses, Raggedstar is even more of a jerk than before. Yellowfang couldn’t even name Brokenkit! When he becomes leader, he makes Foxheart deputy, knowing she will be a terrible deputy. So in the end, Raggedstar was a jerk. But was it enough to deserve going to the Dark Forest. Well, yes and no. On the yes side, he was a terrible mate and killer. He let Brokentail get away with more than he should have. And he never accepted that Yellowfang could make her own decisions. But would he deserve to be in the midst of Mapleshade, Tigerstar, Thistleclaw, or Hawkfrost? No. While he was a jerk and a killer, he was still loyal to Star Clan, like the cats listed before. And even more so, if Ashfur can get into Starclan for trying to murder three cats because of their parents, and assist a Riverclan cat in killing his leader, than Raggedstar can kill one. Anyway, thats all I had to say, so until next time, this is Frostedpool, signing off. Bye!
I can’t stand Foxheart at all. She is just so annoying.