To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
AH how are cats SO CUTE?!? Ceciliaaaaaaaaaaaaa <3
If my two pet birds were warriors
Shadow: Shadyscreech
Shelly: Seedhog 🙃
Ahahahahahaha Seedhog 😛 I see the story behind that!
I refer to cat meows as screams because duh
They’re talking really loud!!
They would like to share something with you!! 😛
Haha 😛
My cockatiel’s wandering around my desk. He’s adorable ^^ 😛
I can imagine the little birdie wandering around and ahh jus so💛 soooo cuutttee
Aww 😛
My cockatiel is too scared to even come out of his cage. 😛
Awww 😛 How old is he? (Mine’s a baby, about 7 weeks)
7 years?? Probably older though. 😛
We’ve had him for a while, but my grandma*shudder* had him before us.
She used to play with him, but then she got sick(again) and stopped. So now he’s super anxious. 🙁 She basically scarred him for life so yeah whatever totally don’t blame her.
Whoah :0 that’s sad 🙁
And oof he’s actually 13 I was way off.
We got him when he was 4 though! Which, I knew, but 3 years of having him seemed wayyyyyy off but I thought he was young so like WHATEVER. 😛
He also thinks his name is Charlie, because my grandma had another bird named Charlie(Actually, there we two other Charlies, this is the only one that lasted more than a weekend. One drank coke and died, the other was mean and they took him back) that would just chirp “Charlie” over and over again really fast so Toby does the same thing. He also says “Pretty bird” and knocks on his cage and waits for you to say “come in!” So cute. 😛 Charlie died sometime last year. He was like, 26. 😛
My cat Cocoa jumping up on the dining room table like: “breaking the law, breaking the law”
so accurate
Yep. That’s how my cat is.
Little Fun Form
Pet Name:
Funny Antics:
Annoying Habits:
Photo if possible (hint: use imgur) :
Pet Name: Cocoa
Species: Cat
Funny Antics: If she wants you to pet her she flops dramatically on the floor and shows you her tummy (she actually loves tummy rubs 😛 ). She also will rub her face against yours. (Oh, almost forgot that she sometimes just meows randomly 😛 )
Purrsonality: Crazy, affectionate, rule-breaker, playful, family-oriented, shy (hates strangers)
Annoying Habits: Kicking litter everywhere, jumping up on tables and counters, sometimes play bites (it doesn’t break skin but it still kinda hurts 😛 )
Photo if possible (hint: use imgur) : I don’t use imgur 😛 So here’s a description:
A tortoiseshell she-cat (base color black, with cream, a purer shade of white on her stomach, different shades of brown, and only a little bit of orange on her stomach, like, one little spot) She has hazel eyes (they’re not really amber or brown so… hazel 😛 ) One half of her face is mainly the cream color with a little bit of black, the other side is black and brown with a few speckles of cream. (And it isn’t exactly half-and-half) Both of her eyes are the same color though
Pet Name: Mittens
Species: little panther (cat) 😛
Funny Antics: He ‘chiiirrrupps!’ at me and AAAAAAAAAAASSOOOOOCCUUTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HIS EYES vh ads fxhdsg fdsjk SO BIG djk fk s<3333 dsglhfgm and he likes to cuddle with me in the crook of my stomach or knees or something <3333
Personality: Adorable in every way, calm and mellow, gets random energy sprees every once in a while and might even run around the house with humongous pupils, Jack Sparrow, the youngest of our four cats, annoys him the most and yet they love each other. 😛 His Hogwarts House is Flufflepuff (credit to my mom).
Annoying Habits: When he gets into a mood of "PET ME!!!" and I'm trying to leave like really badly he'll chase me and swat my ankles for me to stop as I head downstairs… It's super cute but it seems he picks up that I'm rushing and picks thattttt timmeeeeeeeee
Photo if possible:
Pet name: Mimi
Species: Kitty cat
Funny antics: Will randomly start meowing, usually spends most of her life in a box in the closet or under my bed.
Purrsonality: Squishy, adorable, bossy, demanding
Annoying habits: Beating up her sister, demanding food 24/7
Pet name: Cecilia
Species: Kitty cat
Funny antics: If you suddenly look over at her, she’ll jump, randomly sits on people, my snuggle bug
Purrsonality: Snuggly, sweet, bratty, intelligent
Annoying habits: Biting my books, scratching stuff, playing with sparkle balls on my feet in the middle of the night, flailing when picked up, eating hair
Kitty gallery:
I feel as though that gallery is inadequate.
I must add to it.
Pet name: Claw
Species: Border Collie
Funny Antics: When we come home anytime, he stands on his hind legs and hugs you
Purrsonality: Funny, smart and very cute 😛
Annoying habits: chases balls EVERYWHERE. He also drops a lot of fur in summer
Photo if possible: I don’t have any good photos, so here is a description:
Shaggy black back with white underbelly, and white tail tip. White paws and brown eyes. Small white streak in between eyes.
Pet Name: Blue
Species: Cute kitty
Funny Antics: Chasing everything that has feathers
Purrsonality: outgoing, friendly, attention hog
Annoying Habits: attacking innocent furniture
Photo if possible (hint: use imgur) : N/A, but here is a description!: Pretty blue eyes, Snow White pelt, pink nose and ears, short fur
Pet Name: Malakai
Species: Dog (Alaskan Malamute)
Funny Antics: He really likes hair bobbles/scrunchies for some reason, because when you put one where he can get it, he grabs it with his mouth and doesn’t give you it back! 😛 He sometimes lies/lays on his back with his legs apart and a stupid grin on his face. 😛
Purrsonality: Stubborn, protective, loving, energetic, playful, friendly and patient. Loves food but is picky with what he likes.
Annoying Habits: The bobble/scrunchie-stealing habit that I mentioned above and urinating on my bed. 😛 He also has a “Mad-Half-Hour” or, as some people call it, the “Zoomies” where he runs around the house at lightning-speed and jumps on-and-off every couch, sofa and chair around him.
Photo if possible:
This is my cutie Claw 😛
He died of bowel cancer two years ago 🙁
This is when I was four years old or something 😉
Feels good to remember him again 🙂
Awwwwww 😀 <33
Here’s my baby Titan. Yes he’s mah baby. I meam Just. Look. At. Him.!
He has a belt like one of my kitties!
Awesome! 😀
Thank you!!!
My brother just got a new hairless cat named Jean-Luc. He’s very friendly, playful, and nice. I visit him upstairs from me every day.
Awesome! ❤️
Awwwwwww 😀
I have often wondered how I ended up with a grumpy leopard gecko.
My cat chirps I have never heard her meow only chirp and squeak
And I have two dogs and four hermit crabs