To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Random question: How did you name your pet? 😛
My cockatiel, Fin was actually meant to be called Kin (thanks Warriors :P), but my dad didn’t like that coz it reminded him of something, so we decided to call him Fin, tweaked name of Kin and named after Finleap and the Finn (with two nn’s) from Star Wars (my dad likes Star Wars) 😛
I just randomly thought of the name for my lizard. I didn’t have any choice in any other names. 😛
My cat Kisa came with the name Lucy, but I renamed her Kisa because ‘Kisa’ is ‘Kitty’ in Russain.
My chicken Pepe is named after a chicken my mom had when she was a kid.
My cat Houdini has an interesting story of how he was named. When we just got him, we kept him in his own room (until we were sure he would get along with our other cats). No matter what we did to keep him in, he always found a way to escape. That’s why we called him Houdini.
Hi Pinestripe. I used to have a cat named Houdini,too because she climbed out of the box we brought her home in. Lol
Wow, that’s cool!
Similar story of how they were named, too! 🙂
We wanted to name my cat Cocoa, Simoa (the Girl Scout cookie because her fur is basically the same colors). But my sister didn’t like that name so I looked up names for brown cats (even though she’s a tortoiseshell 😛 ) on the Internet (not very creative 😛 ) And I found Cocoa, which we all agreed on because she’s a tortoiseshell and her coat looks like what you would see in the packet you put into warm water to make hot cocoa.
Mimi and Cecilia were the names that the shelter gave them, and we thought that they were pretty so we just kept them 😛
Boo’s old owners named him Buddha so we just kept it because he was used to it 😛 but we nicknamed him Boo so we call him Boo a lot tooooooooooo
I was obsessed with Harry Potter and this other series called The City of Ember so now my dog’s name is Padfoot Lina Doon Ember Sparks. I have regrets 😛
I get that Lina and Doon part
I used to be obsessed with both of those book series aswell
I may have had a fish named Neville Ember-Doon
I don’t know, I think my parents just liked the name and chose Matilda for our cat because I was too young. I wanted to call her Star, but I’m glad I didn’t now 😛
uh I don’t really know 😛
I was little so the name Mittens (it’s a bit of a cliche but whatever) popped into my head bc of my cat’s white paws 😛
Oh well, there’s only one of my Mitt cat 😛
My dog is named Neville! He got that name coz my mom and sister are big Harry Potter fans!
How were your guyses pets named?
My dogs name is Snoopy. All of the cats I have now are named for warriors.
We have four cats 😛
Mittens, Snowpaws, Jack Sparrow, And Renata Gracie (nicknamed Mama Kitty)
Awww Neville that’s adorable.
Mimi and Cecelia :]
I named my bunny.
His fur is like pepper
My mom pulled out cinnamon for something and I was “is there a spice that looks like my bunny?”
I suggested Pepper and that is his name
hey guysss so I’m gonna do a comic with my, my friends’, and you guys’ pets!! lots of y’all have already thrown your pets at me but I’d like to include as many pets as I can scavenge!!! I have the form on the fanfic organization page if you’d like to have yours in it 😀
Dang it I keep forgetting.
A few months ago, I got a really adorable guinea pig, which has proved to me that guinea pigs are the best pets 😉
Awwwwwwwww what’s her/his name??
His name is Caramel, and he’s a very good boy
Yes, yes he is
I’ve got a foster cat, his name is Reginald, he’s just a friendly old man! As soon as we brought him home, he started cuddling us and he’s so cute! He can get annoying though, always pestering for attention, and sleeping on our chests and basically saying “breathe later love me now” when we lie down. ❤️
Aww, so sweet!
Awwwwwwwwww ❤️
Awwwww Reginald!
‘ breathe later love me now’ 😀 😛 They should make T-shirts with that on 😉
I have a bunny.
He bites me
But I love him
He acts like a dog
His species is now
Ha 😛
I have a rabbit beagle😂
I have a cat who disappears and she is an indoor cat so we call her the tail-eporter. She just disappears into thin air! Her real name is LunchBox.
Then I have two dogs. A fat marshmallow looking dog and a bridle pitbull who pins me and then licks me until my mom or dad and shove her off.
Finally, my four hermit crabs, Dude, Hermes, Hermione, and Hermie jr.
Your descriptions of your dogs are hilarious, your hermit crab names are also hilarious, and tail-eporter 😛
My cat likes to eat and drink coffee….
And he also has a weird obsession with climbing in bags.
Do any other cats have weird obsessions or is it just mine?
My cats try to swim in their water bowl and one of them eats spiders.
One of my cats loves mayonnaise.
Ha ha that is strange
Cecilia really likes ranch dressing.
My dog was laying under my chair and I needed to move the chair forward, but then I would’ve had to move her and I didn’t have the heart to. 😛
I felt like that once, when I had a chicken sleeping on my lap.
OH MY GOSH <3333
What are some cute things your pets do? My cat Cocoa plays fetch, if she wants you to pet her she flops onto the floor and asks for a belly rub, she chortles, she scratches her scratching post when she’s excited, and if you go in a room and she’s not in that room, she meows at the door until you either let her in or she gives up. There are many, many, many things I could list for cute things she does, but if I list all of them we’ll be here for a while 😛
My cat Shadow thinks she’s a human baby. She follows my mom around, wanting to be picked up.
And my chicken Pepe sometimes stands next to the swing while I’m on it, until I put her on my lap.
Snoopy always jumps on the couch which isn’t really weird but she climbs on top of me and we set her bed on top of the mantle to vacuum and she jumped up in the bed. She snores really loud and runs in her sleep. Also now she lays down like a cat and licks herself. Her 8th birthday/gotcha day is May 4th and she’s never had another dog around but we’ve owned literally thirty cats because all but one wondered down from the ridge.
My cat folds her paws down like she’s a rabbit sometimes 🙂
My pet parakeet is really weird. Me and my sister (Silvs) were playing and training our three parakeets and then the youngest bird (Frost) started to do a mating dance on his toy! And when I put my finger next to the toy, he started to do the mating dance on my finger!
Wow that is weird 😛 Maybe he was just trying to play with it 😛
What did you guys name your plant pets?
Mine are:
Chloe and Shelby (air plants)
Wavy (crinkle plant)
Destiny (cactus)
and Tarina, Keefe, and Silveny (tulips).
Destiny got a new pot 😛
:O keefe tulip????
im very late to this, but do you call Silveny Mama Glitter Butt sometimes? 😛
Apparently, my dog is fascinated by my mom filling up our gas tank… He was very confused/intrigued, it was adorable!
Awwwww 😛