To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
I have 3 puppers (doggos) that are all from the same litter. Now they’re 3 and a 1/2 years old. Their mom is a chihuahua and we think that their dad was a beagle, so they are Cheagles.
We had been thinking about adoption, because our old dog had passed away a few months ago, so we went to go look at 2 sisters from a shelter that we saw on Petfinder. We met the lady who brought the tiny puppers to meet us, and they were absolutely the cutest. However, SHE ALSO BROUGHT THE BROTHER. My dad fell in love with the baby boi so we couldn’t get the girls and not get him too.. We ended up adopting all three 😛. No regrets.
Their names are Toby, Maggie, and Chloe. Toby is a chonky boi and we don’t know why, he also is very food motivated but loves snuggles and playing. Maggie is the smallest and has the cutest little brown eyebrows and is very mellow. Maggie also will lick you to death. Chloe is a rambunctious troublemaker and total rebel 😛. She gets into messes all the time but loves belly rubs. They are all black and white, but only Maggie has brown. Also, Chloe is almost all white with a black spot over one ear and eye, and a heart shaped spot on her side. I might show you guys pics later. TOBY IS A CHUBBY BOI
Aww thats so sweet that you got all three 🙂 (I wanted to adopt the two brothers of my kitties, Mimi & Cecelia, but my parents said no 🙁 )
They sound soo cute!
AW CUTE!! I have 3 too 😀 My fluff Mitt is also a chub 😛
Aww they sound adorable! ❤️ Definitely show pictures! 😀
I’ll try and get photos of Legs and possibly Dylan if my barn decides to keep him next time I ride 😀 Legs is the horse I usually ride, he’s been having a little break for a while though. Dylan is a super cute horse that’s on trial for my barn – I really enjoy riding him too! 😀
Aw yay I can’t wait to see if you get any! 😀
Ooh I’d love to see them! ❤️ How many horses does your barn have? 🙂
A lot! Probably around 20 lesson horses, and another 20 horses that are boarded there 🙂
I’ve been researching cat toys because my cat hates all of the highest rated ones.
On top of her being a lil spoiled baby brat, she tries to EAT CARDBOARD
So we can’t get her any of the cool cardboard toys
Does anyone have any cat toy recommendations that don’t involve cardboard?? 😛
i suggest cardboard scratching posts
even if your cat chews it, it would last longer than a regular piece of cardboard
its rated a 10/10 in my house hold
sorry over looked the part about the no cardboard oops my bad
Omg my mom’s cat eats EVERYTHING, including cardboard 😛
Hmmm does she eat feathers too?
If she’s anything like Jack she will 😛How about stuffed toy mice? Even better if it has catnip in it 😛 Or pom-poms that they can carry around? Or toys that are chewy?
Um this is really vague but catnip toys are great if your cat likes catnip. 😛
my cats like fishing pole type toys they are cheap and my cats love it
and when they attack the end you can say: “hey i caught a cat-fish”
This might involve cardboard (I don’t know if the materials that you use to make them are made from cardboard or not,) but I’ve found some tutorials on DIY cat toys that you can make using toilet roll. I don’t have a cat so I haven’t tried them, although they’re easy to make and require not many tools to make them.
There’s more DIY cat toys that don’t involve cardboard, including one that is made from an old sock, a catnip mouse that you can sew together and a cat teaser. However, you can just use things lying about like a ping-pong ball or a window bird feeder if you don’t feel very crafty.
Take my advice with a grain of salt, watch your cat closely when she is playing with toys and don’t use the toy again if it gets damaged or broken.
Cat dancer
Also my cats love laundry baskets. And sparkle balls.
maybe fishing toys like this one?
my cats are broken lol 😛
one hates cat nip
the other loves water
the last one eats cat nip like treats
Haha they sound like fun cats 😛
That is so funny 😛
My cat loves water (drinking it. Like, he LOVES drinking water. He gets so excited when I fill the bowl 😛 ), one of them hates catnip, and the water-loving one and our third cat both like catnip 😛
the one hat likes catnip is not afraid of ANY water you could give him a bath and he would be fine with it
Wow 😛 My cat would freak if he got that wet 😛
my other two would straight up attack me
😛 😛
I wanna get a
1. Parakeet or some kind of bird
2. Chameleon or some kind of lizard
3. A ferret
4. A hamster
5. A mouse
6. A guinea pig
7. A tank full or fish or just one fish
8. A puppy/dog
9. All the kittens/cats in the world
10. A turtle
11. AlL tHe CuTeNeSs On EaRtH
I literally want every kind of pet 😛
But I can’t, because my step-dad is allergic 😛 But I lUv my kitty I already have did I mention HE’S sO cUtE?????!??!?
Saaaaaame! I think my goal for when I’m an adult is to have 2 dogs (1 large breed, 1 small breed), 2 cats, and 2 rats. I’ll have a whole little family. 😛
My goal as an adult is to have a big house, lots of money, so I can have all those pets 😛
Cool! 😛 When I’m an adult I want to get chickens, dogs, and cats. 😛
AWW cute! I forgot to mention my sis is getting chickens in the spring!
I would love to get a cat, a dog, and maybe a bird! Currently I only have some tropical fish 😛
I’d also want to possibly raise a chick or duck! They’re adorable 😀
Awww!! 😀 I used to have a beta 🙁 I named her Princess (I was, like, 7) and she died at 2 🙁 Before her I had Jewel <333 And I also used to have 2 parakeets, Blueberry and Indigo! I want birds again :3
if you do get some get them from a shelter bc 1/3 animals make it out of the shelter
I want to adopt a large litter of kittens (so that they’re all buddies already) and maybe get a lab mix of some sort.
those are lots of awesome pets! I want a bunny, a dog, some fish, some chickens, and hamsters or guinea pigs!
ahhh show us your kitty!!!
we went to the beach today, and I got a pic of him looking incredibly dopey 😛
I lOvE hIs FaCe <33333333333
me tooooooo!
The pup cuteness 😍
Awww he’s gorgeous! ❤️
Did your pupper baby try and eat sand 😛 cause I’m pretty sure that’s sand on his tongue. HE’S SO CUTE IN THE SAND THOUGH
he was digging in the sand for like, ten minutes and shoving his head into the ground while he did it…it’s safe to say he got sand eeeverywhere 😛
Oh my I noticed that too 😛
Sometimes I just look at Cecelia (my snuggle buddy) and poke her because I think she’s too cute and fuzzy to actually exist.
OMG I THINK THAT ALL THE TIme about my cutenessssssssss
me- *tries to make breakfast*
my cat- sits in my bowl
me- aw man
dfghjkhgfghj that’s such a cat thing to do
Ha! 😂 That’s awesome 😛
yes. I can relate. 😛
Mimi the chubby tabby cat has taken up playing the piano.
Oh darn my cat would freak if he stepped on a key and weird noises erupted from nowhere 😛
Any one else ever go on this website and daydream about adopting all the animals? If not, you should. It’s a fun hobby.
YEEEEEEEEEEETTTTT that was a trap! 😛 I wAnNa DoG nOw :OOO Even though we just got a fourth cat, like, yesterday….!
Charlotte selfie :3
cdchjgxfkdcgfduybfusgfdgks That’s adorableeee! 😀
Haha I just helped my mom get our cat so my mom can clip her claws. Hopefully she doesn’t hate me now :’)
Normal life
And a rare photo of Cleo so you can actually see her face. She runs around a lot, making it extremely difficult to get a good photo… that or she’s wrestling with my hand…
Awww! 😀