To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Why wasn’t my photo of my kitties and Cleo modded? Did I accidentally get someone in the photo or something?
I think I just modded that? like ten seconds ago?
Modding takes time, we gotta read through every comment so it’s not like instantaneous that all pending comments are approved all at once 🙂 We usually mod from most recent to least, so you’ll see other comments posted after you being modded before yours (that’s just how it’s set up on our modding page)
Oh, ok 🙂 What confused me was that normally it shows me the comment and goes your comment s awaiting moderation but for some reason it disappeared, so that’s why I was wondering.
Thanks, Rainie!
ohh, maybe you were signed out? not sure, but glad everything’s cleared up 😀
I don’t think I was signed out…?
Sometimes it gets weird and does that, but thx anyway!
Y’know, my profile pic is a picture of one of my cats. 😀
awwwww so cute!!!
Aww! <3 What’s their name? They’re absolutely gorgeous . I’m not really a cat person, but if I was going to get a cat, I would definitely get one like yours. 🙂
(i really love your cat so much ahaha it’s taking a lot not to freak out and type in caps)
Awww! That’s so sweet! Thx! That one is Magic and the other one is Angel
Here’s a pic of Angel:
Here’s both of them:
ToO cUtE tO hAnDlE
They look exactly like my cats, but my cats are black!
cute, very cute <3
Are they related?
ThE bIg EyEs!!
Aw thank u! I wuv em! 😂
The majestic Cecelia in her tunnel
*about to freak out from cuteness*
The co-queen of the land of fuzzy-fat thanks you for your kind words.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww her majesty 😀
Awwww fluuuufy
Their names are Carron (carrot), Oreo (oregano), Beetzie (beetroot) and Achievement (chive)!
awesome!! and cute names, too!!!
Yayyyyy I love the names!!! 😀
I love the names! (I recently got a pencil case which I named Plumbum which is Latin for pencil)
clever names!!
Cool!!!! And I love their names 😀
Jack Sparrow’s (one of my cats’) litterbox routine:
Yes, he makes it R E E K, and he flings litter out of the closed curtains that enclose the litterboxes, like, four feet. And is satisfied with himself afterwards 😛
That’s my cat as well
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 LOL
ahahhahaahh XD
Dat sounds like my kitties 😛
My barn didn’t end up keeping Dylan, but I’m finally back to riding Legs! It’s been I believe 2-3 months, I was so happy that I got to ride him again today! Here’s a photo I took of him a few months ago at a horse show <3
Sometimes I’m so jealous of you.
I mean…
Look at his FACE it’s so CUTE <3 <3 <3
He is the cutest I love him <3
He looks beautiful! 😀 What’s it like riding him?
I’ve been wanting to start horse riding for a while, but my Father has said that horses can be quite moody and tend to take out their anger on the rider by biting them.
Should I still do it again anyway? I went horse riding a few times at a holiday villa a decade or so ago, but haven’t done so since.
Horses all have different dispositions. I work with several moody ones, and several sweet ones. 🙂 If you choose to take up riding, your instructor will help you find a horse that you work well with!
There is no harm in trying! Taking the plunge to start riding was a great thing for me. I haven’t ridden in ages, but I work at the ranch and just being with the horses is lovely.
My Cousin goes horse riding regularly, so I’ll ask her about what stable she goes to and see if I can go with her to try it out. If not, I’m sure she’ll know about other horse stables.
Thank you for the advice! I’ll have a go at horse riding and see if I enjoy it.
Enjoy! 🙂
He’s wonderful! His trot is bouncy, medium length strides but very long legs. Same with his canter. He’ll jump even the smallest of crossrails (which I love!), and hates to canter on the flat.
In partial, that’s correct – but most horses that you’ll start out on will be very calm in temperament, and they wouldn’t put you on or with a super mean horse. And all horses are different! Legs would never bite you (unless you magically turn into his grain, because he loves his food so much), but some horses might. It all depends! I think it’s totally worth doing! 😀
his FACE
Ikr he’s so precious <3
So pretty!
Not when he’s covered in poo stains but yes! 😛
ME WANNA HORSE djkcf dfgdhjscfg hjdfgslngclgdsll
Me too 😛 He isn’t mine, but I wish he was! Horses are amazing <3
Yessssssss aww 😀
aW cUtE!
I know want a kitten but then my 5 year old tabby would freak . My cat is scared of Balloons and hates other full grown cats . Also never let me go looking for cats online because i will fall in love with them all . Also I keep on finding Blog names on the site I’m on . I found a Sandy , Foxie Kate , Sunshine ,Angel , Blizzard , Sky , Pumpkin , Potato ,
so many kittens that I want now
I fall in love with every tiny kitty i see 😛
Really? you find a Shadow? lol 😛
YESSS I lovelovelove every feline I see on the internet or anywhere 😛 I want all the kittens in the world 😛
LOL 😛 What about a Peb? 😛
any Briars?
My parents are actually considering getting a dog! My brother and his girlfriend (who already have a dog) are really excited to help us find a breed that fits our requirements 😀 My mom’s really picky; I’ll put a list of her requirements if you guys can help 😛
– Doesn’t shed (much)
– Medium, on the smaller side
– Intelligent
– Not too much energy, but isn’t super low either
– Obedient and likes the outside
– This list is ever growing 😛
But yeah I’m super excited! The only pets I’ve ever had are fish, and they aren’t very exciting 😛 I’m honestly pretty surprised; it took a lot to even let my brother bring his dog to my house last Christmas for a visit 🙂 I can’t wait! 😊
oh exciting!! I don’t know Anything about dogs (except they bite sometimes) but good luck!
oooooohhhh have fun when you get your dog! Can’t really help you, don’ know much about dogs lol 😛
I know poodles (and some poodle crosses depending on the % of poodle) don’t shed, can be medium smallish, and are intelligent. Here’s a website that has a list of non shedding dogs. (Although looking at this list a lot of them are super fluffy and require lots of brushing even though they don’t shed)
Ooh thank you Flame! 😀 I’ll take a look at it !
Awesome!!!!! I wanted a dog, and my parents grew up with dogs, so their list was a bit smaller:
-big dog (my mom did not like small dogs back then)
-likes other animals ( this dog would be our fifth pet)
I eventually got one, around 2 or 3 years ago named Luna. She is a smaller dog, but my mom decided she was fine. Our two cats, Shadow and Mischief( brother and sister) love her. So did our old cat, Princess(R.I.P.) she sometimes annoys our dog Buddy, she is ok with my bro’s bird Zee, and was fine with my other bro’s old bird Peep(R.I.P.) she’s a bit shy, but soooo sweet! (Luna’s a terrier mix, Buddy is a blue heeler, Zee is a sun conyer idk how to spell it, and S+M idk what breed they are, like Princess, we got them from my grandpa, who has too many cats to count, and let’s them all outside, feeds strays, and I guess doesn’t spay or neuter his cats cause he keeps getting kittens.)
Awww what a big family! 😀
Okay there’s this super super funny eHarmony video where this girl starts crying over cats it is ssooooooooo hilarious 😛 You should look it up on youtube omg 😛
I’ve already seen it years ago. 😛 Someone made a song about it!
Omg really??? 😛
Yep. 😛
Wow that’s crazy 😛 😛 😛
Guys, this is awesome. So, my school does this thing for Movember where ppl. (or animals hint hint) grow/wear a mustache to raise money 4 the Movember fundraiser. ANDDDD… This year my CATS are going to compete in the mustache competition!
It looks like this, where the money goes in the box with the picture on it:
pLuS, the one(s) that win is the one with the most donated money in the box. I hope my catz win!
So, yes, we’re putting mustaches on my cats! 😂 I hope they hate it. 😂 I’ll send pictures when it happens!
Cool! Can’t wait to see them 🙂
So, my cats are on a diet (because there both really chubby….) anyway its making them very hyper (fun fact cats play more when they’re hungry according to one book I read because it would make them more likely to catch something to eat if they were in the wild). They are hating their diet.
My super fat cat, Mimi, has been waking up earlier and earlier demanding her reduced size breakfast. This morning at 4 she was walking across the piano keyboard (I posted about that the other day I don’t know why she’s taken the sudden interest in it) then running to scratch at my parent’s bedroom door. So, yeah, I woke up at 4 in the morning to my cat playing the piano. (And honestly not sounding that terrible)
Random cat photo:
Please note that Mimi is sitting on her sister’s paw.
aw cyoot cats!
So cuuuuttttteeeee!!! My chubby cat is sitting next to me right now 😛
I can relate to those two 😛
Aww Magic, she’s just so helpful…
That’s my math homework BTW. I’ve lost almost all my brain cells thanks to that. And Magic’s NOT helping… 😂
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! Wow that looks extremely complicated 😛
cUtE! My kitty, Emily, loves to sit on my binders 😛
My cat is no joke bigger than a fox 😛 He’s like a bobcat 😛
How much does he weigh? Mine are 11 and 14 pounds. (They’re chubby)
Which according to google can be heavier than smallish foxes 🙂
Uhhh he’s about 16/17 pounds…. 😛
Oh, wow 🙂 (Although I think male cats tend to be larger and mine are gals)