To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Blackstorm gives warrior names to bears from Care Bears.
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
Let’s see……… how many pets do i have????? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.
Conclusion: I have no pets. I want a pet more than anything!!!!
Aww I hope you get one 😛
I love cats, (but especially cats who like hamborgers (look at my icon)
when your only pet is a rockcome on UWU, lets go sulk together😛oof 😛
My kitty Cleo Rabbit stars in a meme I made
My my, she can read now
(and no, I didn’t put her there, VoS was kind of left out and she decided to sit by it)
Ha! My cat did that to once.
that expression..
with a little editing, she could be the next meme star 😮
oh god that’s aMaZiNg 😛
I have a fishhhh.
I taught it to swim around it’s bowl 20 TIMES!!
heheheh O-O
That’s cool!
Wow, it’s cool how you can train it! Smart fish!
Hello! Here’s all about my fluffy kitty Oscar!
We adopted him from an animal shelter on August 30th, 2019. He was seven at the time. We think he’s about ten now, but we aren’t entirely sure.
Oscar has very few teeth, so he has to eat pâté cat food. He had several more teeth pulled out in September.
Oscar is very plump, and loves to eat. He’s kinda like Graystripe that way.
Oscar likes to chase ribbons. He’ll even bring it to us like it’s a bird or something.
It’s so cute! ☺️
Oscar is an indoor cat. He likes to look out the window at birds. Wishing he could catch them, perhaps?
And that’s about Oscar.
Click My Name
Aww! Oscar sounds so adorable! <3
aww 🙂 🙁
what happened to his teeth?
We aren’t sure. We’re his second set of owners, and assume something happened to his teeth in his old home.
Aw, I hope its not abuse 🙁
Does anyone else’s dog like to push their buttons? I swear my dogs do things to me on purpose, they know it annoys me! It is annoying at first, but then after five seconds, it’s adorable! Today, my dog knew he had to go for a walk, but he wouldn’t get off the couch (I had to pull his front legs off!), but then, as soon as we got going, he was really happy. I just like: “Seriously?! That whole episode in the living room was for nothing…”
My dog’s every where. When we clean, somehow he guesses where are we going next and juts lies in the floor!
I think my cat thinks she’s a flower. She sits in the middle of the flowerbed for long periods of time.
That’s so cute!
I have a stone wall in my garden with a hole in it and my cat sometimes sits there for hours silently willing for mice to come out
My dog has learned how to stand on her hind legs. Then she walks, leans forward, and takes your food while your stuck gazing at the weird and adorable sight. I refuse to give her name.
That’s so cute!
Here’s a recent picture of my dog, Malakai the Alaskan Malamute! 😀
I love him so much.
aw, cute. My dog has a little malamute in her 🙂
Aww, so cute! <333
What nicknames do y’all have for your pets, or do you just call them by their names?
I’d list mine……but there’s too many 😛 😛
I only have a lizard, and my sisters have/had a lizard each, and I guess Toby is technically my mom’s bird. 😛 But sometimes I call Toby “Charlie” because that’s what he thinks his name is. 😛
My family calls our cat Cocoa, Cocoa Loco 😛
We sometimes call my cat Houdini “Beanbag” and my chicken Pepe “Pep”.
i have too many names for my dog
Yep! My dog, Hollywood, is Pupper Potts.
Mal, which is short for Malakai. 😛
Snoofy or Snoofy doggo ^^
This is my sleepy Neville dog❤️🤪 (Yes his name is from Harry Potter)
Aww 🙂
So apperently there’s an animal page now? interesting. Well anyways, at the end of August last year, a kitten showed up in our backyard, he is our cat now, he’s white with ginger ears and tail, I named him Marshmallow cause he looks like it and also we found him while we were having a campfire so it worked. He likes to sleep on my beanbag chair all the time and is very cute, that is all I have to say 😛
awww! I have a chinese hamster named Stuart! We call him Mousie because when we got our 2nd chinese hamster (who sadly passed away in March 🙁 ), Nibbles, the guy told us he was part mouse so we made that his nickname. later we found out he’s pure hamster but the name stuck so we call Stuart Mousie now. It’s going to be his one month anniversery with is on the 25th!