Crystalkit theorizes what breeds some popular cats from the series are!
Hi there, Crystalkit is back! Here’s my article about the breeds of the characters in Warriors. Asterstorm
has written that before, but I want to write more. 😛 I know a lot of things about cat breeds, and my fursona is a Norwegian Forest Cat. In this article, most of them are my favorite cats. Hope you can like it😃
SQUIRRELFLIGHT. This is one of my favorite character!!! In Firestar’s Quest, she is named after her bushy tail that looks like a squirrel. Bushy means that she has long fur. So, we now know she is a long-furred dark ginger she-cat. I think she fits Norwegian Forest Cat, and her color is Red Blotched Tabby and White. By the powers of StarClan, I give you your cat breed. Squirrelfight, you’re a Norwegian Forest Cat!
IVYPOOL. I really like Ivypool. Let’s just say she is an American Shorthair, because of her silver-and-white tabby coat. Yep that is a famous breed, and her color is Silver Blotched Tabby and White!
BLUESTAR. I agree with you, Asterstorm, because in Bluestar’s Prophecy, Bluekit finds her fur is fluffy, not sleek like Moonflower’s. But Russia Blue has very short fur, so Bluestar is not a Russia Blue. I don’t really know about Bluestar’s breed, maybe she is a British Shorthair
, but they have orange eyes. Uhhh I don’t know. 😛
GRAYSTRIPE. In Into The Wild, little Rusty (Firestar) mentions that Graypaw has a broad face. So, I think he is a flat-face cat like Yellowfang, who is an Exotic. But we all know he is long-furred, that means he is a gray Persian.
FEATHERTAIL. Just like her mother, Silverstream, Feathertail is easy to know her breed, American Shorthair.
HEATHERTAIL. I really don’t know why I like her. Well, I wrote a fanfic about her. She’s a WindClan cat, and most of them are Egyptian Mau (I know you said that, Asterstorm). But Heathertail isn’t. Actually, Egyptian Mau are spotted tabbys. Wait, she fits British Shorthair. (They are not just blue, they have tabby-colors!)
LEOPARDSTAR. I do NOT like Leopardstar, but she is also very easy to know her breed. The former RiverClan leader has unusual golden spots, remember? That means Leopardstar is a Bengal, like Cheetahspark.
BREEZEPELT. Well, I don’t like Breezepelt either. Sorry Breezepelt- lovers😛 We know Nightcloud and her son are black with amber eyes, so it’s very easy to see that they are Bombay.
There’s many other characters to write, but I’m too lazy to write them.😛 This article is shorter than my last one, but I’m proud of it haha. Hope you can like it!😃 Say I love it!
Nice article!
Nice article, Crystie 😛!
Thanks Sandy❤
Yay my second article is finally published! But I can’t believe there’s so many bold writing and a strike through it😛
I finally realized I did it wrong sometimes😛
Hey why this comment is still not published?😛
Yay it’s published now😛
Thanks for developing more on cat breeds in Warriors 😜! It’s good to let more readers know the hidden breeds in the cats 😆! I think Squirrelflight is more likely to be a Somali (Mixed) than a Norwegian Forest Cat. The white spotting actually pops out from nowhere, as her parents don’t have it too (colours and patterns of a cat are all heritaged from it’s parents) , so lets ignore it for a moment 😛. Abyssinians have a recessive gene in them, which leads to growing long-haired kitten from a normal Abyssinian litter. I think the appearance of Squirrelflight probably comes from Firestar’s (Abyssinian) recessive gene. Her white paw is possibly just come from mutation 😉. Leopardstar’s spottings probably come from her father, Mudfur, and to be more specific, she’s a Cashmere (long-haired Bengal). I guess the reason why so many clan cats resemble the American Shorthairs and British Shorthairs ia because the clans are setted in England, so it’s easy to find feral cats that are British Shorthairs or have genes of this breed. These two breeds are also very popular cats around the world, so so of them may escape from their owners, become rogues/ loners, and join the clans.
(Btw, would you like to write a Complete Book of Cat Breeds in Warriors by Fans with me and maybe some other Blogclanners too somewhere 😛?)
Thanks! And yes Aster I like that idea very much😆 (Same Emoji as you😛)
I would love to help with a book! Just make sure I don’t sound like a textbook when I’m writing (I’m pretty good at that) 😛
Nice Article!
I can definitely see Squirrelflight as a Norwegian Forest Cat! (My favorite cat breed and one of my favorite characters in one!) But I can also see Dovewing as a Norwegian Forest Cat as well, since I headcanon Dovewing being a fluffy poofball and having a giant, bushy tail like Squirrelflight. I could see Bluestar as a LaPerm, though (but I’m not sure about it). For Ivypool, I could possibly see her as a Oriental Shorthair. Nice article. 🙂
Thanks Marrow! But I don’t Think Bluestar is a LaPerm (I’m not sure about she’s a British Shorthair too😛) because LaPerm has curly fur.
I can see Bluestar with curly fur though, I think it would like really pretty. (Same with Snowfur, actually…) But honestly I just love the idea of Squirrelflight (and Dovewing) being Norwegian Forest Cats 😛
Would you mind if I did my own take on this article? I quite like the idea – I’m also super into cat breeds. I personally have different answers than what you have selected. But good idea, and nice research! And if you were wondering, my fursona is a American Shorthair and Russian Shorthair mix, with other breed ancestry, such as Oriental cats.
Yep! Actually it’s Aster’s idea😛
Yeah, but I wanted to ask you first 🙂
cool article crystie 🙂
Thanks Bluebell😀
Great article Crystie! I really enjoyed reading it.
Thanks Wolfie☺
Nice Article, Crystalshine!
Actually, I’m pretty sure Feathertail’s a Maine Coon. Bluestar is tricky because gray cats cant have blue eyes 😀
Would you mind if I made a breed guide (Just this article but lots more cats) on the fanfic page? or is it just Asterstorm and Crystalkit??????
uhhh I know it sound like im pestering buuuuuut…..
can i???????
By the way, i’m (Mothpaw is, i’m not actually a cat) a Maine coon-singapura-ragdoll mix….
I’m a lot of cat breeds lolMaybe Bluestar is a Russian Blue?
Maybe she’s a Russian Blue and British Shorthair mix😛
Nice article! Interesting!
I disagree with the statement that Bluestar isn’t Russian Blue. Newborn kits always have fluffier fur, but they eventually grow out of it.