To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
Flamecloud: “I think it would be fun to have a page just to talk about our pets and their funny antics.”
Me: “Yes! Why didn’t I think of that already?”
To get things started, here’s Barnaby. ❤️
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Pandapeltl gives warrior names to dragons from Wings of Fire.
Rosefern shares some thoughts on Jayfeather and Jay’s Wing.
My family has various nicknames for our kitty, Oscar, including these:
• Kitty
• Puppy
• Cat (this one’s mostly my dad)
• Little Buddy
And then we have random nicknames that we sometimes come up with on the spot. Like earlier my mom was calling Oscar ‘her little banana.’ 🍌🤔😜
I’ll Be Complete
I have a dog called Zorro, who must be so confused because me and my family use his nicknames more than his real names. We call him:
Zozzers me Bozzers
and everything else that starts with Zoz
Aw 😛 ❤️
I’ll Be Complete
That’s cute!
My dad is the same :3
I’ll Be Complete
These are my cat Tilly’s nicknames:
I’ll Be Complete
My family calls our kitties different names too. For example, my kitty, Vita.
I call him Vitinconna(for some weird reason)
My sister Purpleshade calls him Sweetie
My dad Mudfoot calls him Vita
My mom Russetpelt calls him Vita
And my baby sister Funkit calls him Kitty! In a high-pitched voice before trying to pick him up and failing while strangling poor Vita.
Those are a wild bunch of nicknames 😜
I’ll Be Complete
I know right!
My cats have a lottttt of nicknames 😛
-Fuzz wuzz
-fluff wuff
-Fuzzy Wambat
-Stupid cat (by my dad, sometimes affectionately and sometimes not so affectionately :P)
-Fluffy one/fluff
-Little kitty/little girl/ baby cat/sweets (just by me)
-Little Squish
-Snuggle bug
-Meme(s)/memer(s) (just by me)
-Pudge wudge
-Chub wub
-Big kitty
-Big Squish(y)
-Chubby one/Chub
-Belly cat
-Boss cat
Some of my pets have many nicknames, too.
Houdini (cat):
Pepe (chicken)
Oh, boy, here we go-
Lucca (dog):
Tsuki (ferret):
Jack (ferret):
Rosie (ferret):
Nico (mink):
wow thats a lot of ferrets. my mom would never let me have that many
Heeeeeelloooow! My family has two cats and a dog. One cat is a siamese tom named Loki and the other cat is a dark grey tabby she-cat Estra. My dog is a boxer. . .she-dog XD. . .named Kitana! My dad calls the cats, cat and the dog, dog.
That bit about ur dad was quite funny lol 😆
Ur welcome OwO
my dog cosmo likes playing with people’s shoes/slippers, he also throws toys for himself and then chases them (Yes , my dog can throw toys,) he loves his frisbees and if he finds one he just licks it and licks it and growls at any one who goes near him.
and he loves dog ice cream and purrs like a cat.
i am not going 2 list some of the crazy things my other dog, Zorro does, ’cause that would take 2 long,
. . . your dog purrs? XD
Those are my 2 cats, their names are Jax and Asher
I have a dog named Dodger. This is what my family calls him:
Im back pet ownerssss
I only have two hamsters Nutmeg and Acorn but they’re so cute. I’m getting concerned that Nutmeg’s becoming more skinnier with stress. I’m allergic to cats so I can’t get one. And I can’t get a dog because our apartment doesn’t allow them :C
Gerbils!!!!!! They are so cute! Bummer about the cat and dog thing though.. . . . .but gerbils!!!!!!
My family and I have a dog named Teddy. Here are his nicknames:
Tedric Doggery (shoutout to all my Harry Potter fans)
And there are probably more but I can’t remember them 🙂
om teddy lupin
That is adorable!
Here are some secret pages where I post stuff about my pets:
My cat Kisa:
My chicken Pepe:
My Chickens Peach and Cherry:
i got 2 gerbils and one is a apricot called Peanut and the other is black with a white stripe down her chin and neck and she is called Stripe and they are really cute and i have picked them up and stroked ’em too
AHHHHHHHH THE MOMENT CAME!!!!!!! I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU SMOKE!!! They sound so adorable!!! May they be two of the greatest pets on earth.
gErBiLs. ArE. sO. cUtE!
I have a dog named Kelsey, but we call her Doodle for no apparent reason. She’s a border collie mix and she loves to play with anything that squeaks! I would love to have two dogs and one cat, but my mom is allergic to cats and Kelsey would probably try to eat it sooo that’s a no :/ One day I will get a cat though lol
Both my kitties have some super cute nicknames, and here they are!
Unfortunately, bc im moving, we are going to have to give away razzie, bc she is getting old and has a tumor in here stomach, so we can’t bring her with us. But, we can bring Scout, which i am glad for!
oh, i am so sorry about u having 2 give Rasberry away, that sucks
I have a dog and his name is mac. He’s hilarious, and does things like chase his tail and run away from vaccums
Aww 🐶
Great StarClan this page is soooooooooooo dead now (;´д`)