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  • Okay so I FINALLY finished this book 😛 I think this took me longer to read than any other warriors book (like a month). I just couldn’t… get through it… I’ll try not to make this review too long. Let’s see if anyone’s still here to read it 😛

    Okay. So… where to start? I thought this book was alright, I think. I love to worship the queen that is Nightcloud, and Crowfeather has always been great. I actually really loved how they tied up the loose ends with Lionblaze and Jayfeather’s relationship with Crowfeather. I’m glad they didn’t have Jayfeather completely forgive Crowfeather, because it would have seemed really out of character otherwise. I’m glad Lionblaze found peace with it, too. And I actually found myself not wanting Breezepelt to die in the end (I mean I knew he wouldn’t, because AVoS, but still). I’m going to clarify something: I hate the OotS Breezepelt, but am okay with the AVoS/CT Breezepelt. I’m not meaning as in “he changed”, I mean, his character didn’t even seem the same.

    I don’t think they did Breezepelt’s redemption arc very well.

    They completely ignored why he was in the DF in the first place. Yes, the other DF trainees were there to become better warriors for their Clan, but that’s not why Breezepelt was there. Everyone acted as if the only crime Breezepelt committed was trying to kill Lionblaze, which isn’t true. Breezepelt knew what the DF cats were planning, and he wasn’t just okay with it, he wanted it to happen. With the exception of Nightcloud and maybe Heathertail, Breezepelt was completely willing to let his Clan (and all the Clans) die around him. And since the DF lost, he kind of had to be loyal to WindClan, unless he wanted to get banished. Now, they could have had him slowly change over the course of CT into a loyal, kind cat. But instead, they pretended that he was like that all along??? And like he was a victim in this situation. It’s like in OotS, he was completely evil and bloodthirsty, and then he suddenly changed between Dovewing’s Silence and the beginning of CT into a victimized, sad, lonely cat that was forced to fight for the DF. I mean, sure, I guess he was always lonely, but he was also angry, and he didn’t seem to care that the DF wanted to kill everyone when he knew about it. He seemed to enjoy it. I’m not completely unreasonable; if they’d handled his arc better and had him change over the course of CT, I would have liked him, but it seems forced and honestly kind of lazy.

    But there were still a lot of things I liked about this book. I loved Breeze X Heather, actually, besides the issues with Breezepelt that I stated above. Onestar sucked. I hated Onestar (don’t we all?). The Erins are really good at making a character really dislikable 😛

    Hmmm… Oh, right. The main antagonists of the book were a bunch of weasels. Need I say more?

    • Eh, can’t complain. I love Breezepelt, tho. 😉
      Also, the plot was rather blah, I liked the ways the characters interacted, so not a lost cause. 😉

    • He was okay with WindClan dying because they didn’t care for him. I mean, WindClan was okay with the Dark Forest cats dying, and who was Breezepelt going to side with? The cats who had never bothered to notice him, or the cats who treated him with respect. He was only an apprentice when the DF approached him.

      I like Onestar at first but then he started acting like an idiot. I can understand him not liking Firestar after he became leader, but some of the things he does in CT are very dumb, and I don’t like how he puts his honor before his Clan.

    • I like Breezepelt as a character/villain, and I think his redemption was done DECENTLY, but it could’ve been done better. Like you said, his personality was kind of different than in POT (I love POT Breezepelt too! 😉 )/OotS – I guess he was just a little bit different than his POT self in this book, but Idk. Anyway, yeah, he should’ve been portrayed as a cat who CHANGED to be good and not one who was ALWAYS good, but I wouldn’t have actually wanted him to become totally nice and kind, because I think it’s more realistic and interesting to have characters who are bad become good but still have some of the same traits they had before. (I really like Draco Malfoy’s redemption arc! 😛 )
      Yes! Breezepelt x Heathertail! 😀

      I actually don’t hate Onestar. I still think he was quite brave in the end when he actually confessed what he had done wrong. I mean, he may not have been a good cat, but how often do you see someone like him actually ADMIT that he was wrong? But that’s just my opinion 😛

  • I loved this book so much! It is my favorite super edition by far. Being able to see Crowfeather mature and evolve his relationships with Nightcloud and Breezepelt was absolutely wonderful. WindClan is so much different from ThunderClan and it was very interesting to finally read in another Clan’s POV again. Onestar’s arrogance was definitely something that ticked me off. However, seeing average warriors disagreeing with their leader was interesting. Like I read in another comment, it seems like everyone just gets along in ThunderClan. This book was very interesting and would read it again.

  • I think it might be an idea, but do you think Harestar and Featherpelt could be mates? It would be wonderful if he had one in The Broken Code Arc,!

  • OH MY GOD ITS SOOOOO GOOOOOOOD There is an invasion of stoats in the tunnels and Nightcloud disappears. Because of the stoats Crowfeather tells Bramblestar about it and Bramblestar offers his help. But Onestar exiles Crowfeather and insulted Bramblestar. He sneaks back into camp and rescues Nightcloud, who was stuck in a twoleg den. He goes with Breezepelt, Heathertail, hootpaw and gorsetail. It’s basically about Crowfeather dealing with how to be a better father and getting rid of stoats.

  • It actually changed my opinion on Breezepelt. I used to hate him bout now he’s my baby

  • This actually changed my opinion on Nightcloud and Breezepelt. I used to HATE Nightcloud cuz of Leafpool, but now that Crowfeather has made his peace with Leafpool, he and Nightcloud can be friends. It says in the book that the reason he kind of stopped loving Breezepelt is because he was afraid to get his heart broken again (but in a different way), which I think is just really sad but sweet. I also think that because Crowfeather and Leafpool kind of isn’t a thing anymore, he (Crowfeather) will choose Feathertail in StarClan.

  • Okay, here’s my review of Crowfeather’s Trial:

    This was a really nice SE, and although at some bits it felt slow, it seemed for the best as there was a lot of fast paced moments as well. This book made me love Nightcloud, Breezepelt, and Crowfeather even more. I used to hate Breezepelt, but now he’s more neutral, although I do think he got away with too many of his crimes. The book also made me indirectly ship Crow x Night, and I’ve already hated Leafpool (and her biased POV) to begin with so honestly? I wish Crow x Leaf never existed in the first place (Although Jay, Holly, and Lion wouldn’t be born but Squirrel isn’t barren, and there’s also Whitewing…) so Crow x Night could’ve been given a chance. Because honestly? Even though we don’t know their full backstories, I still say that it would’ve worked out better if Crow hadn’t went with Leaf in the first place. But that’s off track. Crowfeather constantly worrying for Nightcloud’s safety after she disappears is really sweet in my opinion, and I’m glad that he respects her as a Clanmate and that WindClan respects Nightcloud as well. In this I do think Breezepelt was quite foolish at times, especially when he fought the stoats by himself. But by the end of the book, I ended up caring about him to some degree. Post OotS-AVoS Breezepelt is okay in my book. The ship Breeze x Heather was really cute, and I loved this ship beforehand so I’m happy that we got some closure on it. By the way this book was written with Crow’s thoughts and feelings, I thought that he and Nightcloud might get back together at some point. But I’m fine with them being just friends, and that was a nice conclusion to their family drama. Now I really want a Nightcloud novella detailing her time spent with Pickle, as he seems interesting as a character and I really wished that Pickle would’ve came with them, as he and Nightcloud seemed to like each other very much.

    Onestar was a giant fox-heart in here. From exiling Crowfeather to insulting Bramblestar (he mentions Tigerclaw/star here) because of his pride, he’s really a giant jerk that really shouldn’t have become leader. Ashfoot would’ve been a much better choice to make leader in Dawn. Breezepelt’s redemption could’ve been done better, but we could’ve gotten something much worse. Think positive. But my hand is tired of typing, and I’m done with my review. Marrow out.

  • I really did love this SE. It’s probably my new favorite, just SLIGHTLY behind Tallstar’s Revenge.

    With the Super Editions we’ve been getting focused on the modern deputies, I really hope that we get something with Reedwhisker. The last SE we got that focused on RiverClan came out years ago, and we haven’t had a RiverClan POV since. I just think it’d be a nice breath of fresh air, honestly. That, plus Reedwhisker is one of those background characters that I just love despite their having little to no involvement in the plot.

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