• So, IvyxFern is by far the most talked about shipping and also the most hated. 4 reasons why the relationship isn’t very good.
    1. The age difference is just too much. Ivypool was born so much earlier than Fernsong. Ivypool was born in Sunrise. Fernsong was born between Bramblestar’s Storm and The Apprentice’s Quest. This 7 book gap is the second largest in the whole series (not counting Jayfeather and Half Moon).
    2. They are pretty much related. The have 12.5% blood share between them. Their Great-Great-Grandparents are the same, Jake and Nutmeg (kittypets).
    3. The shipping was kinda created at random. There really wasn’t any love sparks between Ivypool and Fernsong in other books. This shipping feels a bit spontaneous.
    4. There’s 2 cats from the LilyxSnow relationship that Fernsong could date. Why Ivypool instead of them?

    Another shipping in ThunderClan has significant age differences, Blossomfall and Thornclaw. The gap is even greater than IvyxFern. Blossomfall was born near the end of the New Prophecy. Thornclaw, however, was born in the beginning-middle sections of the Prophecy Begin. So, that’s another 7-8 book gap between a ThunderClan relationship.
    Plus, I think I’m going to join Sky’s IvyxFern Hate Club.

  • I don’t really see any problems with IvyXFern. While it is random, I don’t dislike it.

    “Ivypool is too old for Fernsong”
    By a little more than two years. It’s not the biggest age difference in Warriors. Besides, cats don’t really care about age differences

    “Ivypool and Fernsong are cousins”
    They’re third cousins. A majority of all couples in Warriors are related. Tigerstar 4 and Dovewing are second cousins, Squirrelflight and Bramblestar are second cousins, Dustpelt and Ferncloud are uncle and niece, Snowbush and Lilyheart are cousins, and there was Willowpelt and Patchpelt. Incest is going to happen in Warriors due to the rules of only taking mates from your Clan.

    I don’t really mind this ship tbh.

    • I don’t mind it because I really wanted Ivypool to get a mate. I think that she really needed one, and it was comfirmed that she would get a mate.

    • Incest happening before doesn’t really validate it happening again … but I think the main problem is that, while cats like Squirrel and Bramble have no reason to suspect that theyre related, Ivypool would pretty clearly know that Fernsong is related to her– it was part of a prophecy for StarClan’s sake! I don’t mean to be hateful of course, but I think if a casual reader can tell that they’re related ( it’s basically stated in the books) then it’s a little to close for comfort…

    • Because of said independent personality, I believe she should have a mate. She’s really mature when it comes down to it, aside from when Dovewing is involved, because y’know they’re sisters.
      She’d be a fine mother and anyone who would have her as a mate is lucky to be with a grounded she-cat like her.

    • I mainly don’t enjoy the fact that we don’t really know much about Fernsong, other than a few small scenes he has in the books. What is his real personality other than what can be based from the dialogue from AVoS? I think Ivypool deserves better…

    • SAME!!!!!!! 😆
      Ugh but I need to focus on school, especially since I just transitioned schools on the day my school I was going to go started (both are homeschool groups) so at my new school (more like my old one since I’ve done it before) I’m like 4 weeks behind so I have lots of reading to catch up on which is fine (my teacher said not to stress so ya). I also need to finish DOTC and start the new series (and read some more super editions like Bramblestar’s Storm) so I have plenty of reading to do this first semester. 😛

  • Kate, the book didn’t state what are the eye color of Tigerheart and Dovewing’s kits? Since Pouncekit has dark amber eyes, what are Shadowkit and Lightkit eye color ?

    Also, I can’t believe that you or the editors team keeps making spelling/writers mistakes. I mean after years of work in the book series, it shouldn’t be hard to know that Dovewing’s eye color is blue not green. I thought you and Vicky already closed that discussion, right?

  • I have to agree with the frustrations about Ivypool I have yet to complete Tigerheart’s shadow but this being revealed is really troubling to me. Mainly because it’s very much out of nowhere. Like we don’t even get to see her flirting with a cat before she’s suddenly mates with them by the next book and we know that.
    Plus I have to agree with everyone on the whole ‘all important she cats need to have a mate and kits’ there are VERY few she cats who haven’t had a mate and kits. Leopardstar being the only one that comes to my mind immediately, and no one else really. That being said, kits are very important to the clans, remember when ThunderClan had only Birchpaw and Whitepaw as apprentices in New Prophecy because so many young cats had died. Having more kits was essential! So from that perspective it makes sense that she cats would be more encouraged to take a mate.
    So, while I’m not thrilled that we don’t get to see a forever single Ivypool, it does make logical sense that few she cats should remain single since the kits are the life of the clan. Except there’s one glaring issue with this, whereas with New Prophecy we had a shortage of young cats, now we have TOO many young cats. There’s no reason for Ivypool to be taking a mate and having kits unless she wants to really because its unlikely ThunderClan will have such a shortage any time soon.
    Plus all the new additions just makes ThunderClan bigger and bigger, and the cats become less and less interesting because there’s TOO MANY. My biggest complaint is once we hit like the middle of OOTS I don’t remember much of the background characters, I don’t remember who was born when, I don’t remember how/when they grew up, they were just more names that were added to the allegiances, and that’s such a waste.
    I’m hoping the next books address this issue because it’s getting ridiculous, all the other clans have a reasonable amount of cats and then there’s the giant that is ThunderClan. It’s like the Dark Forest attacks was just a usual battle. And Darktail, barely any deaths for ThunderClan, in fact I think the last casualty ThunderClan suffered might’ve been Sandstorm if I recall correctly. maybe Spiderleg as well.
    The other issue with the massive numbers is the deaths lose impact, there’s no real impact anymore. In the Prophecy’s begin the death of Runningwind, Snowkit, Brindleface, Swiftpaw, they had such a big impact because the clan wasn’t so over saturated they at least had moments that allowed us to recognize their existence and feel their presence to an extent. Now if a cat dies in ThunderClan there might be some impact depending on who it is, but really at this point I’d be like ‘oh no that cat is dead, how sad’.
    I also hope that since now ThunderClan and ShadowClan had to give a chunk of their lands to SkyClan, this whole overpopulation thing in ThunderClan should be addressed. Because there’s no way such a massive clan should be able to thrive so well. You’d over hunt a territory at this point. Or you’d start starving.

  • I just finished the book: And…wow!

    I am now a huge TigerxDove shipper. Their kits are awesome.

    Everything about this book is awesome.

    Ivypool has gone from my favorite characters to my third favorite. Why? She was actually really…annoying.

    Which of Dovewing’s kits do you like the best?
    Will Ivypool and Dovewing have a big fight?

    • My favorite kit is Pouncekit! I definitely think they’re going to fight, because Dovewing left without notice and then came back apart of another clan! I don’t mind because I’ve loved Tiger x Dove literally since the moment it started!

      • Mines Pouncekit, and then Lightkit but i absolutly hate Shadowkit. can’t he be a normal kit? i also wish that Pouncekit was the tabby, not Lightkit

        • Maybe Shadowkit’s going to be a med cat though (and hopefully by choice). He did say that if he had to choose a Clan he would choose ShadowClan (and ThunderClan doesn’t need more med cats). I think that since everyone’s in ShadowClan, once he sees what Puddleshine does, he’s going to want to be his apprentice. 🙂 He could also become SkyClan’s med cat, but I like the idea of him being ShadowClan more (Especially since his prefix is Shadow-). Hopefully SkyClan will still get a med cat soon though!

    • Shadowkit (Because he’s a lot like Pebble Heart).
      They probably will. Hopefully not like the Crookedstar and Oakheart fight where Crookedstar almost kills Oakheart though.

        • Willowpelt & Patchpelt aren’t mates, Willowpelt and Whitestorm are mates Sky, so ya, besides ThunderClan needs to be expanding because some cats are old but others are still young, doesn’t matter about the age or whom they came from, it matters how they act or go along with each other.

    • Actually, other pairings are closer related than Ivypool and Fernsong are. Ivypool and Fernsong are third cousins, while other pairings are second cousin, first cousin, uncle and niece, etc.

  • Kate can we get some more Grandparent grandkit relationships?? Silverflame and Yellowfang was great and I think we all love when families interact in the books.

  • Can we all agree Dovewing was wayyyyyyyy out of character in this book??
    I mean yea she was preggo and mood swings are a thing but even moons after having kits she didn’t seem the same. She just felt like your typical queen who will do anything and everything for her kits. In OOTS she was very quiet and collected (despite the whole Dovewing’s Silence thing). Here she just got all dramatic and lost everything she had in OOTS.
    Lets hope things turn around in Darkest Night.

  • Just finished the book about 30 minutes ago. Good job to all the Erins (especially Kate: founder of Blogclan and the author of Tigerheart’s Shadow). So far the only better super edition was Moth Flight’s Vision (Personal Opinion Only). Right now, I would like to point out my top 3 favorite moments and sections in the book. SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!
    3. Dovewing’s ThunderClan-ShadowClan border meeting with Tigerheart.
    This part kinda started the whole adventure. Dovewing decides to leave the clan to have kits in a den in the city. Tigerheart first says no, but then changed his mind. Readers know that after that 2 ShadowClan warriors wanted to leave and Tigerheart stopped them, but missed leaving with Dovewing. It just really starts the journey of Tigerheart to the city. I wasn’t expecting Dovewing to be pregnant so soon in the book.

    2. Spire’s Discovery of Lost ShadowClan Warriors.
    We all know that when Darktail ruled ShadowClan as the “Kin”, many cats were lost or killed after battles. Sparrow, Berry, Ripple were missing after the RiverClan battle. Berryheart barely survived Darktail’s drowing. Discovering 4 old clanmates that have gone missing is a boost to ShadowClan population, oh and plus 3 kits from Berryheart.

    1. Tigerheart’s Death and Nine Lives Ceromony.
    Readers who’s near the end or completed with the book knows about the Owl Attacks. An owl was lurking in the trees before a cat spotted it. When it was time, the owl tried to grasp Hollowkit, but was countered by Tigerheart. Then, when he attacked the owl, it grabbed him and flew. Tigerheart countered again with a slash ,and the owl let go of him. Tigerheart fell to the ground and received a fatal injury. Tigerheart knew he was near death, but Dovewing encouraged him to not to fall asleep. But as they reach the lake, Tigerheart went to StarClan. When he met Rowanclaw, Rc told Tigerheart that he needed to lead the clan. Then cats revive Tigerheart by given him 9 lives. Then Tigerstar (II) wakes up and found out that Puddleshine suggusted to take Tigerheart’s dead body to the Moonpool. This is a first time dead cat- leader ritual and it turned out well. Really happy that Tigerheart(star) is alive.
    Feel free to tell me your favorite moments from the book.

  • Anyone noticed that Lilyheart’s mate is her own foster brother, Snowbush? They are not acutally related by blood, but it’s kind of weird. Thanks to the editors of the Warriors Wikia (like Jaysnow) for this information.

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