• Reasons Tawnypelt should be deputy:

    -She’s shown herself to be loyal to the true ShadowClan over and over
    -She has good relations with the other Clans, especially ThunderClan
    -Even though she’s from ThunderClan, if anything happens she won’t let her heritage and family stop her from letting them know who’s boss
    -That said, simple Clan rivalries and petty fights won’t faze her into starting unnecessary battles with them
    -She should have been made deputy back when Russetfur died, not to mention all the other times between then
    -With him running off and coming back with outside cats, half-Clan kits, and Dovewing as new members, Tigerheart will need the support of his Clanmates and ShadowClan family more than ever
    -Also, a strong and respected deputy like her will help him bypass any uprising stuff from his actions
    -Let’s face it, she probably ran the Clan while Tigerheart was gone and after Rowanstar stepped down/died
    -She has shown herself to have the authority to act like a leader before and pull it off
    -She’s a respected senior warrior
    -Her Clanmates listen to her and respect her
    -She understands prophecies and journeys, which might come in handy depending on what the rest of the series and beyond has planned
    -She seriously deserves it tbh

    • I get what you’re saying but for some reason I don’t feel like I want that… no matter how many times I think to myself it should be her. Maybe because her son is leader. I’m not sure, though I strongly believe she deserves it. I’d like to see Snowbird or Stonewing as deputy. Maybe Rippletail, but I’m not sure the clan would like that considering he just came back. I think Tawnypelt should be like a second deputy, also advising the leader like a deputy and being a role model for other cats. Watch Lightkit or some kit say this it would be hilarious: “I want to be just like Tawnypelt one day!! She’s so cool! Even though she’s old, she’s a great warrior!”

      • Exactly. Besides, Crowfeather just became deputy, and he’s not much younger than her. Plus, Mistystar is like two generations older and she’s still leader.

    • I agree, I think Tawnypelt is too old! 😛
      She’s one of the only ShadowClan warriors whose had proper character development and lots of experience to be deputy BUUUUT I can’t look past her age at this point . . . so I hope a young, spiffy ShadowClan cat gets picked instead.

      • Well, Bramblestar is leader and he’s the same age as her… and Mistystar has been alive since the first book and she’s still leader… 😛 So who says Tawny can’t be Deputy?

        • While that’s true, Mistystar and Bramblestar were both chosen for deputy when they were still relatively young. (Mistystar in The Darkest Hour and Bramblestar in Sunset.)
          Also, imagine if Tawnypelt was chosen for deputy and Tigerstar 2.0 lived another 5 years . . . she’d be elderly by the time her leadership rolled around! 😛

          • Good point. 🙂 But even though she probably won’t make it to leader, she’ll still serve her clan amazingly as a deputy for a good while before she goes to StarClan. But that’s just my opinion. 😛
            And if she’s not chosen as deputy, that’ll be okay since my #2 choice would be a “young, spiffy” cat instead, too! That would be pretty interesting to see… 🙂

            • Ooooooooooh, you make a lot of good points! 😀
              Okay, I change my mind!!! 😛 I think I would like to see Tawnypelt become deputy because she’s so experienced and wise and ShadowClan rreeaaallllyyy needs that right now . . . only to die before she can be named leader, mwhahahahaha. >:D

          • Well then she can pick a young deputy. But she needs to be deputy now! Plus it would be cool for all the cats who were picked for the journey to the sun-drown-place to have positions of power:
            Brambleclaw(star) – Leader of ThunderClan
            Squirrelpaw(flight) – Deputy of ThunderClan
            Crowpaw(feather) – Deputy of WindClan
            Tawnypelt – Hopefully Deputy of ShadowClan
            Feathertail – Dead 😓
            Stormfur – Not even in the Clans anymore

          • Being deputy isn’t just a step from leader, it’s a job in itself. Mistystar is an elderly leader anyway, so we can still have elderly leaders. Pinestar was one too.

            • Assuming Tigerstar lives a few more years, by the time Tawnypelt became leader she’d (most likely) be older than Mistystar is now. And that’d be at the start of her leadership, rather than the end.
              Nearly all the current elders were apprentices or warriors in the first series too . . . which is a bit too close to Tawnypelt’s age for my comfort. 😛 Though I see where you’re coming from. ^^

      • She’s middle aged, actually. She just seems old since we’ve known her since the first series!

      • well she was the only one who stayed loyal to rowanstar through the whole darktail ordeal. now rowanstar’s dead and tigerheart’s leader. it makes sense.

  • Hey, Kate? What is the place Needletail and co are currently located? Is it like a limbo, before Starclan and the Dark Forest, or is it elsewhere?

  • I might not be the only one who noticed this, but in TS Dawnpelt gives Tigerheart a life. This might not sound that interesting until you realize Dawnpelt was one of the cats still trapped by the lake. It could just be an error, or maybe it prematurely revealed that all of the dead cats still at the lake went to StarClan. What do you guys think?
    Also I took into account that Tigerstar comes back in RoF, which means it could be a spoiler.

  • I really hope Brightheart gets an apprentice before she retires/dies. Blossomfall’s kits should be apprentices soon, so I do have a little bit of hope left.

  • Hey kate, a question…Do you think Frostfur ever felt bad about Ravenpaw?

  • Kate, can you finally tell us about who are on the covers of the Vision of Shadows like who’s on the cover of book1-4 and was that Tigerheart on the Super Edition Tigerheart’s Shadow?

    • Hmmm… Tigerheart on the cover of Tigerheart’s Shadow, who would’ve thunked it??? Sorry for the sarcasm, it’s just that the protagonists of all super editions appear on the covers.

      And these are who I think are on the covers of the AVoS books (I’m probably wrong):
      The Apprentice’s Quest: Alderpaw and Needlepaw???
      Thunder and Shadow: Twigkit and Violetkit
      Shattered Sky: Twigpaw and Violetpaw
      Darkest Night: Leafstar and Hawkwing??
      River of Fire: Alderheart and Sparkpelt

      Wow I probably just failed all of that…

      • I always thought it was Needletail telling Violetpaw/shine to run on the cover for Shattered Sky.

      • I think the ones on Darkest Night’s cover are Hawkwing and Tigerheart … if you compare them with the ones on Hawkwing’s Journey and Tigerheart’s Shadow, you may find that they are quite familiar…
        Although it seems a little weird to put two deputies on the cover😝

        • I mean it kind of makes sense since Darkest Night had to do with SkyClan finding territory, and Tigerheart was the one who suggested they give up some up ShadowClan’s land. Then later, Tigerheart disappears, and ShadowClan joins with SkyClan…

        • Cheetahpaw’s answer is right! 🙂 Tigerheart is on the cover of Tigerheart’s Shadow. (Kate had moderated your comment, but I imagine she didn’t respond because the rest of BlogClan could chip in with the answers! 😀 )

  • I forgot to place a hold at my city’s library! I’m going to be the 43 person to get the book! I will need to exercise my patience!

  • Alright, there’s a ton of debate about whether Tawnypelt’s age should prevent her from becoming deputy, and there’s one solution I think most of you guys are missing. Tawnypelt definitely deserves to be deputy, moreso than any other shadowclan cat. But that doesn’t necessarily mean she has to outlive Tigerstar! I think, like Whitestorm was to Firestar, Tawnypelt could help Tigerstar get on his feet for leadership, and die heroically some short time afterward. This eliminates the problem of an aging deputy, gives an opportunity for a young cat (please Strikestone he deserves it so much) to take the reigns, and most importantly gives Tawnypelt an honorable death, instead of wasting away for the next 5 or so years and dying off screen. Besides, she’ll be reunited with her mate, kits, and mother.

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