Silent Thaw Spoiler Page

Hold on to you hats….

The Silent Thaw will most likely be published Nov 2019; no official date has been set at time of posting, but I know you’ll be eager to discuss it, especially once you’ve read Lost Stars

(btw, I think you’re going to love this arc.)

Feb 12th, 2019: Page updated with cover! This is now a spoiler page!

Feb 15th, 2019: Sorry, BlogClan! We’ve received word from the head honchos of the Erins, and we have to take down the cover as they are not yet finished or ready for the public. This will remain a spoiler page, but a placeholder image will be displayed until further notice!

May 6th, 2019: The cover is now back up, seeing that Harper Collins and Barnes & Nobles both have them up 🙂 Enjoy!

Note: We know you’re excited to continue reading about the lives of these characters, and love the world that the Erins have set up, but Kate is very busy and may not be able to get back to you regarding specific questions you may have – and she certainly can’t answer questions that spoil the next books! If a moderator or Kate tells you that they can’t answer your question, then we ask you to respect that answer. Thank you for your understanding! 🙂

Official cover art


  • Hello, I know Kate is absent (or is she back?), but maybe anyone of you know the answer to my question?

    In the Tribe, how does it work with mentors and to-be’s? Or is a to-be just trained by everyone?

    • Hmm. It’s been a while, so I might be incorrect. 😛 I believe the to-be’s just go out with their designated groups and learn that way. For example, if a patrol of prey-hunters were going out, all (or some, maybe) of the prey-hunter to-be’s would go to watch them and learn. So I think the to-be’s aren’t trained by everyone, just by their designation (prey-hunter or cave-guard). Again, I could be wrong, so if someone knows better please correct me 😛

    • I don’t know at the moment, but I hope it’s Turtleclaw. Turtlecrawl sounds kinda mean, like they’re saying she’s the slowest-moving cat in the forest 😛

      • It’s Turtlecrawl, personally I imagine that it references to her stalking skills, so it’d be like Turtlestalk or Turtlepounce or something 😛

        • …that’s wayyy nicer than what I thought, so I’m gonna go with your interpretation 😛

      • Turtlecrawl, to me, just makes her sound like a cat who’s laying in the forest in a ball, trying to crawl somewhere, having … issues 😛

  • Kate, in TST prologue, it says Bramblestar never died before, hence the life he lost in LS was his first, meaning he still has 8 lives left..

    He’s been leader for over 3 years..what is his secret to preserving his lives??

  • Honestly the only bad part about the samples coming out about two months before release is that now the wait is gonna feel longer rip

  • Kate! Is there any character that you imagine looking different from their official description? I keep thinking of Dewspring as a tabby instead of gray.

  • I really want Hawkwing to be the next leader of Skyclan, and if he does become leader, i’m going to say who i think will give him his 9 lives!

    1. Cherrytail (if she even died)
    2. Sharpclaw
    3. Cloudmist (If she even died)
    4. Duskpaw
    5. Pebbleshine
    6. Leafstar
    7. Waspwhisker
    8. Honeytail
    9. Birdwing

    Cats who may give him lives, not the cats i listed: Snipkit, Billystorm, Firefern, Stormheart, Echosong.

    • If Squirrelflight becomes leader, here’s who should give her her nine lives:

      Bramblestar(if he’s able to get to StarClan)

      Along with Reedwhisker, if he becomes leader:


          • Actually, it’s Pikepaw, since he became an apprentice. And i don’t really want Reedwhisker to become leader. Maybe, let’s say Mistystar dies to old age. Reedwhisker appoints a deputy, but then retires to be an elder right away. That deputy, who i hope would be Duskfur, becomes Duskstar and appoints Minnowtail as deputy. Or the other way around, Minnowtail becomes Minnowstar and appoints Duskfur as deputy. That’s what i think. And i really really want Squirrelstar, but i think it’s confirmed she won’t become a leader…

            • Pikepaw, my bad. I don’t want him to become leader, either…. he’s about ready to retire, and I don’t want a living skeletion again *cough* Mistystar *cough* I think it would be best if Reedwhisker retired just before Mistystar died, before the deputy is chosen. I think it would be great plot to have RiverClan leaderless. If they do have a leader, I think Minnowstar would be the best choice. Also, about Squirrelstar, I think it was only confirmed that she wouldn’t become leader in Squirrelflight’s Hope…. not further in the series. As much as I love Squirrelflight, I have to say that I don’t want a Squirrelstar. I want a Cinderstar or a Whitestar, but I think after Squirrelstar the likely choice would be Lionstar…

              • Oh, that’s great. I really want Squirrelstar. And honestly i would never want Ivypool to become leader. She wasn’t patient to be a mother. She basically left the nursery before her kits even became apprentices. She wouldn’t be patient enough to be a leader. I would want Cinderheart to become leader, not Lionblaze or Whitewing. Whitewing is kinda old tho, but i respect your opinion.

                • I wouldn’t put Ivypool’s letting Fernsong take some nursery duties impatience. It has always struck me as silly that she cats have to give up half a year of warrior ship to raise kittens when the father barely does anything. Ivypool loves her warrior duties and I imagine it would be soul destroying for her to not be able to help her clan by hunting. Although she loves her kittens, she doesn’t feel like she’s doing enough. There’s nothing bad about letting the father take some of the duties that she isn’t exactly necessary for.

                  • Agreed. Many (human) mothers go back into the workforce fairly soon after their child is born. Heck, many dads are stay-at-home dads now! There’s nothing wrong with having a work life. 🙂

  • I really hope Rosepetal or Whitewing can become deputy! I want Whitestar and Rosestar!
    But I think Lionblaze or Ivypool will.

    • I think probably Lionblaze. Hoping for a Cinderstar, but I’m a little worried she might have more kits. Which is okay, but she’s only one kit short of breaking the kit record (which is Ferncloud, by the way). She would make a great leader- kind and noble. If Lionblaze becomes leader, she is likely to be the deputy. But if she’s leader, Lionblaze will likely be the deputy…

      • Hmm…I love the idea of Cinderstar, but I do worry about the Lionblaze deputy thing. I’m kind of wary of the whole making-your-mate-your-deputy thing, since it reeks of choosing your favorite and not necessarily the most skilled.

      • Kind of depressing when you realize that all six of Cinderheart’s kits are alive but literally only one of Ferncloud’s is (and two of hers were younger than Cinderheart)

      • Kind of depressing when you realize that all six of Cinderheart’s kits are alive but literally only one of Ferncloud’s is (and two of hers were younger than Cinderheart)

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